Entrepreneurs aim to provide the finest possible service to their clients. The thriving market has led to a huge growth in demand for Commerce portals. The product owners have discovered a workable way to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals: Angular eCommerce. Angular’s ability to combine efficiency, security, and performance into a single framework explains why. As a result, this blog post discusses the advantages of Angular for eCommerce development, how to create an eCommerce application with it, and which companies use it.
What Is Angular Ecommerce?
An expansion of Firebase’s capabilities and the classic Angular framework is the Angular eCommerce framework. “The subject of debate is “MODERN SOLUTION FOR A MODERN E-COMMERCE BUSINESS.” Product owners and companies can take full advantage of the advantages offered by Angular eCommerce sites by combining it with Firebase.
As is well known, the Angular framework facilitates the development of effective and efficient single-page applications or SPAs. Nevertheless, Firebase is a collection of hosting services for applications written in any programming language, including PHP, C++, JavaScript (JS), iOS, Android, Unity, and Node.js.
Companies Using Angular For Ecommerce
For a variety of reasons, Angular is widely used by businesses to create their eCommerce applications and websites. Here are a few instances of industry titans that developed eCommerce web applications using Angular:
Because of Angular’s modular architecture, Nike was able to create a scalable and maintainable solution for their eCommerce website.
Because of Angular’s performance optimization features and cross-platform interoperability, McDonald’s selected it for their eCommerce website.
Best Buy
Best Buy offers product listings, online checkout, and shopping cart functionality on its website. Additionally, Angular’s component-based architecture and capacity for massive data handling were factors in their decision.
Google is using Angular’s advantages in its eCommerce products, including Google Express and Google Shopping. Once more, cross-platform compatibility and speed optimization features are important considerations.
Because of Angular’s component-based architecture and powerful testing and debugging capabilities, Forbes’ eCommerce website benefits from it. As a result, features like online checkout, product listings, and subscriptions are presented.
These businesses selected Angular for a variety of reasons, such as its component-based architecture, cross-platform interoperability, performance optimization capabilities, and capacity to manage massive volumes of data. Furthermore, Angular boasts a sizable and vibrant developer community that offers assistance and materials to users of the framework.
Benefits Of Angular Ecommerce Development For Business Owners
Angular eCommerce offers several advantages to entrepreneurs. The most important is that it has no operating costs and provides built-in extensible analytics transfer as your company grows.
Basic Transfer of Knowledge When a Team Switches
One framework that is well-liked by community members is Angular. Therefore, if the team responsible for developing version 1 is not accessible, another team can immediately take up the development effort.
Only Pay for What Is Required
You are welcome to pay for just the infrastructure and services that you utilize. Numerous features are free because it is built on top of Firebase. The remaining ones are only due if you utilize them.
Improved User Interface that Offers Conversions offers a lightning-fast page load time and an amazing user experience. Search engines can index your eCommerce store for conversions thanks to server-side rendering.
Extra Elements for Your Online Store
Your online store can have new features added to it with Angular modules. Additionally, you can link to outside resources that meet the demands and specifications of your company.
Integrated Analytics Adaptable to Your Business Requirements
It keeps track of page bounce, user activity, profiles, and other things. This comprehensive record-keeping offers strong analytics that can help your company develop and expand.
No Running Expenses
A dedicated system administrator is not necessary to maintain the operation of your store. Firebase is a managed application platform developed by Google that powers your store.
Cross-Platform Capabilities
To create mobile applications, simply make small changes to the code of your current web application. and grow your online store to increase revenue.
Benefits Of Angular Ecommerce Development For Developers
Angular developers take advantage of Angular e-commerce’s selfless features, including quick configuration, reusability, and Hosting support. Below are some salient points on how Angular eCommerce helps developers.
System Based on Components and Easily Configurable
Select the parts you require and disregard the remainder without having to worry about a fully functional structure. When adding additional features, later on, install and configure components with greater reasoning.
Extra Help with SSL, CDN, and Hosting
Free SSL and hosting are provided by Firebase for your e-commerce website. Moreover, you can place your content close to your users thanks to its integrated support for Google CDN.
Locate Issues and Complete Deployment Easily
You can identify errors using TypeScript AutoComplete before your project build fails. Firebase provides seamless deployment and uses modular scripts to make it simple to add new features.
Modifiable Elements
You can reuse the components in other applications with Angular. Separating design from logic also makes it possible for you to develop dependable programs more quickly.
Nature Is Open-Source
The large Angular community is always ready to help with a variety of issues at any time. Exchange your code and make use of the shared code that is accessible for guidance.
10 Reasons To Choose Angular For Ecommerce Development
For the creation of eCommerce web apps, Angular should be your first choice for several reasons. Above everything, though, is its level of popularity. based on a recent Statista study conducted in 2022. Depending on the popularity statistic, Angular is a viable alternative for developing eCommerce web applications, since it is now the fifth most popular framework among developers. Other comparable explanations are
- Dynamic and Interactive User Interfaces: Real-time, responsive, and captivating user interfaces are made possible by Angular’s two-way data binding.
- Component-Based Design: By using reusable components, Angular’s component-based design simplifies development and enhances code maintainability.
- High Performance: Angular’s optimization capabilities, like as lazy loading and AOT compilation, help eCommerce websites load faster and provide a better user experience.
- Huge Community and Support: Angular offers libraries, resources, and support to its extensive developer community.
- Integration with Other Tools and Libraries: To further expedite development and raise the caliber of the application, Angular can be readily integrated with a number of different tools and libraries.
- Cross-Platform Development: With Angular’s cross-platform framework, programmers can create web apps that offer a unified user experience on desktop, mobile, and tablet devices.
- Security: Angular is a great option for eCommerce websites because of its built-in capabilities, which include defense against typical security flaws like XSS and CSRF.
- SEO-friendly: Angular’s capabilities for server-side rendering and meta tag management enhance SEO, bringing more customers and revenue to eCommerce sites.
- Testing: To guarantee the dependability and quality of eCommerce websites, Angular includes built-in support for unit and end-to-end testing.
- Scalability: Scaling eCommerce websites to accommodate high traffic and order volumes is made simpler by Angular’s modular architecture and code structure.
6 Easy Steps To Develop An Angular Ecommerce Website
You should take a few actions to obtain a basic Angular eCommerce website. The actions you need to do to prepare and launch your simple eCommerce application are listed below:
Step 1:
Setting up the development environment and installing Angular:
# Install Angular CLI globally
npm install -g @angular/cli
# Create a new Angular project
ng new my-ecommerce-app
# Navigate to the project directory
cd my-ecommerce-app
Step 2:
Layouting the application and configuring the routing.
# Generate a new component for the home page
ng generate component home
# Generate a new component for the product page
ng generate component product
# Generate a new component for the cart page
ng generate component cart
# Generate a new component for the checkout page
ng generate component checkout
# Set up the application routing
ng generate module app-routing –flat –module=app
Step 3:
Developing the backend with Firebase or another serverless solution:
# Create a new Firebase project
# Set up the Firebase CLI
npm install -g firebase-tools
# Login to Firebase CLI
firebase login
# Initialize Firebase
firebase init
# Set up the Firestore database
Step 4:
Copy the Firebase account configuration and create a project in Firebase.
Sign in to Firebase Console => Select your app => Project Settings.
Paste a copy of the Firebase project configuration into the application’s environment.ts file.
# Write firebase config in environment.ts file firebase: { projectId: ‘<projectId>’, appId: ‘<appId>’, databaseURL: ‘<DatabaseURL>’, storageBucket: ‘<storageBucketURL>’, locationId: ‘<locationID>’, apiKey: ‘<API KEY>’, authDomain: ‘<AuthDomain>’, messagingSenderId: ‘<messagingSenderId>’, measurementId: ‘<measurementId> ‘ }
Step 5:
Linking the Firebase backend to the Angular application:
# Install Firebase packages
npm install firebase @angular/fire
# Set up the Firebase configuration in app.module.ts
import { AngularFireModule } from ‘@angular/fire’;
import { AngularFireDatabaseModule } from ‘@angular/fire/database’;
imports: [
declarations: [AppComponent],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Step 6:
Putting eCommerce functionality into practice, including checking out and adding items to the cart:
// Define the CartItem model export interface CartItem { product: Product; quantity: number; } // Define the ProductService to fetch products from Firebase import { Injectable } from ‘@angular/core’; import { AngularFireDatabase } from ‘@angular/fire/database’; import { Observable } from ‘rxjs’; import { map } from ‘rxjs/operators’; import { Product } from ‘./product’; @Injectable({ providedIn: ‘root’ }) export class ProductService { private productsRef = this.db.list<Product>(‘products’); constructor(private db: AngularFireDatabase) {} getProducts(): Observable<Product[]> { return this.productsRef.snapshotChanges().pipe( map(changes => changes.map(c => ({ key: c.payload.key, …c.payload.val() })) ) ); } } // Define the CartService to manage the cart items import { Injectable } from ‘@angular/core’; import { BehaviorSubject } from ‘rxjs’; import { Product } from ‘./product’; import { CartItem } from ‘./cart-item’; @Injectable({ providedIn: ‘root’ }) export class CartService { private cartItems: CartItem[] = []; private cartItemsSubject = new BehaviorSubject<CartItem[]>(this.cartItems); constructor() {} getCartItems(): BehaviorSubject<CartItem[]> { return this.cartItemsSubject; } addCartItem(product: Product, quantity: number): void { const existingItem = this.cartItems.find( item => item.product.key === product.key ); if (existingItem) { existingItem.quantity += quantity; } else { this.cartItems.push({ product, quantity }); } this.cartItemsSubject.next(this.cartItems); } removeCartItem(item: CartItem): void { const index = this.cartItems.indexOf(item); if (index !== -1) { this.cartItems.splice(index, 1); } this.cartItemsSubject.next(this.cartItems); } clearCart(): void { this.cartItems = []; this.cart
After finishing the above-mentioned initial code, you can improve your application in several ways by considering the following factors that support your Angular eCommerce application’s productivity and efficiency:
Create a visually beautiful and user-friendly website design by utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Increase the features: The website can be enhanced with additional features including a search bar, product filtering, a shopping cart, and a payment procedure.
Construct the backend: Construct a backend server to handle and store orders, customer information, and product details.
Including a payment gateway Makes it possible for clients to make safe online payments by utilizing a payment gateway API.
Carry out debugging and testing: To ensure a seamless user experience, test the program for flaws and bugs and troubleshoot any problems that arise.
Deploy the application: After it has been extensively tested, put it live for users in a production environment.
Updating and maintaining the application: To guarantee the application’s continuous functionality and performance, maintain and update it frequently with new features, security updates, and bug patches.
This extensive guide gives you all the details you require for developing eCommerce web applications using the well-known Angular eCommerce framework. With any luck, this blog has helped you fully grasp why you ought to go with Angular for your upcoming e-commerce endeavor.
Moreover, if you are looking for an ecommerce development company that can assist you with Angular ecommerce development, then you should check out Appic Softwares.
We have an experienced team of Angular developers that can assist you with the same. You can even hire dedicated Angular developers from us and let them manage your store.
So, what are you waiting for?