Supabase V/S Firebase: Which One To Choose In 2024?  ⋆ Appic Softwares

Supabase V/S Firebase: Which One To Choose In 2024? 

Supabase V/S Firebase

Supabase and Firebase both offer comprehensive backend solutions for app development, catering to various requirements and preferences of developers. While Firebase has long been a go-to choice for many developers, Supabase emerges as a formidable contender, promising powerful features and flexibility for modern app development needs in 2024.

With options like Supabase and Firebase, developers face the dilemma of selecting the most suitable platform for their projects. In this article, we’ll delve into a detailed comparison of Supabase v/s Firebase, weighing their features, capabilities, and suitability in 2024.

What Is Supabase?

Supabase is an open-source platform that leverages PostgreSQL to provide a scalable and customizable backend infrastructure for app development. It offers real-time database functionality, authentication, and storage features, empowering developers to build robust applications with ease. With its focus on open-source technologies and developer-friendly approach, Supabase has gained traction among the developer community.

What Is Firebase?

Firebase, acquired by Google in 2014, has established itself as a leading platform for app development, offering a comprehensive suite of backend services. From real-time database and authentication to analytics and hosting, Firebase provides an all-in-one solution for building and scaling apps. Its integration with other Google services and extensive documentation makes it a popular choice among developers worldwide.

Feature Comparison Of Supabase V/S Firebase

Real-time Database

  • Supabase: Utilizes PostgreSQL’s capabilities to offer real-time functionality through subscriptions. Developers can listen to changes in the database in real-time, enabling seamless updates across connected clients.
  • Firebase: Firebase’s real-time database uses NoSQL technology, providing low-latency updates and synchronization across devices. It offers automatic scaling and offline support, ensuring robust real-time capabilities for apps.


  • Supabase: Supports various authentication methods, including email/password, and custom JWT tokens. Developers can easily integrate authentication into their apps using Supabase’s SDKs and APIs.
  • Firebase: Firebase Authentication offers a wide range of authentication options, including email/password, phone number, and social providers. It provides secure authentication with built-in support for user management and authentication state persistence.


  • Supabase: Integrates with popular cloud storage providers like AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage, offering seamless file storage and retrieval capabilities. Developers can leverage Supabase’s storage features to handle user-generated content and media files efficiently.
  • Firebase: Firebase Storage provides scalable cloud storage for user-generated content, supporting secure uploads and downloads. It seamlessly integrates with other Firebase services, allowing developers to build storage solutions tailored to their app’s needs.

Serverless Functions

  • Supabase: Employs serverless functions using technologies like AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions. Developers can execute custom server-side logic without managing infrastructure, enhancing scalability and efficiency.
  • Firebase: Firebase Cloud Functions lets developers run server-side code in response to Firebase features and HTTPS requests. It offers seamless integration with other Firebase services, providing a robust solution for implementing serverless architecture.


  • Supabase: Offers a generous free tier with essential features like real-time database, authentication, and storage. Its pricing is transparent and based on usage, making it cost-effective for startups and small-scale projects.
  • Firebase: Provides a free tier with generous quotas for most services, making it accessible to developers of all sizes. However, pricing can escalate as app usage grows, especially for enterprise-level applications requiring extensive resources and features.

Suitability And Use Cases Of Supabase V/S Firebase

Supabase V/S Firebase


Supabase is well-suited for developers who prefer open-source solutions and want the flexibility to customize their backend infrastructure. It is ideal for projects requiring real-time functionality, robust authentication, and seamless storage capabilities. Startups and small businesses can benefit from Supabase’s transparent pricing and scalable architecture, while larger enterprises can leverage its extensibility and integration capabilities.


Firebase is suitable for developers seeking a comprehensive backend solution with seamless integration and extensive documentation. It is ideal for projects requiring rapid development, real-time updates, and seamless scalability. Startups and enterprises alike can leverage Firebase’s rich feature set and ecosystem, benefiting from its integration with other Google services and extensive community support.


Both Supabase and Firebase offer powerful backend solutions for app development, catering to different preferences and requirements. While Supabase stands out with its open-source approach and flexibility, Firebase excels in seamless integration and comprehensive feature set. 

Ultimately, the choice between Supabase and Firebase depends on the specific needs of the project, budget considerations, and developer preferences. With both platforms evolving to meet the demands of modern app development, developers will have a wealth of options to choose from in 2024.

If you’re in the market to hire talented developers skilled in either Supabase or Firebase, look no further than Appic Softwares. Our team comprises experienced developers well-versed in both platforms, ready to bring your app ideas to life with efficiency and expertise. Whether you’re leaning towards Supabase for its open-source flexibility or Firebase for its seamless integration with Google services, our developers have the skills to meet your project requirements.

Contact Appic Softwares today to discuss your hiring needs and let us help you assemble the perfect team for your app development endeavors. With our dedicated developers at your side, you can rest assured that your project will be in capable hands from start to finish.


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