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Cosmos Development Company

Join us in exploring the boundless possibilities of the Cosmos Development. To help you succeed, we leverage the security, modularity, and composability of the Cosmos SDK framework along with the strength of Go programming and Tendermint.


Hire Dedicated Generative Cosmos Developers From Us At Just $18/Hr

Our Engagment Model

  • Hourly Hiring
  • Fixed Hiring
  • Dedicated Team

A Leading Cosmos Development Company

Cosmos, known for its scalability and interoperability, presents countless opportunities. Utilizing this technology—which includes the ground-breaking Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol and the revolutionary Cosmos SDK framework—our skilled blockchain developers build unique solutions that link blockchains for cross-chain functionality. Our ability to effortlessly integrate several blockchain networks and usher in a new era of cross-chain collaboration is made possible by these technologies, which are the foundation of our success. In addition, our proficiency encompasses other state-of-the-art Cosmos technologies including the Tendermint consensus algorithm and the Cosmos Hub, the ecosystem hub, guaranteeing the security, scalability, and dependability of your blockchain solutions. We offer a central point of connection for your projects by utilizing the Cosmos Hub, which improves usability and interoperability.

Our Cosmos Development Services


Custom Cosmos App Development

On the Cosmos network, we specialize in creating unique decentralized apps, or dApps. Regardless of the area for which you require a blockchain-based solution—finance, supply chain, healthcare, or any other—our professionals can create, build, and implement safe, scalable applications that make use of Cosmos' features and capabilities.


Cosmos Blockchain Integration

Our staff can assist if you wish to integrate an existing application or system with the Cosmos blockchain. We will collaborate closely with you to comprehend your needs and create a smooth integration plan that will enable your application to take full use of the Cosmos network.


Cosmos Blockchain Consulting

Need help determining where to begin developing on the Cosmos blockchain? Our knowledgeable consultants can offer insightful advice. We provide thorough consulting services to assist you in realizing Cosmos' potential, identifying use cases, developing a roadmap for development, and more. We'll help you make wise choices so you can accomplish your blockchain objectives.


Blockchain Development On Cosmos SDK

On the Cosmos network, creating unique blockchains is made possible by the robust foundation offered by the Cosmos Software Development Kit (SDK). Our developers can design customized blockchain solutions with features like staking, governance, cross-chain communication, and more since they are proficient in the Cosmos SDK. Together, we'll realize your distinct blockchain vision.


Cross-Chain Development

With our Cross-Chain Development services, you may investigate the blockchain's future inside the Cosmos ecosystem. Establish seamless connections across many blockchains to provide your decentralized apps unparalleled interoperability and unleash an endless array of possibilities.


Smart Contract Development

Utilize our services for Smart Contract Development to elevate your blockchain applications within the Cosmos ecosystem. We provide safe, effective, and adaptable smart contracts so you can reliably and precisely power your decentralized apps.


dApp Development

Using the Cosmos SDK, our Cosmos dApp developers can create dApps for sectors like healthcare, payments, logistics, etc. Our engineers are proficient in any programming language and have a strong foundation in the Application BlockChain Interface (ABCI) for creating Cosmos dApps.


Wallet Development

We provide unique wallets for your company on the Cosmos platform that support ATOM (Cosmos) tokens for iOS, Android, and Web3. Users can keep a range of digital assets and currencies in these wallets, as well as view balances and transaction histories.

Our Cosmos Development Process

Define Clear Objective

Our value-driven process is based on the definition of specific goals, which we accomplish in close collaboration with customers in order to understand their vision, address issues, and establish meaningful standards.

Cosmos Development

The precision and discipline of our process come first. Skilled blockchain programmers adhere to best practices, resulting in a safe protocol. Extensive testing finds and fixes flaws, guaranteeing optimal security and faultless operation.

Migration And Support

Development is only the start. We facilitate protocol deployment by providing constant oversight and assistance. After launch, we remain dedicated to providing value by making sure your blockchain protocol continuously achieves its goals and changes to meet the demands of a changing environment.


In-Depth Analysis

Value is determined by well-informed decisions. We carry out in-depth research, examining trends, industry difficulties, and current solutions. We select the most effective protocol components by investigating platforms, smart contracts, and consensus methods.

Testing And Improvement

We embrace value-driven development as a means of ongoing progress. We get input from stakeholders after the protocol is first developed in order to improve it and make it more in line with the targeted value proposition.


Requirement Analysis

In order to fully comprehend our clients' unique business needs, obstacles, and goals, we work directly with them.


Model Selection

We choose the best pre-trained generative AI model, or a combination of models, based on the indicated demands. This could include specific image-based generative models or well-known models like GPT-3 and GPT-4.


Data Integration & Fine Tuning

We incorporate the generative AI system with the client's data sources, including text, photos, and other types of information. In addition, we adjust and refine the chosen model to match the domain-specific data and business requirements of the customer.


Testing & Evaluation

The integrated generative AI system is thoroughly tested and evaluated prior to full implementation. This guarantees high-quality output generation along with performance, accuracy, and compatibility with the client's operations.


Support & Maintenance

In order to keep the generative AI integration current, effective, and in line with any shifting business needs or technology breakthroughs, we offer continuous support, maintenance, and upgrades.

Why Choose Appic Softwares For Cosmos Development?

Tech Proficiency

Our team is made up of expert blockchain developers with practical Web3 development experience. We have a track record of completing blockchain projects successfully.

Tailored Solutions

We are aware that each project is different. We take the time to comprehend your needs and offer solutions that are specifically tailored to meet your company's objectives.

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Quality Assurance

We guarantee our products' security, dependability, and scalability by adhering to industry best practices and strict testing procedures.

Client-Centric Approach

Our first goal is to make sure you're satisfied. Throughout the development process, we stay in constant contact with you, offering information regularly and taking into account your suggestions.

Our Engagment Models


Dedicated Development Team

Our developers use state-of-the-art cognitive technology to provide our clients with customized solutions and superior services.

  • Agile procedures
  • Open-minded pricing
  • Billing per month
  • Maximum adaptability
  • Ideal for software/product firms, MVPs, and startups

Hire Dedicated Developers

Our team extension concept is intended to help clients who want to add the specific knowledge required for their projects to their teams.

  • Adapt to demand
  • Efficient and economical
  • Billing per month
  • Avoid the headaches of hiring
  • Open-minded pricing

Project-Based Model

Our team of software development specialists provides support to our project-oriented strategy, which is aimed at attaining project objectives and facilitating client collaboration.

  • A dedicated project manager
  • 95% of the projects were completed on schedule and under budget.

Advantages Of Custom Blockchain Development


Highly Scalable

As Cosmos has a modular architecture, it may be used to create several separate blockchains, or "zones." Unmatched scalability is ensured by the ability to customize each zone to particular use cases.


Interoperability At Its Core

Cosmos is well known for its integrated interoperability capabilities. It promotes a more interconnected and adaptable blockchain ecosystem by facilitating smooth asset transfers and communication between various blockchains.


Secure And Reliable

The Cosmos ecosystem is a bustling network of projects and developers. The Cosmos ecosystem provides a wealth of tools and resources to support the success of your project while fostering innovation and teamwork.


Cross Chain Compatibility

Cosmos is a master at cross-chain communications, making asset transfers, data access, and ecosystem cooperation simple. Enjoy smooth cross-chain interoperability by utilizing our protocols and tools.

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say About Us!

Linda Farr

Alessandro Fracassi italy

CEO - Surfeye

Linda Farr

Alessandro Nora garmany

CEO - Metrikflow

Inspiring Customer Reviews

"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last 3 months and the communication has been great, and if we have any urgent deadline they are always there to help…"

Alessandro Fracassi


"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last past 6 months as an extended team and the experience has been great, they have great work ethics…"

Alessandro Nora



Development for the Cosmos blockchain includes building dApps, smart contracts, and platform solutions. It makes blockchain interoperability possible with Rust, Go, and the Cosmos SDK. The consensus algorithm, IBC protocol, and architecture of Cosmos are understood by developers. Requirements, design, coding, testing, deployment, and maintenance are all included in the process. Development on Cosmos promotes safe and effective communication with other blockchains.

Cosmos is distinct from other blockchain platforms due to its emphasis on sovereignty, scalability, and interoperability. It facilitates smooth communication via the IBC protocol between several blockchains. Each blockchain may scale independently because to Cosmos' modular design and Tendermint consensus mechanism. The Cosmos network's individual blockchains each uphold their own consensus, security, and governance protocols, guaranteeing independence and customized solutions.

Key characteristics and advantages of developing on the Cosmos network include sovereignty, scalability, customizability, interoperability, and access to a vibrant ecosystem. The network facilitates smooth communication across blockchains, allows each blockchain to scale independently, allows for modification of governance models, preserves blockchain sovereignty, and fosters collaboration within a thriving ecosystem.

The Go programming language is frequently used in Cosmos development. Tendermint Core and the Cosmos SDK are important frameworks and technologies. For the purpose of creating unique blockchains and decentralized apps, the Cosmos SDK provides extensive tools and libraries. The consensus engine, Tendermint Core, offers a Byzantine Fault-Tolerant consensus method. Developers may design reliable apps on the Cosmos network with these tools and languages.

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