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AI Development Services

Embark on an AI journey and excel in the field with Appic Softwares AI development services. You can leave everything to our vetted AI developers from conceptualization to development.


Hire Dedicated AI Developers From Us At Just $18/Hr

Our Engagment Model

  • Hourly Hiring
  • Fixed Hiring
  • Dedicated Team

What Is AI & What Are The Different Types Of AI?

Artificial Intelligence makes it easier for machines to learn from experience and quickly adjust and perform human-like tasks. From ChatGpt to Self-driving cars, each and everything includes AI in it.

Let’s Have a look at the different types of AIs

  • Generative AI
  • Predictive AI
  • Deep Learning AI
  • Natural Language Processing

Leverage Our AI Development Services To Scale Up Your Operations


AI/ML Strategy Consulting

Use our AI consulting services to assess the level of AI readiness within your company. Our AI specialists will assist you in matching prospective AI-based solutions to your business's goals and problems, as well as in determining ROI and a suitable course of action.


MVP Development

In order to facilitate genuine user validation, iterative improvements, and quick market launch, we design Minimum Viable Products that deliver key capabilities.


Custom AI Model Development

For our clients, we manage the full bespoke AI model creation process. This includes thorough data preparation, demanding model training, iterative multi-level testing, and smooth model deployment.


AI Integration & Development Services

We go above and beyond creating reliable AI solutions; we also expertly integrate and implement them into your current infrastructure, giving your company access to AI capabilities that complement your current procedures.


Data Analysis

With our deep expertise in statistics, programming, data visualization, and machine learning, our data analysts help businesses better understand complicated data subtleties, improve data strategies, and extract critical insights from their data.


Generative AI Development

To fully realize the promise of AI, make use of our specialized generative AI development service. Benefit from the transformational power of core AI models like PaLM-2, Llama, and GPT-4.


Chatbot Development

As a premier provider of AI services, we also provide the construction of AI chatbots that are easily linked with various websites, apps, and platforms. Our company, which provides artificial intelligence services, creates personalized conversational bots with AI capabilities to improve customer experiences and streamline client interactions.


AI Security

Our AI-enabled data security services, as an artificial intelligence services provider, can analyze millions of events and recognize a wide range of threats, including malware, vulnerabilities, phishing scams, and dangerous code downloads. Our strong services that encourage collaboration between humans and machines have the potential to significantly advance cybersecurity.


AIOps Services

Our AIOps solutions, which we provide as a specialized AI development company, let businesses provide proactive and continuous application performance, which leads to great client experiences. Our AI development services and solutions help organizations optimize their operations and increase their bottom line by rapidly reducing IT expenditures.


Facial Recognoazation Software

Our AI programmers are able to create appropriate facial recognition software that recognizes individuals from both digital and live photographs. As a leader in artificial intelligence solutions, we provide specialized services for developing facial recognition software that can be applied to access control, biometric authentication, and other data security applications.


AIaaS (AI-As-A-Service)

With our all-inclusive AI application development services, you can easily incorporate state-of-the-art AIaaS solutions into your business processes without having to make large expenditures on costly hardware and specialized AI personnel.


Recommendation Engines

As a reputable provider of AI solutions, we offer bespoke Recommendation Engine creation services that have the potential to greatly benefit your company. By providing precise conversion recommendations, the entire revenue stream can be increased in addition to enhancing client satisfaction and retention.

Our AI Development Process

Project Requirement

Establish all system requirements, choose the technology to be used from the outset, and identify user roles and personas before beginning development.


Use your preferred project management application to monitor quality assurance, DevOps, and deployment updates during the product development phase.


Project LaunchaIn the end, we will launch your project and will also provide 30 days of free post-maintenance support.


Project Designing

Choose the basic style and feel of your product, create a model of the user experience and user journey, rank the features in order of importance, and schedule the release.


Once your project is ready, our QA will run extensive testing of your project and ensure it’s bug-free.


Project Requirement

Establish all system requirements, choose the technology to be used from the outset, and identify user roles and personas before beginning development.


Project Designing

Choose the basic style and feel of your product, create a model of the user experience and user journey, rank the features in order of importance, and schedule the release.


Project Development

Use your preferred project management application to monitor quality assurance, DevOps, and deployment updates during the product development phase.


Project Testing

Once your project is ready, our QA will run extensive testing of your project and ensure it’s bug-free.


Project Launch

Project LaunchaIn the end, we will launch your project and will also provide 30 days of free post-maintenance support.

Our Engagement Model


Dedicated Development Team

Our developers use state-of-the-art cognitive technology to provide our clients with customized solutions and superior services.

  • Agile processes
  • Transparent pricing
  • Monthly billing
  • Maximum flexibility
  • Suitable for startups, MVPs, and software/product companies

Project-Based Model

Our team of software development specialists provides support to our project-oriented strategy, which is aimed at attaining project objectives and facilitating client collaboration.

  • A dedicated project manager
  • 95% of the projects were delivered on time and within time budget

Hire Dedicated Developers

Hire developers from us on an hourly basis and let them manage your project development or maintenance. We have a strong team of pre-vetted developers that you can hire and let them manage your software.

  • Scale on-demand
  • Quick & cost-effective
  • Monthly billing
  • Avoid hiring hassles
  • Transparent pricing

Why Choose Appic Softwares For AI Development?

Extensive Experience In AI

Having developed numerous AI applications, Appic Softwares is your go-to technology partner. Our track record demonstrates a wide range of effectively developed AI solutions supported by in-depth expertise in AI technology.

Expert AI Developers

A group of highly qualified experts in cutting-edge AI technologies, including computer vision, natural language processing, and machine learning, make up Appic Softwares.

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We Prioritize Security

Every stage of the development and execution of your AI initiatives is centered on security. Our team makes sure that your data, algorithms, and AI systems are protected from any risks by closely adhering to industry best practices.

End-To-End AI Development

We start with a thorough consultation to fully understand your objectives and demands, and then we create an AI solution and customize it to meet your unique requirements. Finally, we rigorously test and improve it until it is ideal.

Technologies We Have Expertise In


Machine Learning

With the assistance of our team of machine learning specialists, clients may drive company growth and expand their enterprises by gaining insightful knowledge from unstructured data from various sources.


Deep Learning

We use deep learning-based systems for business intelligence, automation, and sophisticated facial and speech recognition.


Predictive Analytics

Our machine learning and data-driven predictive analytics support your company by identifying potential trends.


Natural Language Processing

The profound comprehension of NLP algorithms, strategies, and models possessed by our team enables us to unleash the full potential of textual data.


Data Science

Our data scientists are experts in providing advanced AI methodologies and predictive analytics for particular corporate use cases. They also specialize in data science development services.


Data Capture/OCR

Our sophisticated automated data capture and extraction method streamlines document processing, resulting in better precision, higher productivity, and a decrease in human error for enterprises.

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say About Us!

Linda Farr

Alessandro Fracassi italy

CEO - Surfeye

Linda Farr

Alessandro Nora garmany

CEO - Metrikflow

Inspiring Customer Reviews

"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last 3 months and the communication has been great, and if we have any urgent deadline they are always there to help…"

Alessandro Fracassi


"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last past 6 months as an extended team and the experience has been great, they have great work ethics…"

Alessandro Nora



AI integration has many strong benefits that you may provide your company. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve corporate outcomes by increasing operational efficiency, optimizing decision-making, and stimulating creativity. AI can analyze large datasets and derive insightful information that helps you make data-driven decisions and strategic decisions. Artificial intelligence (AI) can automate monotonous jobs, streamline workflows, lowering human error, and provide your team with more time to concentrate on high-value work. AI also makes individualized consumer experiences possible, which raises satisfaction and engagement levels. AI gives you the ability to be flexible and quick-thinking in the current competitive environment, seizing opportunities instantly and obtaining the upper hand. Adopting AI puts your company at the forefront of technological development and opens up a world of opportunities for productivity, growth, and creativity.

Artificial intelligence (AI) models work by analyzing vast volumes of data using sophisticated algorithms to find patterns, connections, and representations. The model modifies its internal parameters during training in order to reduce prediction errors. These models have particular structures built for tasks like language processing and picture recognition. To make sure the model is accurate, it is evaluated on fresh data after training. After validation, the model can be used to forecast or make judgments in real-world situations. With time, it can learn and get better thanks to feedback loops and exposure to fresh data.

To guarantee the development of innovative and successful AI solutions, we make use of a wide range of tools and technologies. A variety of industry-standard platforms, libraries, and frameworks are included in our toolset. Machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch are widely used because they provide flexible environments for constructing and honing intricate models. These frameworks provide flexibility and scalability in the deployment of different neural network topologies. We use libraries like NLTK and spaCy for natural language processing jobs, which helps us handle and analyze text data effectively. We also use cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud to gain access to scalable resources for management, deployment, and model training. Our staff is skilled with deep learning frameworks such as scikit-learn, a flexible machine learning toolkit that can be used for a wide range of tasks, and Keras, which makes the building of neural networks easier. With the help of these technologies, we can create recommendation engines, predictive models, and other AI solutions that are exactly tailored to your company's requirements. In the end, our strategy focuses on choosing the greatest tools and technologies to meet the project's needs, making sure that we provide AI solutions that are not just creative but also incredibly practical and effective.

Depending on the intricacy and nature of the project, there might be a wide range in the timeframe for defining the scope, organizing, and carrying out an AI project. Various projects have unique needs that affect how long they take in total. The schedule can be affected by a number of variables, including the availability of high-quality training data, the difficulty of the AI algorithms involved, the requirement for specialized model architectures, and the integration of the solution with already-existing systems. It could also be necessary to go through iterative testing and development phases in order to improve and optimize the AI model's functionality. Each AI project must be approached with a customized timeframe since it is important to take the time to carefully define the scope, plan, and carry out the work in order to guarantee that the final solution closely complies with the project's objectives and desired results.

We employ a thorough approach that includes strict data encryption, access controls, and safe architectural design to guarantee the security of our AI projects. We place a high priority on user authentication, carry out frequent security audits, and deploy cutting-edge intrusion detection systems to identify threats instantly. To remain ahead of new security threats, our team adheres to industry best practices, updates software components frequently, and offers ongoing employee training. The confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our AI solutions

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