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Blockchain Development Services

Welcome to Appic Softwares, A leading Blockchain development company that can assist you with developing a decentralized Blockchain platform for dApps, NFTs, DEX, Metaverse, Tokens, Smart contracts, and DeFi.


Hire Dedicated Blockchain Developers From Us At Just $18/Hr

Our Engagment Model

  • Hourly Hiring
  • Fixed Hiring
  • Dedicated Team

Blockchain Development

Our Blockchain Development Company is a reliable partner for you in the ever-evolving field of blockchain technology. Blockchain solutions appear to be the engine propelling this paradigm change as the digital world is drastically changed. By offering flexible blockchain development solutions that address the particular requirements of fintech companies and other organizations globally, our committed Blockchain Development Company shapes this future.

Blockchain Development Services


Blockchain Ecosystem Development

We provide complex Blockchain development services for various ecosystems and networks. Our diverse blockchain ecosystem includes forks, nodes, cross-chain bridges, cryptocurrency created from scratch, and blockchain-based platforms.


Public Blockchain Development

For our clients, we specialize in developing public Blockchains that are safe, legal, and operate at peak efficiency. We leverage open-source tools like Hyperledger, Ethereum, and Hyperledger Fabric to create innovative, secure, and trustworthy public blockchain solutions.


Private Blockchain Development

To guarantee your data's privacy, availability, and integrity, we develop and construct private blockchain networks that are safe, impenetrable, and permissible. We are skilled in developing both production-quality and proof-of-concept solutions.


Blockchain Explorer Development

We assist you in creating simple and easy-to-use blockchain explorers that let you explore, search, and keep track of transactions, addresses, blocks, and other important information on different blockchain networks. We offer the resources you require to keep an eye on your blockchain or follow activity on open blockchains.


Blockchain Wallet Development

We create and build wallets for mobile, desktop, and online platforms that accept a variety of cryptocurrencies and come equipped with cutting-edge features like cold storage, support for multiple signatures, and two-factor authentication. We assist you in creating a quick, dependable, and user-friendly blockchain wallet.


Blockchain Development

Blockchain technology is ideal for gaming because it gives users a transparent, safe, and centrally controlled way to play their favorite games. Our expertise lies in creating enjoyable, captivating, and user-friendly blockchain games that offer a smooth and uninterrupted gaming experience to players.


Enterprise Blockchain Development

Improve your business concepts and advance your organization with cutting-edge products and services. Our supply chain, blockchain-based micropayment service, and governance (voting) technologies are all part of our Enterprise Blockchain Solutions.


Custom Blockchain Development

We provide specialized blockchain software development services for both private and public projects. Based on in-depth analysis, practical blockchain development experience, and real-world blockchain development, we will provide the tools that drive your success.


Blockchain Integration

Increase the potential of your company by incorporating unique blockchain technologies. We offer decentralized markets, blockchain-based micropayment services, centralized exchange, and blockchain integration with CRM/ERP.

Web3 Services We Have Expertise In


AI Development

Using our state-of-the-art AI development solutions, you may use artificial intelligence to improve your company. We can access new efficiency and customer insights with chatbots and predictive analytics.


Metaverse Development

Embark on an infinite journey across the digital landscape with our cutting-edge Metaverse development options. Create immersive virtual reality experiences that transform digital interactions.


Web3 Development

Using our state-of-the-art Web3 development solutions, create next-generation online apps where users own all control over their data and interactions and where security and transparency are given top priority.


Crypto Exchange Development

With our renowned Crypto Exchange Development services, you can start your own cryptocurrency exchange platform and offer a safe and convenient environment for customers to trade digital assets.


NFT Development

Take advantage of our superior NFT Development solutions to get into the NFT craze. Utilizing our skills, we may create and mint one-of-a-kind digital collectibles, artwork, or other assets on blockchain networks, creating new opportunities for innovation and ownership.


Token Development

With our Token Development solutions, you can easily create and manage safe, decentralized digital assets that promote efficiency and innovation across a range of industries. Utilize non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which stand for distinct digital assets, to power your platform.


DApps Development

Our blockchain developers build reliable, unique DApps that are suited to the particular demands and specifications of our customers. Our DApps Development services are scalable, private, and interoperable, which makes them the perfect option for any kind of business.


Smart Contract Development

We offer full-stack blockchain development services, which include advising and the creation of smart contracts for public and private blockchains. Utilize our specialized tools for smart contract development and deployment to create smart contracts that meet your company objectives.

We Follow A Trusted Blockchain Development Process Built By Industry Leaders

Listing Needs And Requirements

This will be a brainstorming session wherein our Blockchain developers will inform you about the risks and must-have features to include in your project.

Design Development

Up next, we will begin with the Blockchain development process ensuring all the strategy discussed is followed under a set development protocol.

Launch & Support

By following the protocol we will launch your software and provide you with 30 days of free post maintenance support.


Develop Substrate Node

All of the fundamental elements, including consensus, privileged access, account management, and others, are implemented by default during this phase. The genesis block can be altered to start the chain.

Test And Deploy

To confirm the functionality of the application, our blockchain engineers run load and testnet tests manually and automatically. In order to guarantee that the network is constantly operational, we also assist you in deploying these nodes on both public and private networks.


Requirement Analysis

In order to fully comprehend our clients' unique business needs, obstacles, and goals, we work directly with them.


Model Selection

We choose the best pre-trained generative AI model, or a combination of models, based on the indicated demands. This could include specific image-based generative models or well-known models like GPT-3 and GPT-4.


Data Integration & Fine Tuning

We incorporate the generative AI system with the client's data sources, including text, photos, and other types of information. In addition, we adjust and refine the chosen model to match the domain-specific data and business requirements of the customer.


Testing & Evaluation

The integrated generative AI system is thoroughly tested and evaluated prior to full implementation. This guarantees high-quality output generation along with performance, accuracy, and compatibility with the client's operations.


Support & Maintenance

In order to keep the generative AI integration current, effective, and in line with any shifting business needs or technology breakthroughs, we offer continuous support, maintenance, and upgrades.

A Graphical Representation Of The Blockchain Development Process Followed By Us


Advanced Blockchain Development Solutions Offered By Us

MVP Blockchain Development

Get a minimum viable product that assists you in evaluating your business idea before you begin full-fledged development.

Blockchain Consultation

Hire Blockchain consultants from us and get the best idea on how to proceed with the development and scale up your project.

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Blockchain Industrial Solutions

Get industrial solutions built with the assistance of our pre-vetted Blockchain developers and get the best out of your project.


Through our Blockchain POC development get a complete analysis of the usability of Blockchain technology with your business idea.

Features Of Our Blockchain Development


Enhanced Security

Blockchain's distributed ledger technology and strong encryption guarantee data security and integrity, making it extremely resistant to illegal manipulation and cyberattacks.


Smart Contracts

Uses self-executing smart contracts to automate commercial activities. This eliminates the need for middlemen and guarantees transparent, untrustworthy agreement execution.



Because there is no longer a single point of control, decentralization increases the network's resilience and trustworthiness because no one central authority can influence it.


Fraud Prevention

Blockchain is perfect for supply chain management and financial transactions because of its transparency and cryptographic security, which discourage fraudulent activity.



A tamper-proof history of transactions and actions is ensured by the permanent and unchangeable nature of data once it is stored on the blockchain.



Consensus algorithms used in blockchain technology enable network nodes to make decisions quickly and reliably while preserving the stability and integrity of the system.

Our Engagment Models


Dedicated Development Team

Our developers use state-of-the-art cognitive technology to provide our clients with customized solutions and superior services.

  • Agile procedures
  • Open-minded pricing
  • Billing per month
  • Maximum adaptability
  • Ideal for software/product firms, MVPs, and startups

Hire Dedicated Developers

Our team extension concept is intended to help clients who want to add the specific knowledge required for their projects to their teams.

  • Adapt to demand
  • Efficient and economical
  • Billing per month
  • Avoid the headaches of hiring
  • Open-minded pricing

Project-based Model

Our team of software development specialists provides support to our project-oriented strategy, which is aimed at attaining project objectives and facilitating client collaboration.

  • A dedicated project manager
  • 95% of the projects were completed on schedule and under budget.

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say About Us!

Linda Farr

Alessandro Fracassi italy

CEO - Surfeye

Linda Farr

Alessandro Nora garmany

CEO - Metrikflow

Blockchain Development Platforms We Work On



A decentralized public platform that runs dApps



A group effort utilizing open-source blockchains to create blockchain applications of business caliber



An open source blockchain platform for companies.



It's a framework for blockchain development. With Substrate, ink!, and RUST, we construct relay chains, parachains, cross-chain bridges, and dapps.



Using the avalanche protocol, developers may create unique blockchain networks for both permissionless and private deployments.



An open-source web3 blockchain network called Polkadot facilitates connectivity and interoperability.


Near Protocol

Near is a layer 1 blockchain with smart-contract capability created to facilitate the creation of next-generation dApps.



Fair, Fast and most security acrylic graph DLT solution for constructing EVM compatible, high speed blockchain solutions.



A Decentralized Assets and Applications Open-Source Platform

Inspiring Customer Reviews

"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last 3 months and the communication has been great, and if we have any urgent deadline they are always there to help…"

Alessandro Fracassi


"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last past 6 months as an extended team and the experience has been great, they have great work ethics…"

Alessandro Nora



A blockchain is a distributed, multi-computer digital ledger that is decentralized. It is a series of blocks that hold information records, each of which has a distinct hash value that prevents data manipulation. Blockchain development is the process of creating platforms or apps that make use of blockchain technology. The capacity to keep unchangeable data can enhance the business ecosystems' transparency and sense of confidence. Our company specializes in blockchain development services, ranging from creating a proof of concept to establishing a decentralized application, deploying it both on-premises and in the cloud, and providing ongoing maintenance once the development phase is over.

Demand for blockchain development platforms is soaring as companies begin to leverage blockchain technology by creating blockchain-based business applications. We devote our important time to the platforms that provide blockchain apps with scalability and security because we are aware of the abundance of blockchain platforms on the market. Our blockchain developers are proficient in working on the following blockchain development platforms, as we are a top blockchain development company:
  • Tron
  • Stellar
  • EOS
  • Corda
  • Hedera Hashgraph
  • Ethereum
  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • Hyperledger Sawtooth
  • Hyperledger Indy

Now that blockchain technology has emerged from its geek tech infancy, it is being widely accepted. Numerous blockchain business applications are revolutionizing the way data is accessible and stored in a variety of industries, including healthcare, banking, supply chain, insurance, and digital identification.
  • Supply Chain and Logistics
  • Media and Entertainment
  • Real Estate
  • Government Operations
  • Waste Management
  • Real Estate
  • Insurance
  • Healthcare
  • Lending
  • Digital Identity
We are prepared to be your blockchain technology partner and assist you in realizing the promise of blockchain in your business case, regardless of whether your blockchain project involves banking, healthcare, digital identification, media and entertainment, or any other use case.

Yes, you can hire dedicated Blockchain developers from us at just $18/Hour and let them manage your development. The developer will be working for you dedicately and will assist you to gain the best out of your project.

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