Astrology.Com Traffic & Demographic Statistics 2023

Astrology.Com Traffic & Demographic Statistics 2023

Do you know the astrology market size in 2021 has reached $12.8 billion and is set to reach $22.8 billion by 2031? Astrology.Com is the top-performing software at the moment with 9.2 million visits per day. 

Thus, if you are in the market looking for fresh insights on Astrology.Com, then you are at the right palace. Here we have curated some fresh stats related to Astrology.Com that you should check out. 

Let’s have a look at the content of this article-: 

Key Astrology.Com Usage Statistics 2022

  • Astrology.Com is ranked #12 in the same software category ranking. 
  • It has a bounce rate of 40.83%. This is the average percentage of visitors that only view one page before leaving. 
  • The average duration of time spent on the Astrology.Com site is 5:36 minutes
  • 90.2% of the traffic generated on Astrology.Com is via mobile and the rest 9.8% of the traffic is through the desktop. device traffic

Astrology.Com Monthly Visitors

Astrology.Com received 9.2 million traffic in December 2022.

Month Visitors ( million )
October 9.5
November 8.5
December 9.2 monthly visitors

Astrology.Com Visitors By Country

United States generates the highest percentage of traffic which is 52.94% and the lowest traffic is generated by Australia ( 2.38% ) on Astrology.Com.

Country Traffic Percentage
United States 52.94
Canada 7.96
India 7.17
United Kingdom 5.75
Australia 2.38
Others 23.81 country visitors

Astrology.Com Web Traffic 

53.06% of the web traffic on Astrology.Com is generated without any advertisement and is termed as direct. Apart from that, Google organic search brings 27.04% of the total traffic. 

Search Engine Traffic Generated ( % )
Direct Traffic 53.06
Google 27.04
DuckduckGo 4.59
Yahoo 4.44
Bing 2.96
Others 7.91 web traffic

Astrology.Com Organic & Paid Traffic

Astrology.Com generates 3.2M traffic organically whereas 56.8K traffic is generated via paid advertisements. 

Social Media Traffic Distribution Of Astrology.Com

  • 72.31% of the total traffic on Astrology.Com is derived from Youtube ( Highest ). 
  • Linkedin drives 0.48% of traffic on Astrology.Com ( Lowest ).
Social Media Channels Traffic ( % )
Youtube 72.31
Facebook 21.18
Pinterest 2.64
Reddit 2.50
Linkedin 0.48
Others 0.90 social media traffic

Astrology.Com Demographics

60.79% of the total traffic that visits Astrology.Com is female and ( 30.21% ) is male. gender demographics stats

Age Distribution On Astrology.Com

25-34 age group of visitors ( 28.44% ) is the most active on Astrology.Com whereas the 65+ age group of visitors ( 6.04% ) is the least. 

Age Group Visitors ( % )
18-24 24.03
25-34 28.44
35-44 17.59
45-54 13.67
55-64 10.23
65+ 6.04 age distribution demographic

Astrology.Com Reviews reviews and ratings

After considering brand popularity, e-commerce rating, payment options, return policies, discounts, customer service, and loyalty rewards, 30 customers rated Astrology.Com 4/5⭐.

Astrology.Com Competitors 

Astrology.Com has 2 major competitors that are also performing well in the market. The 1st competitor is with 7.3 million traffic per month and the other is Ganeshaspeaks with 6.2 million traffic per month. 

Here we have done a small comparison between Astrology.Com and its competitors to help you gain a broader view. 

Astrology.Com VS Cafeastrology.Com

  • Cafeastrology.Com is ranked #20 on the same product category ranking, whereas Astrology.Com is ranked #12.
  • On average visitors spend 3:28 minutes on and on the other hand visitors on Astrology.Com spends 5:36 minutes on average. 
  • 64.79% of the traffic on Cafeastrology.Com is of female users. 60.79% is the female percentage visitors on Astrology.Com. 

Astrology.Com VS Ganeshaspeakes

  • Ganeshaspeaks is an astrology site famous in India. It’s ranked #7 in the faith and belief category in India. 
  • The average time spent by visitors on Ganeshaspeaks is 1:25 minutes. 
  • Bounce rate on Ganeshaspeaks is 53.82% and that of Astrology.Com is 40.83%. 


We hope that through this article you were able to gain some fresh knowledge on Here we have listed all the fresh information about the software to give you an overview. Apart from Astrology.Com, we have curated some stats on its competitors as well.

However, if you are planning to create a similar platform just like Astrology.Com and are looking for a software development company, then you should try Appic Softwares. They have an experienced team of mobile and website developers that can assist you. 

Moreover, they use the latest technology like AI, Flutter, React, and more to craft your app. So, what are you waiting for? Get your app developed now! 



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