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Large Language Model Development Company

Our AI engineers are machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) specialists. Their expertise lies in developing Large Language Models (LLM), which they use to tailor training to the individual needs of clients and produce superior data and material.


Hire Dedicated LLM Developers From Us At Just $18/Hr

Our Engagment Model

  • Hourly Hiring
  • Fixed Hiring
  • Dedicated Team

What Is A Large Language Model (LLM)?

Among other things, a large language model (LLM) is a kind of artificial intelligence (AI) program that can recognize and produce text. Huge data sets are used to train LLMs, hence the term "large." Machine learning, namely a kind of neural network known as a transformer model, is the foundation of LLMs.

To put it more simply, an LLM is a computer program that has been fed enough instances to identify and comprehend complicated data, like human language.

Our Large Language Model Development Services


LLM Consulting Services

We assess your company's operations and pinpoint the areas where putting LLM-backed solutions into practice can yield excellent outcomes. Following the assessment, we create a unique implementation plan for the LLM solution that takes scalability, security, and data compliance into account.


LLM Development

Your particular problems call for special solutions, and to put those solutions into practice, you'll need an LLM development business with a group of LLM engineers skilled in GPT, DALL.E2, and other models.


LLM Integration Services

Employ our LLM developers to include LLM models in your current software, digital product, or content management system. We make sure the LLM models are familiar to your business natives before integrating to provide accurate results.



To keep models fully operational and produce outstanding outcomes, LLMOps encompass training & fine-tuning, deploying & managing, and tracking & maintaining models. We offer these LLM development services at prices that are reasonable in comparison to other providers.


LLM Customizations

We make sure that ML tools like PyTorch, TensorFlow, and others are used to construct LLM-backed solutions like BERT, T5, and others. We promise to develop voice UIs, recommender systems, chatbots, and sentiment analysis to help you grow your company.


LLM Backend App Development

To create an application that is supported by LLM, you can even get in contact with an LLM development business. From identifying the goals of your application to choosing the best machine learning models for development and training, we can assist you.


Prompt Engineering

We at Appic Softwares are skilled in developing and implementing a range of LLMs that provide you with numerous advantages. Prompt design, prompt optimization, and prompt evaluation are our strong points.


LLM Support And Maintenance

We work as long-term partners with our clients, which means that in addition to implementation, we also offer support and upkeep after deployment. Our domain-specific LLM development services and solutions keep an eye on the functionality of the models, correct problems, conduct troubleshooting, and update them frequently.

Our LLM Development Process

Project Planning

We take a moment to understand the situation thoroughly before delving into the technical details and model design. By focusing on your unique requirements and obstacles, we create a plan that aligns with your company's goals and yields measurable outcomes.

Model Design & Evaluation

We pull up our sleeves and start developing when we have a clear objective and the facts available. However, we don't end with creation. To ensure that it can handle real-world business difficulties, every model is put through a thorough testing process.


It's critical to maintain your LLM at its peak. Our maintenance programs ensure that your model will always operate at its best, keeping up with the latest developments in the market and your ever-evolving company needs.


Data Collection

Data is essential for any LLM. Our team works very hard to gather, clean up, and prepare the pertinent datasets so that they are of the highest caliber. Whether it's large datasets specialized to a given industry or a variety of text sources, we make sure it's prepared for evaluation and training.

Development & Testing

Adapting to real-world use after testing might be difficult. However, we execute this change with ease. Our professionals integrate the LLM with your existing IT setup, ensuring a seamless transfer and increased productivity.


Project Planning

We take a moment to understand the situation thoroughly before delving into the technical details and model design. By focusing on your unique requirements and obstacles, we create a plan that aligns with your company's goals and yields measurable outcomes.


Data Collection

Data is essential for any LLM. Our team works very hard to gather, clean up, and prepare the pertinent datasets so that they are of the highest caliber. Whether it's large datasets specialized to a given industry or a variety of text sources, we make sure it's prepared for evaluation and training.


Model Design & Evaluation

We pull up our sleeves and start developing when we have a clear objective and the facts available. However, we don't end with creation. To ensure that it can handle real-world business difficulties, every model is put through a thorough testing process.


Development & Testing

Adapting to real-world use after testing might be difficult. However, we execute this change with ease. Our professionals integrate the LLM with your existing IT setup, ensuring a seamless transfer and increased productivity.



It's critical to maintain your LLM at its peak. Our maintenance programs ensure that your model will always operate at its best, keeping up with the latest developments in the market and your ever-evolving company needs.

Our Engagement Models

With us, you may select the employment model that best fits your needs from a variety of options.


Hire A Dedicated Team

It is an experienced, self-sufficient team made up of several positions (such as project manager, software engineer, QA engineer, and others) that can provide technological solutions quickly and effectively. Each unique project has specified duties, and a Scrum Master works in tandem with the client's product owner to oversee the project.

  • Agile procedures
  • Open-minded pricing
  • Billing per month
  • Maximum adaptability
  • Ideal for software/product firms, MVPs, and startups

Hire Dedicated Developers

Team augmentation is appropriate for projects and businesses of all sizes. It bridges the talent gap in your team by bringing in the necessary talent. The members of your augmented team are integrated into your local or distributed team, participating in your daily meetings and answering directly to your supervisors. This enables companies to grow quickly and as needed.

  • Adapt to demand
  • Efficient and economical
  • Billing per month
  • Avoid the headaches of hiring
  • Open-minded pricing

Project Based Development

We can assess the project and provide a firm quote once the deliverables, scope, acceptance criteria, and specifications are all well-defined. Small- to medium-sized projects with well-documented specs are best suited for this.

  • A dedicated project manager
  • 95% of the projects were completed on schedule and under budget.

Why Choose Appic Softwares For Large Language Model Development?

Experienced Team Of Developers

Appic Softwares has a team of pre-vetted LLM developers that you can hire. Their unique combination of practical experience and in-depth knowledge guarantees that every project is managed with precision, care, and inventiveness.

Agile Development Process

Iterative processes and speedy turnarounds without sacrificing quality are all important to us. Our flexible methodology makes sure your project changes with the times and responds to input.

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Advance Technology

Like the AI scene, we never stop changing. We're dedicated to keeping up with the most recent developments in AI and machine learning so that your LLM solutions are always state-of-the-art.

Cost Saving

You may obtain excellent AI-powered solutions without having to pay a premium price thanks to our cost-effective methods and value-oriented approach. You may have the best of both worlds with Appic Softwares, excellent quality at a reasonable cost.

Our LLM Development Expertise


Machine Learning

Our developers build entertaining bots that employ the user interface to perform common, principle-based tasks, mimicking human interaction with digital applications. Our main stack includes Accord.Net, Keras, Apache, and several additional technologies.


Natural Learning Platform Development

To detect developing patterns, provide operational insights, and perform predictive analytics, we provide Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems that evaluate structured and semistructured content, such as search queries, mined web data, business data repositories, and audio sources.


Fine Tuning

Transfer learning is the process of fine-tuning AI models using a smaller dataset to make them specific to a certain job. This can lower the amount of computing and data needed to train an excellent model for a certain use case.


Deep Learning Development

To create cognitive BI technology frameworks that can identify particular concepts across processing operations, we develop ML-based DL technologies. We also employ continuous deep-learning algorithms to mine complex data for different opportunities and reach exact perfection.

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say About Us!

Linda Farr

Alessandro Fracassi italy

CEO - Surfeye

Linda Farr

Alessandro Nora garmany

CEO - Metrikflow

Inspiring Customer Reviews

"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last 3 months and the communication has been great, and if we have any urgent deadline they are always there to help…"

Alessandro Fracassi


"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last past 6 months as an extended team and the experience has been great, they have great work ethics…"

Alessandro Nora



A type of artificial intelligence (AI) models known as large language models (LLMs) is made to process and analyse human language on a very large scale. To learn the correlations and patterns found in language, they are usually trained on vast volumes of text data using methods like deep learning.

Transformer, recurrent neural network (RNN), and convolutional neural network (CNN) models are the three most widely used LLM types. Our team has worked with many Large Language Models, such as Google's T5, Facebook's RoBERTa, OpenAI's GPT-3, and Google's BERT.

The length of time needed to create an LLM varies depending on a number of variables, including the task's complexity, the dataset's size, and the available computational power. It can take a few days, many months, or even years to develop an LLM model. For instance, it can just take a few days to a week to construct a tiny LLM for a straightforward task like sentiment analysis on a small dataset. On the other hand, it can take a group of academics many months or even years to build, train, and optimize a large-scale LLM model for a challenging task like natural language translation. It's important to remember that creating an LLM model is an iterative process that requires several iterations of training, validation, and fine-tuning. As a result, the timetable may change based on the outcomes of each iteration and the degree of precision required for the current assignment.

Natural language processing, sentiment analysis, chatbots, language translation, text summarization, and question-answering systems are just a few of the language-related applications that employ LLMs.

We provide a variety of services, such as LLM-based strategy formulation and consultation, development of custom solutions, development of apps powered by LLM models, LLM model integration, LLM model fine-tuning, support and maintenance services, and more. For your commercial or research purposes, our team of professionals can help you fully utilize the potential of large language models thanks to their experience and knowledge.

A wide range of industries, including finance, proptech, manufacturing, healthcare, private equity, e-commerce, legal, and more, are served by our LLMs and LLM-powered solutions. These models are intended to enhance customer engagement, expedite company procedures, and further natural language processing research. They can be tailored to match the unique requirements of our clients.

Just get in touch with us to discuss your project or business requirements to get things started. Together, we will ascertain your demands and the parameters of the project to provide a solution that is specifically tailored to your specifications.

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