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Blockchain Consulting Services

Take advantage of Appic Softwares strong tech experience and knowledge to solve your most difficult technology problems and develop the skills you need to succeed in the blockchain industry.


Hire Dedicated Blockchain Developers From Us At Just $18/Hr

Our Engagment Model

  • Hourly Hiring
  • Fixed Hiring
  • Dedicated Team

A Leading Blockchain Consulting Services

With the help of our all-inclusive blockchain consulting services, businesses may boost productivity over time and innovate in the digital sector more sustainably. Partner with us for help whether you want to create a new decentralized product or service, explore the blockchain world, choose a protocol for development, or just increase your market share. Our blockchain consulting services, which are concentrated on DeFi, NFTs, metaverse, decentralized gaming, and web3, can assist your company in enhancing its technological implementation and growing its core strengths.

Our Blockchain Consulting Services


Work Strategy Development

To assist you better grasp blockchain technology, its possible use cases, and its utilization, our team offers live webinars and seminars. We use case studies of our initiatives to show how the blockchain may revolutionize your sector.


Blockchain Consultancy

We look at your current system, determine whether you need a blockchain solution tailored to your use case, and assess how blockchain might benefit your company. For the project under consideration, we recommend the appropriate technology as well as potential fixes.


Quick PoC

To show the usefulness of your blockchain idea, our team develops a Proof of Concept (PoC). Through the PoC, clients may better comprehend how their blockchain environment functions.


Blockchain Development

You can advance your concept to development if you have a clear understanding of whether blockchain technology is feasible for your use case. Being a top provider of blockchain development services, we create and provide scalable blockchain solutions to transform your company's operations.

Our Blockchain Consulting Process


We outline the business objectives and processes for your system and consult with our blockchain experts on the viability of your blockchain project.

Technical Component Definition

Based on your company's needs and the kind of blockchain, our blockchain consulting team chooses the best blockchain platform.

Development & Support

We assist you in developing the blockchain product, from UI/UX to complete front-end and back-end implementation, once you're ready to begin developing blockchain technology.



We examine your current system to see if it can be moved to the blockchain. Our team evaluates all business processes and determines the use cases for blockchain technology.


To determine the use cases for the business with the fewest features that are still viable, we develop a prototype and framework. An actual solution's viability is determined by the demo.


Requirement Analysis

In order to fully comprehend our clients' unique business needs, obstacles, and goals, we work directly with them.


Model Selection

We choose the best pre-trained generative AI model, or a combination of models, based on the indicated demands. This could include specific image-based generative models or well-known models like GPT-3 and GPT-4.


Data Integration & Fine Tuning

We incorporate the generative AI system with the client's data sources, including text, photos, and other types of information. In addition, we adjust and refine the chosen model to match the domain-specific data and business requirements of the customer.


Testing & Evaluation

The integrated generative AI system is thoroughly tested and evaluated prior to full implementation. This guarantees high-quality output generation along with performance, accuracy, and compatibility with the client's operations.


Support & Maintenance

In order to keep the generative AI integration current, effective, and in line with any shifting business needs or technology breakthroughs, we offer continuous support, maintenance, and upgrades.

Our Capabilities In Blockchain Consulting

Enchanced Level Of Security

We protect your application from malicious activity and data theft using a safe validation process.

Advanced Efficiency

We provide reliable services for creating blockchain applications that are extremely effective and have a low mistake rate.

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Strategic Consulting

In order to maximize business operations, we assess blockchain products and offer strategic consultancy for their deployment.

Swift Production Process

Our advisors work with you from concept to implementation to provide high-quality products quickly and with the fewest possible errors.

Our Engagment Models


Dedicated Development Team

Our developers use state-of-the-art cognitive technology to provide our clients with customized solutions and superior services.

  • Agile procedures
  • Open-minded pricing
  • Billing per month
  • Maximum adaptability
  • Ideal for software/product firms, MVPs, and startups

Hire Dedicated Developers

Our team extension concept is intended to help clients who want to add the specific knowledge required for their projects to their teams.

  • Adapt to demand
  • Efficient and economical
  • Billing per month
  • Avoid the headaches of hiring
  • Open-minded pricing

Project Based Model

Our team of software development specialists provides support to our project-oriented strategy, which is aimed at attaining project objectives and facilitating client collaboration.

  • A dedicated project manager
  • 95% of the projects were completed on schedule and under budget.

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say About Us!

Linda Farr

Alessandro Fracassi italy

CEO - Surfeye

Linda Farr

Alessandro Nora garmany

CEO - Metrikflow

Inspiring Customer Reviews

"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last 3 months and the communication has been great, and if we have any urgent deadline they are always there to help…"

Alessandro Fracassi


"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last past 6 months as an extended team and the experience has been great, they have great work ethics…"

Alessandro Nora



The strategic application of blockchain technology through in-depth business analysis is known as blockchain consultancy. Different blockchain advancements and decentralized platform development for NFTs, bridges, DEX, metaverse, tokens, and dApps are catered to by our blockchain consulting service. Our expertise have worked with Ethereum, Hyperledger, EVM, Solidity, Cosmos, and Substrate, to mention a few. We operate in a blockchain-agnostic manner. With the right blockchain advice, creating a protocol that adheres to your business case is simple. You may create strong security, increase ROI, and improve company processes with our consulting service.

A blockchain consulting company is what happens when a group of knowledgeable blockchain specialists, including developers, technical architects, and blockchain analysts, comes together to recommend a workable solution for your blockchain project.

You may use decentralized ledger technology to optimize your business with the assistance of a blockchain consultant. They will examine your existing operations and the potential benefits of blockchain technology before assisting you in selecting the best course of action to put you on the path to a fantastic system that will increase the value of your business and much more. At Appic Softwares, the blockchain consultation procedure is as follows:
  • Idea for a Project
  • Evaluation and viability testing combined with proof-of-concept implementation
  • Outline of Workflow and Documentation
We proceed to the development stage of the project after everyone is in agreement.

You should choose the appropriate blockchain platform before you consider developing a blockchain solution for your company. Selecting the best blockchain platform can only be assisted by a seasoned blockchain specialist. The foundation of their answer will be as follows:
  • How much privacy is needed for your blockchain solution?
  • The degree of scalability that you need
  • What kind of blockchain application must you develop? For instance, authorized, private, or public.
  • Consensus Formula
  • Functionality of Smart Contracts

Global supply chains, healthcare, government, financial services, and many more businesses can all profit from blockchain technology. Businesses and startups are looking for ways to disrupt blockchain in order to change conventional business structures. Our blockchain consulting team can assist you in understanding how blockchain may improve the security, efficiency, traceability, and transparency of your company ecosystem by offering you blockchain consulting services.

We have a great deal of experience in Fintech, DeFi, Green Finance, and Blockchain. Experts on our team have worked with Mastercard and have assisted in the establishment of Neobanks. Additionally, Appic Softwares is a recognized integrator of the Chromia blockchain and NEAR Protocol. Our years of subject expertise along with our experience distinguish Appic Softwares from other consulting firms. Initially, we boost each employee's productivity and the organization's overall efficiency. Our organization offers the following services: enterprise audit, strategic planning, analysis and assessment of business processes, and consultation on a broad variety of topics pertaining to the client company's operations and the market at large.

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