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On Demand Veterinary App Development

Are you going to develop a veterinarian app or include veterinary services into your pet care app? Appic Softwares can assist. Our team of skilled pet care app developers has helped several other clients with veterinary app development in the past.


Looking for a Pet Care App Development Company? Appic Softwares will be the perfect match for you.

Our Engagment Model

  • Hourly Hiring
  • Fixed Hiring
  • Dedicated Team

What is an On Demand Vet App?

A Vet On Demand App is a smartphone application that connects licensed veterinarians with pet owners to offer on-demand veterinary services and consultations. Pet owners won't need to visit a clinic in order to conveniently receive veterinary advice and care thanks to these applications. Services connected to pet health should be the main emphasis of a vet app.


Top On-Demand Vet Apps

Desk   Create an app like Pet Desk

PetDesk sets the bar for veterinary consulting apps. It's a one-stop shop for pet owners who want to prolong their pets' lives and health. This software lets pet owners store their pet's medical data, medications, groomer and vet contacts, and other important information. PetDesk lets you plan vet visits, text or video chat, and set medicine reminders. This company also has a blog with educational and pet care information.

Televet   Create an app like Televet

This online veterinary service supplements tests and appointments with qualified veterinarian consultations. Televet's creators say both parties must use the app to talk to your pet's vet. Vets can be contacted via video call, photos, and text messages using the app. It's quick and easy to check on your pet, get a treatment plan, and manage healing under a vet's supervision.

Coach   Create an app like Pet Coach

PetCoach isn't your typical vet telemedicine app. You'll find your ideal licensed veterinarian, trainer, nutritionist, or other pet care specialist here, plus more. This veterinarian app is famous for its large database of unique pet care tips. PetCoach lets you always reach a competent pet professional for a confidential consultation. However, if your query is not very precise, you may find the answer in the hundreds of frequently asked questions (FAQs) or ask someone else.

Anipanion   Create an app like Anipanion

The Anipanion app promises instant, flawless, and fast veterinary specialist contact at any time or location. You can get medical advice on your pet's behavior, nutrition, skin, and vision issues using the app. To improve collaboration with your vet, store your consultation notes so you can review them later and refer to the summaries in future appointments.

On Demand Vet App Development Features


Registration and Profile Management

Permit users to manage their personal information, make accounts, and finish their pet profiles.


Search and Matching

​​We give consumers the option to look for veterinarians based on availability, specialization, or area and pair them with appropriate vets.


Appointment Booking

We provide a way for users to make appointments for online consultations or in-person meetings with veterinarians.


Virtual Consultations

Provide video and chat features so that people may speak with veterinarians virtually about health concerns affecting their pets and get advice.


Symptom Checker

An AI-powered symptom checker tool is included to assist owners in identifying potential health concerns in their pets.


Prescription and Medicine Management

We provide a function that allows physicians to prescribe prescriptions and consumers to manage their pets' medications through the app.


Pet records and history

Users should be able to save and access their pet's medical data, immunization history, and treatment history


Payment Gateway

Secure payment alternatives for consultation fees, medication purchases, and other in-app transactions should be included.


Emergency Services

Provide access to emergency veterinary care with clear instructions in case of an emergency.


Profile Creation

Allow veterinarians to build professional profiles that include qualifications, specializations, and availability.


Appointment Management

Provide veterinarians with a dashboard where they can monitor and manage their appointments, including scheduling, rescheduling, and canceling appointments.


Video and Chat Consultation

Allow physicians to perform virtual consultations and speak with pet owners via video calls.


Prescription Management

Create a safe system for veterinarians to use to issue prescriptions, propose treatments, and maintain drug doses.


Access to Pet Records

Allow vets to access the pet's medical history and any records that the pet owner has supplied during the consultation.


Billing and Payments

Allow veterinarians to manage their profits, track payments, and securely receive payments via the app.


User and Vet Management

Administrators should be able to control user accounts, as well as veterinarian accounts, and check credentials.


Content management

Manage user content such as FAQs, articles, and health recommendations.


Analytics and Reporting

Make analytics and reporting tools available for tracking app usage, appointments, and financial data.


Emergency Alerts

Implement an emergency alert system for life-threatening scenarios or app-related problems.


Review and Rating Management

Administrators should be able to control and manage user ratings and reviews.


Customer Support

Include customer support and communication tools with users and veterinarians.

How Does the Vet On Demands App Work?

Using a veterinary app, pet owners may locate and get in touch with veterinarians from anywhere on the globe. This type of platform facilitates online consultations.

  • Clients of on-demand veterinary applications often have SMS and video call capabilities.
  • Video consultations enable a pet examination to be conducted using a device's camera.
  • The entire thing is encapsulated in solid data protection in on demand veterinary app development.
  • These platforms allow users to schedule consultations, get prescriptions, and track doctor visits online.
  • You can utilize an in-app chat to ask your doctor a brief inquiry if you already understand the problem.
  • Use an Internet of Things-powered pet monitoring system, and even purchase certain items for their pet's needs.
  • A video chat is frequently sufficient to assess a pet's general health or identify certain problems.
  • For continued care and monitoring, the app might enable follow-up consultations or communication with the same veterinarian.

Benefits of On Demand Vet Apps

Licensed-professionalsLicensed professionals

With the help of a top-notch vet selection system found in a reputable vet on-demand app, you may contact knowledgeable professionals with confidence.

Appointment-SchedulingAppointment Scheduling

Developers of apps frequently include practical planning features. For example, customers may easily fit a consultation into their daily schedules thanks to Google Calendar integration.

Emergency-SupportEmergency Support

Vet applications could provide 24-hour assistance, allowing you to seek expert assistance day or night in the event of an accident.

Pet-Medical-Data-StoragePet Medical Data Storage

You may enter and save all of your pet's medical records, including medicines and diagnoses, in a pet care app. This means that you will always have instant access to these documents, which might be crucial in an emergency.

Easy-to-locate-Vet-HospitalsEasy-to-locate Vet Hospitals

You can select a veterinarian and schedule a live consultation if a video or chat consultation is insufficient. Vet-on-demand applications provide a GPS-based search on an in-app map for that purpose.

Appic Softwares Engagement Modules

In order to avoid having to compromise on quality, our hiring models for Pet App development services will help you reduce the costs associated with developing apps and provide a robust product on time and under budget.

Hourly Hiring

Small and medium-sized firms are the primary target of the Time and Material strategy because these projects are difficult and lengthy. T&M is also suited for continuing projects that need maintenance or assistance, as well as projects that are in the testing.

  • Ill-defined project concept
  • Flexible workflow
  • Unspecific target market
  • High standards of control

Dedicated Team

Enterprise initiatives benefit most from the Dedicated Team methodology. We usually see two situations: one in which a dedicated team is formed to create a product from the beginning, and another in which a dedicated team is formed to continue development.

  • Ideal for complicated projects
  • Continually working together
  • Targeting the global market
  • The desired degree of involvement

How To Monetization Your veterinary App?

Subscription-ModelSubscription Model

Payments made on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis for the use of a product are a tried-and-true method of monetization; this strategy is also applicable to telemedicine apps for veterinarians and pet owners. In addition, this strategy could appeal to customers who aren't interested in using your app on a long-term basis but who would use it for a one-time consultation or to treat an ailment in their pet, for example.

Experienced-DevelopersCommission Model

Apps that provide on-demand veterinary care fall under the category of digital marketplaces that facilitate the frequent purchase and sale of services. Therefore, you too have the opportunity to profit from its particularity. Commission can be thought of as a flat charge or a percentage of the total amount earned from a transaction completed within an app. However, it is essential to strike the correct balance between the amount of money consumers should pay each time and the amount of cash they want to generate in order to avoid making commissions a burden for their customers.

Featured-ListingFeatured Listing

This particular kind of monetization, in contrast to others, benefits you and other veterinary professionals and businesses that use your software. This party has the opportunity to get onto the app's homepage by paying a predetermined cost. As a result, they will be able to promote their services more effectively, leading to increased earnings.

In-App-PaymentIn-App Payment

You may use your existing app that provides on-demand veterinary care as a platform to market your wares. It's possible that these are pet foods or supplements, pet accessories or equipment, or even other products that pet owners would find helpful. It's possible that providing more complex in-app features to users who want to get the most out of their platform might be another approach to encouraging payment.

Why Appic Softwares for On-demand Veterinary App Development?

Expertise in Veterinary App

Appic Softwares holds its employees and projects to extremely high standards. You can be confident that our app developers are the best in the business since we exclusively hire the top 1% of IT expertise.

Seamless Communication

Every member of our team speaks English, and our time zone matches the US. This implies open communication, which is crucial to progress, especially when labor is outsourced. We will make communication as easy as possible because we know you want to work with your partner's team.


We commit to be completely open and truthful with you at every stage of the app development process. We're available to respond to inquiries and provide you updates on our progress. We think surprises should never happen. The project manager will provide you with updates on the work that the developers have been performing and any developments during the week.

Dedicated Team

All our teams promise to provide your company and project their full attention. Outsourcing your technical needs to a partner firm with sector-specific expertise will provide you more time to focus on your core business and boost productivity. Not to worry about your website's technical requirements—we'll manage it. Additionally, you will have a dedicated project manager to ensure development runs smoothly.

Benefits Of Choosing Appic Softwares For On Demand Veterinary App Development


Experienced Team Of On Demand Veterinary App Developers

Appic Softwares have an exprienced team of On Demand Veterinary App Developers that have previously built so many apps and it can also help you in building an customized On Demand Veterinary App.


Responsive Customer Support and Feedback

Appic Softwares is crucial for building trust, ensuring customer satisfaction, and continuously improving the app's features and capabilities.


30 Days Free Post Maintenance

We will offer 30 days of free maintenance after your software is launched, allowing you to make adjustments in accordance with what your customers need.

More Reasons To Choose Appic Softwares For Pet App Development Services!

  • 200+

  • $10M+

    Raised for startups
  • 15+


Experienced Team Of Developers

We work around all the latest technologies

Our developers follow the agile development method

We follow the COE model of delivery

Customer satisfaction is our motto

An ISO-certified firm that signs NDA

You would get a dedicated team with a project manager

95% of the projects were delivered on time and within the budget of the customers

Industries We Serve





Inspiring Customer Reviews


A smartphone application known as an on-demand veterinary app links pet owners with licensed veterinarians, enabling them to arrange appointments, ask questions, and even request home calls for their dogs' medical need.

User registration, appointment scheduling, in-app chat or video consultations, payment processing, real-time tracking, user and veterinarian profiles, and access to pet health information are usually considered key features.

You should first talk to a trustworthy app development business about your app concept. They will assist you in defining your project, putting out a schedule, and estimating costs.

The technological stack might include of databases like PostgreSQL or MongoDB, a backend framework like Node.js or Ruby on Rails, and programming languages like Swift for iOS and Java/Kotlin for Android. Azure and AWS cloud services can also be used.

While development times might vary, a basic version of the app might take four to six months. The timescale may be extended by more intricate features or integrations.

Security of data is essential. Depending on the app's intended market, confirm that the app development business adheres to industry best practices, employs encryption, and conforms with data protection laws like GDPR or HIPAA.

The complexity of the software, the quantity of features, platform compatibility (iOS and Android), and the hourly rates of the development team are some of the variables that affect the cost. The range of a ballpark estimate is from $30,000 to $100,000 or more.

There are a number of ways to make money with your app, including charging for in-app appointments, premium features, subscription plans, in-app ads, and joint ventures with pet-related companies.

Provide an easy-to-use platform together with competitive pay and benefits. Emphasize the benefits of having access to a wider customer base and flexible work schedules. Networking and marketing through veterinary societies can also be beneficial.

Make use of social media, digital marketing, SEO, and collaborations with influencers who are involved in the pet industry. Highlight the app's special features, accessibility to licensed veterinarians, and ease of use.

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