Before 2020, educators and school systems used edtech. But now they need it to include students in remote or hybrid learning. To handle the exponential surge in users, a new era of technology-dependent education needs better solutions and virtual classrooms. Check out this blog to learn more about Things To Consider In Education App Development.

This manual provides a thorough road map for Education App Development from the bottom up. It goes over the key components that educational technology needs to be competitive in a crowded market. It also advises on market evaluation, onboarding best practices, API integration for advanced features like in-app chat, and more.

K–12 teachers, school districts, parents, colleges, and professional development centers are realizing the importance of edtech. This is how a product should meet current and future education stakeholder needs.

Overview of the Education App Development Landscape

Classrooms of today don’t look like those of the past. Old-fashioned overhead projectors have been replaced by interactive, WiFi-enabled Smartboards. Instructors and guardians may both keep an eye on their children’s personalized, AI-powered homework by just glancing at their mobile devices. These kinds of Education App Development resources are made available by the education technology sector, or “edtech.”

Education App Development, which includes hardware and software that improves learning inside and outside the classroom, has grown significantly in recent years. Gallup reports that 90% of third- to twelfth-graders use digital learning tools in school a few times a week. These astounding statistics show edtech use before the massive shift to remote or hybrid learning in early 2020. 53% of educators say personal computers make teaching easier, especially during school closures.

The worldwide epidemic provided an impetus to propel the edtech sector ahead. Kind donations are what fuel a significant portion of our expansion. Over 105 agreements saw $1.66 billion in edtech investment in 2019, while U.S. edtech startups garnered an astounding $803 million in the first half of 2020 alone.

Analysts at Grand View Research predict that edtech will expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.1% from 2020 to 2027, which is significant growth for a sector that didn’t exist before 2000. Experts predict that this growth will continue for years to come. The United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany are spearheading the rise of edtech, and utilization surges are anticipated in China, Japan, and India in the next ten years.

Opportunity Beyond Academics

The most prevalent definition of edtech, also known as online education or e-learning, is the technology that improves performance and connections between educators, students, school districts, and institutions.

Prominent providers of continuing education, like Coursera, Udemy, edX, and Udacity, provide low-cost or free courses known as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). These courses are designed for large audiences and may accommodate thousands of learners or professionals at once. With a 40% CAGR from 2020 to 2024, MOOCs are expected to develop even faster than the edtech industry as a whole, predicts market research firm Technavio.

Since MOOCs mainstream free or inexpensive items, their popularity might pose a threat to your app if you intend to develop a subscription-based business model. Nevertheless, because MOOCs lack community and individualization, class departure rates are abnormally high. By emphasizing what MOOCs lack—highly customized courses and platforms, connections between students and teachers, and creative features that boost incentives for higher course completion rates—edtech entrepreneurs may add value to their solutions.

App developers should concentrate on creating tools that are simple to use, effective, collaborative, and well-designed because they have a specific market niche that will help teachers perform their jobs more successfully. These are the most important factors that edtech product developers should take into account while creating for the contemporary classroom.

How to Choose What Kind of App to Make?

A simplified learning management system (LMS) can help teachers prepare lesson plans, or some apps let teachers connect with parents. There are many types of edtech tools. Here are short accounts of the main types of macro-edtech, along with some well-known companies that use Education App Development.

Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) and Virtual Classrooms

VLEs, often known as virtual learning classrooms or VLEs, are computer programs that simulate a classroom setting and allow students to participate in group projects, polls, and conversations in addition to asking questions. Virtual classrooms serve as models for synchronous learning, or learning in which every student participates at once.

  • Video chat, in-app messaging, screen sharing, digital whiteboards, attendance monitoring, safe cloud storage, and breakout spaces for group discussions are all necessary components of virtual classrooms. Learning management systems and virtual classrooms can be seamlessly integrated into some solutions, and some virtual classrooms are hybrids.
  • Vedamo: A web conferencing platform for group collaboration intended for in-person instruction. Vedamo offers breakout rooms for group work, support for up to 25 video chat users, and interaction with Canvas, Moodle, Schoology, Brightspace, and Google for Education learning management systems.
  • Top Hat: The company describes Top Hat as a “perfect partner to your LMS,” and it offers features like polls, labs, video conferencing, and live tests with set start and end times. For a more dynamic learning experience, Top Hat offers the unique feature of digital interactive textbook access.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Software called a learning management system (LMS) enables teachers to design, organize, and present courses, assign homework, and monitor the academic achievement of their students in Education App Development. LMS is frequently linked to asynchronous learning, which occurs when students complete tasks, hone skills, watch lectures that have been recorded, turn in assignments, and ask questions at their own pace. This type of learning occurs in both commercial and educational contexts. Moderator-moderated student forums and discussion boards are also common on LMS platforms.

  • Numerous learning management systems (LMS) offer integrated virtual classroom features, including polls, quizzes, and video and message chat.
  • Kiddom is a centralized platform that functions as a virtual classroom and learning management system. It allows users to record coursework, hold live video courses, and notify parents and guardians of their children’s progress.
  • Canvas: Known for its open LMS API and emphasis on interoperability, Canvas is one of the most widely used learning management systems in the United States. Both bespoke apps and Google products can be incorporated.

Online Program Management (OPM)

Third-party firms known as online program management (OPM) corporations assist schools, universities, and other educational institutions in creating and delivering online degree, non-degree, and certificate programs. OPMs deal with instructional design best practices, market research, e-learning creation, recruiting and marketing, support services, alumni involvement, and more. Higher education academics often construct the curriculum and material. Many online program management companies split their profits with the universities that use them.

  • Noodle Partners is an online program management organization that offers higher education advice on course design, SEO-based marketing, and data administration by combining in-house development with outside suppliers.
  • Keypath Education: A worldwide OPM, Keypath Education specializes in online university degrees and certificates that apply to the workplace.

Immersive Technology (AR/VR)

Students can explore a location or subject more deeply with the help of augmented reality or virtual reality apps. Augmented reality, which is frequently used with a mobile device, superimposes text, images, or tags over the actual world (imagine Pokemon Go style). Virtual reality necessitates the use of a VR headset and implies complete immersion of the user in a digital environment.

Since VR gear may be expensive, AR software that can be downloaded to a mobile device is more frequently used in traditional educational settings.

  • Human Anatomy Atlas: This 3D representation of the human body is intended for medical students, physicians, and human anatomy students. Users may “dissect” a variety of organs, muscles, and microanatomy, including blood arteries, nerves, the interior of the ear canal, and more, by rotating models 360 degrees.
  • In honor of the 50th anniversary of the first lunar landing, NASA and the Smithsonian Institute developed Apollo’s lunar Shot AR, which lets players virtually explore the moon, launch spacecraft, and engage in a game called “Lunar Landing Challenge” where they must gently land a rocket on the moon’s surface.

Determine Key Users and Clients (And Their Values)

Maintaining a laser-like focus on your core users and customers will assist your engineering team in creating an edtech solution that is vital. According to Jaweria Sethi, the creator of the firm Village Square, “Edtech users are often different from edtech customers,” which sets edtech apart from most other digital platforms. While students, kids, teachers, and professionals make up the majority of edtech users, particular schools, school districts, administrators, families, and companies often have the most influence over which edtech to use.

Educators need to be considerate of all parties involved and have a thorough understanding of the goals and requirements of their clients and users. A list of the top values held by users and consumers in the edtech space can be seen below.

  • The task of finding edtech solutions that several schools or programs under their control will use falls to universities and school districts. Three key considerations are scalability, cost, and dependability. Price consistency is particularly important to administrators since they need to budget for long-term tech use. High-quality, feature-rich edtech solutions will aid colleges in drawing in students.
  • Teachers and professors: Educators who possess the autonomy to select their preferred edtech tools place a premium on high student adoption rates because they seek maximum participation from their students through online forums, Q&A sessions, and other activities. Students who are not as tech-savvy will find it easier to embrace new tools thanks to intuitive onboarding and excellent UI/UX. Key motivators include badges, celebration markings, and thoughtful alerts when handing in tasks.

Proposition of Value and Validation

Any app in the edtech sector needs to have a compelling value proposition that sets it apart from the competition to be successful. App developers need to do a field survey to look at the different edtech solutions that are currently in place and determine which fundamental issues aren’t being addressed.

These factors could seem trivial or arbitrary. However, it’s an important but sometimes disregarded phase in the app development process. Ignoring this step might harm your company later on.

Before developing your app or LMS, conduct thorough market research by looking at the best-performing solutions already on the market, seeing promising prospects, and asking educators what resources they would need to improve their work. Examine the demographic of possible clients to get a better idea of the market for your goods.

Pros and Cons of Custom vs. White Label

Edtech app developers need to choose between building their apps in-house or using a white-label solution for outsourcing. A white-label app is one that a private company develops, renames, and then sells to another business. App developers who specialize in particular features, such as ride-hailing from a nearby taxi service or customer rewards programs, typically create white-label applications.

An internal development team creates custom apps from the bottom up. To effectively integrate sophisticated functionality into apps, developers frequently add external tech stacks, such as APIs and SDKs.

The benefits and drawbacks of choosing a white-label solution over a bespoke one are listed below to assist you in making a smarter app creation decision.

API Conversion for Enhanced Functionalities

Many edtech developers use APIs to quickly add advanced features to their learning management systems, virtual classrooms, and AI-powered math quizzes. To put it simply, APIs let your program send short commands to an outside service.
APIs boost app value with in-app messaging, push notifications, resource library analytics, and more. A language-specific SDK lets developers quickly integrate third-party APIs into apps and use the company’s API maintenance. Development of some app features without SDKs or APIs could take a year and be costly. APIs and SDKs reduce time to market, so 90% of developers use them.
Integrating APIs from specialized businesses is benefiting more edtech tool developers. Edtech builders are using APIs like Dolby Audio + Video, which provides crystal-clear audio and video chat, and Stream Chat, a scalable chat with edtech-perfect features like moderation, threads, direct and group chats, attachments, and more, to add sophisticated messaging and video chat to remote learning communication. These APIs improve communication when used together.

Comply with the Learning Principles

Edtech applications are multifunctional. When a student is having trouble with their assignment, they can provide them instant access to their professors. They can precisely measure student achievement and provide targeted instruction to bridge the educational divide.

Nevertheless, edtech applications need to follow the well-studied learning principles that lead to successful learning if they are to help instructors as best they can. Among these guidelines are:

  • Prior knowledge may either support or impede learning for a pupil.
  • The organization of students’ information has an impact on their learning and application processes.
  • A student’s motivation determines, directs, and maintains what they learn.
  • Students must learn component skills and practice integrating them to attain mastery.
  • Learning is enhanced when goal-oriented instruction is combined with focused feedback.
  • Learning environments influence students.
  • Pupils need to have the ability to observe and modify their methods of instruction.

To make sure that these learning concepts are incorporated into your edtech design, it is advisable to appoint a small advisory group comprised of reputable, committed educators or academics with formal education expertise.

Include Incentives

The aforementioned key learning concepts state that motivation is a tried-and-true strategy for keeping pupils interested in their studies. In the end, educators must maintain students’ motivation. Educators can help by including elements in apps that make students happy when they submit assignments on time, get an A, or participate in class discussions.

In April 2020, when many students were switching to remote learning, Canvas added celebration indicators for one-time submissions to boost student motivation and happiness. The image below shows moving balloons, confetti, and a green bar for completed assignments. Bright colors and pleasing noises like bells or clapping can digitally simulate in-class motivators like public praise and small gifts that instructors love.

Gamification, often known as game-based learning, is another method that edtech tools may increase motivation. “Prizes” can include digital badges or gold coins. ” Through this process, kids choose what to do and learn about the repercussions of making the wrong decision. Additionally, it lets students explore in a risk-free environment, which lets them make mistakes.

Among the edtech applications that encourage gamification are GimKit, which lets instructors and students create game-show-style tests with in-app purchases for the right answers, and DuoLingo, a language study tool.

Verifiably Secure

Due to increased attention and scrutiny, edtech privacy issues are at an all-time high. Education tech companies will need strict security features, so product managers must include security and privacy in their designs. US edtech developers must follow federal laws like COPPA, PPRA, and FERPA.

According to FERPA, parents and qualified students must have access to the student’s educational records that a school maintains. COPPA guarantees that parents maintain authority over personal data gathered online from their young children.

For edtech developers, obtaining certification from third-party certifiers such as iKeepSafe is one approach to make sure that procedures adhere to FERPA, PPRA, and COPPA laws. To demonstrate compliance, popular systems like Clever, ClassDojo, and Blackboard have sought this accreditation.


Appic Softwares is a shining example of creativity and flexibility as an Education App Development Company in the ever-changing world of educational software. We understand the significance of edtech, particularly in light of the worldwide trend toward online and blended education. Appic Softwares has provided a detailed plan for developing useful edtech solutions as teachers, students, and institutions increasingly turn to digital resources. This roadmap highlights the necessity of market evaluation, smooth integration of sophisticated features through APIs, and a focus on the major players in education.

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