The global fintech market is projected to reach $324 billion by 2026, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25.18% from 2021 to 2026. This growth is driven by increasing digital transformation in the financial services industry. With the rising demand for digital tools that simplify financial management, apps like SimplyWise have gained significant popularity. SimplyWise helps users manage their finances by organizing bills, receipts, and financial documents while providing features such as expense tracking and bill reminders. If you’re considering creating an app like SimplyWise in 2024, it’s essential to understand the costs involved. This article provides a detailed breakdown of the estimated costs, factors influencing those costs, key features, and the development process.

What Is SimplyWise And How Does It Work?

SimplyWise is a financial management application that helps users organize and track their expenses, bills, and financial documents. The app’s primary goal is to streamline personal finance management by utilizing advanced technologies like Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to digitize documents and automate financial tasks. Here’s how the app works:

1. Document Scanning

Users can scan their bills, receipts, and other important financial documents using their smartphone’s camera. The app captures high-quality images of the documents, which are then processed for further use.

2. OCR Technology

The app employs OCR technology to convert the scanned images into searchable and editable text. This feature allows users to easily search for specific documents or information without manually going through piles of paperwork.

3. Categorization

SimplyWise automatically categorizes the documents into different sections such as bills, receipts, tax documents, etc. This categorization helps users maintain a well-organized digital record of their financial documents.

4. Expense Tracking

The app provides a comprehensive expense tracking system where users can review their scanned documents and input additional financial information. The system then analyzes the data and provides insights into spending patterns and financial health.

5. Reminders

SimplyWise sends reminders for upcoming bill payments and due dates. This feature helps users avoid late payments and manage their finances more efficiently.

Estimated Cost To Develop An App Like SimplyWise

From $9 trillion in 2023 to over $16 trillion in 2028, a 77% increase, is the predicted total value of digital wallet transactions. So, creating an app like SimplyWise involves multiple stages and considerations, which significantly impact the overall cost. Below, we’ll explore the estimated costs for developing an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), a mid-range app, and a feature-rich app.

Cost Of Developing An MVP

An MVP is the simplest version of the app, containing only the core features necessary to launch the product. The MVP is crucial for testing the market and gathering user feedback before investing in full-scale development.

Estimated Cost: $25,000 – $50,000

Key Features Of An MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

1. User Registration And Login

  • User Registration: Allow users to create an account using their email address, phone number, or social media accounts like Google or Facebook. This feature should include basic security measures such as password encryption and two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security.
  • Login Functionality: Enable users to securely log into the application using their credentials. Incorporate options for password recovery and the ability to stay logged in across sessions for user convenience.

2. Document Scanning

  • In-App Document Scanning: Provide users with the ability to scan documents directly through the app using their smartphone camera. The feature should offer options for adjusting the scanned image, such as cropping, rotating, and enhancing the quality to ensure the document is clear and readable.
  • Auto-Detection: Incorporate technology to automatically detect document edges and correct perspective distortions, making the scanning process easier and more accurate for the user.

3. Basic OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Integration

  • Text Extraction: Integrate a basic OCR engine that can extract text from scanned documents. This feature will allow users to convert physical documents into editable and searchable digital text, making it easier to manage and retrieve information.
  • Language Support: Initially support one or two primary languages, with the potential to expand to additional languages in future updates. Ensure the OCR can handle common fonts and clear text for accurate extraction.

4. Simple Categorization Of Documents

  • Document Organization: Implement a simple system for categorizing and organizing documents. Users should be able to create folders or tags to sort their documents based on type, date, or purpose, making it easier to find and manage their files.
  • Search Functionality: Include a basic search feature that allows users to quickly locate documents by entering keywords or phrases, leveraging the OCR feature for full-text search within documents.

5. Basic Expense Tracking

  • Expense Logging: Allow users to enter expenses or scan receipts to automatically log them manually. Users should be able to input details such as amount, date, category, and a brief description for each expense.
  • Summary View: Provide a simple summary or dashboard view where users can see their total expenses, categorized spending, and trends over a selected period. This will help users to better manage and track their financial habits.

6. Push Notifications For Reminders

  • Reminders for Tasks: Implement push notifications to remind users about important tasks, such as scanning documents, reviewing expenses, or other personalized reminders. Users should have the option to set these reminders manually or have the app suggest them based on their usage patterns.
  • Customizable Notifications: Give users the option to alter the timing and frequency of these alerts so that they receive reminders at convenient times rather than feeling overrun by them.

Factors Influencing MVP Cost

  • Development Team: Hiring a skilled development team (including developers, designers, and testers) will impact the cost. Offshore teams might reduce costs, but it’s essential to ensure quality.
  • Technology Stack: Choosing the right tech stack for the MVP is crucial. For instance, using a cross-platform framework like Flutter can save time and cost compared to developing separate native apps for iOS and Android.
  • Development Time: MVP development typically takes 3-6 months, depending on the complexity and the size of the team.

Cost To Develop A Mid-Range App

A mid-range app includes more features and improved functionality compared to the MVP. It’s a more refined product that’s ready for a broader audience.

Estimated Cost: $50,000 – $100,000

Additional Features For A Mid-Range App

  • Advanced OCR capabilities (with multi-language support)
  • Enhanced categorization and filtering options
  • Detailed expense reports and analytics
  • Cloud storage integration for data backup
  • Integration with third-party services like banks or payment gateways

Factors Influencing Mid-Range App Cost

  • UI/UX Design: Investing in a better user interface and experience can increase the cost but is essential for attracting and retaining users.
  • Backend Development: A robust backend is necessary for handling increased user data and providing seamless integration with third-party services.
  • Security Features: Implementing features like encryption, secure login, and data protection is crucial and can add to the development cost.

Cost To Develop A Feature-Rich App

A feature-rich app is a fully developed product with advanced functionalities that offer users a comprehensive experience. It’s designed for scaling and mass adoption.

Estimated Cost: $100,000 – $200,000+

Advanced Features For A Feature-Rich App

  • AI-driven financial insights and recommendations
  • Multi-platform compatibility (iOS, Android, Web)
  • Voice recognition for document scanning
  • Multi-user accounts and family sharing
  • Customizable dashboards and financial goals
  • Integration with popular financial software (like QuickBooks or Mint)

Factors Influencing Feature-Rich App Cost

  • Advanced Technology: Integrating AI, machine learning, or blockchain can significantly increase development costs.
  • Scalability: Designing the app for scalability involves additional costs for infrastructure, load testing, and database optimization.
  • Maintenance and Updates: Ongoing maintenance, bug fixes, and feature updates are crucial for keeping the app relevant and functional over time.

Factors That Influence The Cost To Create An App Like SimplyWise

Several factors influence the overall cost of creating an app like SimplyWise. Understanding these factors will help you plan your budget more effectively.

1. Complexity Of Features

The complexity and number of features directly impact the development cost. For example, integrating advanced OCR technology or AI-driven analytics will require more time and expertise, increasing costs.

2. Design And User Experience

A well-designed app with a focus on user experience will attract more users but will also require a higher budget for UI/UX design. Custom animations, transitions, and intuitive navigation can increase development time and costs.

3. Development Team Location

The location of your development team can significantly affect costs. For instance, hiring developers in North America or Western Europe will generally be more expensive than in Eastern Europe or Asia.

4. Technology Stack

Choosing the right technology stack is crucial. While cross-platform development tools like Flutter can reduce costs, certain features might require native development, which can be more expensive.

5. Security Measures

Implementing robust security measures is essential because SimplyWise deals with sensitive financial information. This includes data encryption, secure login methods, and compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR.

6. Third-Party Integrations

Integrating third-party services, such as cloud storage, payment gateways, or financial institutions, adds functionality and increases costs due to additional development and testing requirements.

How Appic Softwares Can Assist You In Creating An App Like SimplyWise?

Appic Softwares can be a valuable partner in your journey to create an app like SimplyWise. With extensive experience in mobile app development, our company offers a full range of services from initial consulting and design to development and post-launch support. Their team of experts can help you define the app’s requirements, choose the right technology stack, and ensure that the app is built to the highest standards.

Moreover, Appic Softwares focuses on delivering user-centric solutions, ensuring that the final product not only meets but exceeds user expectations. They also offer ongoing maintenance and support, helping you keep the app up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.


1. How long does it take to develop an app like SimplyWise? 

Developing an app like SimplyWise typically takes around 6 to 12 months, depending on the complexity of features and the resources allocated.

2. What Is The Best Tech Stack for Developing An App Like SimplyWise? 

The tech stack for developing an app like SimplyWise may include languages like Swift or Kotlin for native app development, React Native for cross-platform development, and back-end technologies like Node.js, Python, or Ruby on Rails. For OCR, third-party APIs like Tesseract or Google Vision can be integrated.

3. How Can The App Be monetized? 

Monetization strategies for an app like SimplyWise could include subscription models, in-app purchases, or premium features. Offering a freemium model where basic features are free, and advanced features require payment can attract a larger user base.

4. How Can The App Be Scaled? 

Scaling the app involves optimizing the architecture to handle more users, adding more features, and potentially expanding to new markets. Cloud-based infrastructure like AWS or Google Cloud can support scalability by providing on-demand resources.


Creating an app like SimplyWise requires careful planning, design, development, and ongoing management. By focusing on the core features that users need, such as document scanning, OCR integration, and expense tracking, you can build a valuable tool for managing financial documents. Partnering with an experienced fintech app development company like Appic Softwares can ensure that your app is built to the highest standards and is well-positioned for success in the market.

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