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Tezos Development Company

To guarantee the security of smart contracts, open participation, and long-term upgradability, we create Tezos-based assets and apps.


Hire Dedicated Tezos Developers From Us At Just $18/Hr

Our Engagment Model

  • Hourly Hiring
  • Fixed Hiring
  • Dedicated Team

A Leading Tezos Development Company

Our team of blockchain developers has expertise in creating and implementing Tezos dApps, having built apps on many blockchain platforms. In addition to developing microservices, setting up Tezos nodes, creating Tezos wallets, and integrating Tezos APIs into your current application or solution, our Tezos development team can swiftly identify both on-chain and off-chain entities.

Our Tezos Blockchain Development Services


Tezos Consulting

Our Tezos Development Team assists you in determining whether the Tezos Blockchain Platform is practical for your particular business use case and how it might improve the ecosystem's efficiency. After determining the necessity of the Tezos Blockchain Platform, we proceed to determine the necessary technological stack, off-chain entities, and on-chain entities.


Smart Contracts Development

Our Tezos Developers build Tezos Smart Contracts, which automate processes on the Tezos Blockchain network, using the Michelson language. Our blockchain developers ensure that the smart contract they create for a private or public network is error-free, having experience constructing them on various blockchain platforms.


Tezos Integration

To link your current program or application with the Tezos blockchain network, we employ a variety of Tezos SDKs, APIs, and tools, including Taquito, Conseil, Morley, TezosKit, PyTezos, and TezosJ. We guarantee excellent traceability, scalability, and adaptability when integrating various APIs or SDKs


Token Development

We assist you in creating a stable token based on the Tezos blockchain, along with a host of other features like degradation and post-deployment maintenance. When creating Tezos tokens, we make sure to include appropriate testing and assistance at every stage of the development process.


Wallet Development

For your company on Tezos, we can provide specialized wallets that support XTZ (Tezos) coins. We are skilled in helping businesses and startups seamlessly integrate Tezos Wallet with their current platform or application.


Tezos dApp Development

We can create scalable and reliable Tezos dApps with a focus on the specific needs of the customer thanks to our technological expertise and blockchain app development experience. Since Tezos is built with decentralized exchange capabilities, we can create DEX applications as well.

Our Tezos Development Process

Business Requirements

Our value-driven process is based on the definition of specific goals, which we accomplish in close collaboration with customers in order to understand their vision, address issues, and establish meaningful standards.

Development And Testing

The precision and discipline of our process come first. Skilled blockchain programmers adhere to best practices, resulting in a safe protocol. Extensive testing finds and fixes flaws, guaranteeing optimal security and faultless operation.

Deployment And Support

We facilitate protocol deployment by providing constant oversight and assistance. After launch, we remain dedicated to providing value by making sure your blockchain protocol continuously achieves its goals and changes to meet the demands of a changing environment.


In-Depth Research

Value is determined by well-informed decisions. We carry out in-depth research, examining trends, industry difficulties, and current solutions. We select the most effective protocol components by investigating platforms, smart contracts, and consensus methods.

Value Centric Iteration

We embrace value-driven development as a means of ongoing progress. We get input from stakeholders after the protocol is first developed in order to improve it and make it more in line with the targeted value proposition. This continuous improvement guarantees effect and relevance in the ever-changing blockchain environment.


Requirement Analysis

In order to fully comprehend our clients' unique business needs, obstacles, and goals, we work directly with them.


Model Selection

We choose the best pre-trained generative AI model, or a combination of models, based on the indicated demands. This could include specific image-based generative models or well-known models like GPT-3 and GPT-4.


Data Integration & Fine Tuning

We incorporate the generative AI system with the client's data sources, including text, photos, and other types of information. In addition, we adjust and refine the chosen model to match the domain-specific data and business requirements of the customer.


Testing & Evaluation

The integrated generative AI system is thoroughly tested and evaluated prior to full implementation. This guarantees high-quality output generation along with performance, accuracy, and compatibility with the client's operations.


Support & Maintenance

In order to keep the generative AI integration current, effective, and in line with any shifting business needs or technology breakthroughs, we offer continuous support, maintenance, and upgrades.

Why Choose Appic Softwares For Tezos Development?

Tech Proficiency

Our team consists of proficient Tezos blockchain developers with a track record of accomplishments and practical experience in delivering successful projects.

Tailored Solutions

Every project is different. We customize solutions to meet your needs and match them with your company's objectives for a unique strategy.

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Quality Assurance

We put security, dependability, and scalability first by using strict testing procedures and industry best practices.

Client-Centric Approach

Your happiness is our top priority. We guarantee honest communication, frequent updates, and consideration of your suggestions as we work.

Our Engagment Models


Dedicated Development Team

Our developers use state-of-the-art cognitive technology to provide our clients with customized solutions and superior services.

  • Agile procedures
  • Open-minded pricing
  • Billing per month
  • Maximum adaptability
  • Ideal for software/product firms, MVPs, and startups

Hire Dedicated Developers

Our team extension concept is intended to help clients who want to add the specific knowledge required for their projects to their teams.

  • Adapt to demand
  • Efficient and economical
  • Billing per month
  • Avoid the headaches of hiring
  • Open-minded pricing

Project-Based Model

Our team of software development specialists provides support to our project-oriented strategy, which is aimed at attaining project objectives and facilitating client collaboration.

  • A dedicated project manager
  • 95% of the projects were completed on schedule and under budget.

Why Choose Tezos Development For dApp?


Proof Of Stake

Members of the Tezos network came to an agreement over the blockchain's current state through Proof of Stake. In contrast to existing proof-of-work protocols, Tezos allows any stakeholder to participate in the consensus process and receive rewards from the protocol for enhancing the security and stability of the network.


On-Chain Governance

The protocol's governance is open to participation from all parties. Stakeholders have a methodical way to agree on protocol changes during the election cycle.



Tezos upgrades itself without dividing the network into two distinct blockchains by employing a self-amendment strategy. Future innovations can be executed with ease and protocol upgrades become less expensive as a result of self-amendment, execution, and coordination.


Smart Contracts

Tezos offers a platform for developing decentralized apps (dApps) and smart contracts that are impervious to external shutdown. Tezos makes formal verification easier, which can enhance security.

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say About Us!

Linda Farr

Alessandro Fracassi italy

CEO - Surfeye

Linda Farr

Alessandro Nora garmany

CEO - Metrikflow

Inspiring Customer Reviews

"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last 3 months and the communication has been great, and if we have any urgent deadline they are always there to help…"

Alessandro Fracassi


"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last past 6 months as an extended team and the experience has been great, they have great work ethics…"

Alessandro Nora



Blockchain technology is used by Tezos, a decentralized ledger, for assets and apps. Many validators, researchers, and builders throughout the world endorse it.

Tezos' main goal is to force token owners to collaborate in order to make decisions that will gradually enhance their technology. The native Tezos token is called XTZ. It tackles some of the most notable obstacles to the widespread use of blockchain technology, such as open participation and smart contract security.

With its self-amendment process, Tezos provides a more adaptable and upgradeable blockchain than Ethereum, which necessitates hard splits for updates. Additionally, Tezos features an integrated governance framework that allows token holders to influence decisions and advance decentralization. Furthermore, compared to Ethereum's Proof-of-Work consensus method, Tezos uses Liquid Proof-of-Stake (LPoS), which is more energy-efficient and has a smaller environmental impact.

Tezos is good for NFTs, or non-fungible tokens. Its blockchain makes it a feasible platform for NFT development and transactions by enabling the production and sale of NFTs with attributes like security, cheap fees, and community governance.

Because of its developer-friendly features, secure LPoS consensus, community-driven governance, and ability to be flexible, safe, and inclusive for the development of decentralized applications (DApps), Tezos has gained a lot of popularity.

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