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Substrate Development Services

We use the Rust-written Substrate SDK framework's modularity, interoperability, and flexibility to create highly customized, future-proof blockchains and dApps.


Hire Dedicated Blockchain Developers From Us At Just $18/Hr

Our Engagment Model

  • Hourly Hiring
  • Fixed Hiring
  • Dedicated Team

A Leading Substrate Development Company

Using the Substrate SDK framework, we design and implement strong blockchain systems. This framework, implemented in the Rust programming language, can hasten the development of blockchain technology by offering the networking, application layer, and consensus foundation levels. The substrate architecture frees us from having to construct the blockchain infrastructure and lets us concentrate on developing the essential business logic for Web3 applications.

Our Substrate Development Services


Cross Chain Bridges

Using the Substrate platform, which features XCMP (Cross-Chain Message Passing) to enable the unrestricted flow of assets and data across blockchains, we construct strong cross-chain bridges.


Sidechain Integration

For better interoperability, we can incorporate an existing Relaychain or dApp that is powered by Substrate to link to other chains or Polkadot.


Relaychain Development

We are skilled at creating extremely secure Substrate-based blockchains that are tailored to a particular use case. Building a Substrate blockchain is quicker and safer using Appic Softwares.


Smart Contract Development

Employing the ink of Parity! We use a substrate-based blockchain to build smart contracts, and a relay chain is used to carry out business logic.


Parachain Development

We use the Substrate framework and RUST to construct relay chains and parachains. We know how to utilize each foundation layer for effective blockchain development.


Pallets Development

We know how to develop new pallets in the Substrate framework using RUST, from constructing a new Consensus algorithm to generating NFTs. Our RUST developers have practical experience building Relay Chains and Pallets.

Our Substrate Development Process


To determine the intended business benefits, we comprehend your business needs. We collaborate closely with you during this process to go over the project's preliminary theoretical and practical ramifications.

Develop Substrate Frame

Next, we design a framework called Substrate frame, which allows us to keep a high level of control over the logic of the blockchain while constructing a Substrate runtime environment out of pre-existing libraries.

Support And Maintenance

In the end, we will be providing you with 45 days of free Support and maintenance for your project which ensure it’s smooth and bug free.


Develop Substrate Node

All of the fundamental elements, including consensus, privileged access, account management, and others, are implemented by default during this phase. The genesis block can be altered to start the chain.

Test And Deploy

To confirm the functionality of the application, our blockchain engineers run load and testnet tests manually and automatically. In order to guarantee that the network is constantly operational, we also assist you in deploying these nodes on both public and private networks.


Requirement Analysis

In order to fully comprehend our clients' unique business needs, obstacles, and goals, we work directly with them.


Model Selection

We choose the best pre-trained generative AI model, or a combination of models, based on the indicated demands. This could include specific image-based generative models or well-known models like GPT-3 and GPT-4.


Data Integration & Fine Tuning

We incorporate the generative AI system with the client's data sources, including text, photos, and other types of information. In addition, we adjust and refine the chosen model to match the domain-specific data and business requirements of the customer.


Testing & Evaluation

The integrated generative AI system is thoroughly tested and evaluated prior to full implementation. This guarantees high-quality output generation along with performance, accuracy, and compatibility with the client's operations.


Support & Maintenance

In order to keep the generative AI integration current, effective, and in line with any shifting business needs or technology breakthroughs, we offer continuous support, maintenance, and upgrades.

Why Choose Appic Softwares For Substrate Development?

Technical Expertise

Our technological team has years of real-world experience developing cutting-edge blockchain solutions, thus we have extensive knowledge in the field of substrate-centric development.

Ensured Quality

You may count on us to support you in achieving the best possible Substrate projects in terms of compatibility and performance. To make sure there are no defects or issues during deployment, we perform an extensive battery of tests.

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End-To-End Development Approach

We will support you with every stage of the development process, from designing your Substrate project to assisting with its design and implementation. Whatever your requirements or needs, we'll take care of you.

Secured Approach

Security is the most crucial consideration when working with blockchain technology, and we keep it top of mind! We provide you with the greatest security implementation techniques available in the industry to safeguard your Substrate application's digital assets.

Our Engagment Models


Team Extension

We have developed a strategy to assist clients with the greater workforce in meeting their expansion requirements so they can fulfill their unique project goals, and we call this technique our team extension engagement model.

  • Agile procedures
  • Open-minded pricing
  • Billing per month
  • Maximum adaptability
  • Ideal for software/product firms, MVPs, and startups

Hire Dedicated Developers

Our top blockchain engineers use state-of-the-art cognitive technologies to provide clients with high-quality services related to Substrate development and fully customized solutions.

  • Adapt to demand
  • Efficient and economical
  • Billing per month
  • Avoid the headaches of hiring
  • Open-minded pricing

Project-based Model

We also employ a project-centric methodology, supported by our group of skilled blockchain developers. With the use of this engagement approach, we hope to maximize client collaboration and assist in achieving project-related goals.

  • A dedicated project manager
  • 95% of the projects were completed on schedule and under budget.

Why Use Substrate For Development?



Substrate is designed with modularity in mind, allowing developers to easily customize and extend various components of their blockchain applications. This modular architecture enables greater flexibility and adaptability to different requirements and use cases.



Substrate is built using the Rust programming language, which offers strong performance and memory safety. Rust's features make Substrate well-suited for building efficient and secure blockchain applications, particularly in environments with resource constraints.


Built-in Components

Substrate provides a rich set of built-in components and libraries for common blockchain functionalities such as consensus mechanisms, transaction processing, governance systems, and more. This reduces the need for developers to reinvent the wheel and accelerates development time.



Substrate allows developers to easily customize various aspects of their blockchain, including consensus algorithms, token economics, governance models, and runtime logic. This flexibility enables developers to tailor their blockchains to specific use cases and requirements.

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say About Us!

Linda Farr

Alessandro Fracassi italy

CEO - Surfeye

Linda Farr

Alessandro Nora garmany

CEO - Metrikflow

Inspiring Customer Reviews

"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last 3 months and the communication has been great, and if we have any urgent deadline they are always there to help…"

Alessandro Fracassi


"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last past 6 months as an extended team and the experience has been great, they have great work ethics…"

Alessandro Nora



With the help of the blockchain framework Substrate, developers can quickly and efficiently create future-proof blockchains for any kind of use case. By using open-source software created by the Substrate ecosystem, developers can leverage Substrate development and avoid starting from scratch. You can use Substrate's extremely configurable and adaptable modular structure for Substrate development. Due to its rigorous academic research and field testing, Substrate's technology facilitates the quick and easy creation of blockchains by developers.

All the tools needed for development, deployment, and debugging are available in Substrate. When using Substrate, consumers get
  • Client libraries that support the development of complex user interfaces.
  • Wasm is a platform for creating smart contracts that works with any language that is compatible.
  • Programming language characteristics such as a workable consensus mechanism, block finalizing algorithm, and validator voting system are all available in Rust development.

Three crucial parts are involved in the Substrate framework's operation. Any of the following can be used to launch a new Substrate project:
Substrate node
When it comes to features and technical flexibility, the Substrate node is at the top of the field. It includes default implementations for all components, including consensus, account management, and privilege access, and is fully runnable.
Substrate FRAME
One of the most potent tools available for the Substrate architecture, it includes a number of modules with configurable business logic that may be used to various use cases, such as consensus, staking, and governance. In the runtime environment, it provides a plethora of services.
Substrate Core
As long as it targets WebAssembly, Substrate core guarantees that runtime implementation can be done as you desire. It must also follow the fundamental guidelines for creating blocks in Substate. This enables you to run the runtime inside of Substrate.

Substrate is based on three fundamental ideas:
The most crucial aspect of the Substrate implementation is the runtime. It is employed to ensure the smooth operation of Substrate-based projects. The blockchain's current state and governing principles are described by the runtime. The state transition function is another name for the substrate's runtime.
Consensus: Substrate offers consensus engines to assist in deciding when and how to settle disputes during state transitions. This covers the formation of blocks, finality, and fork selection. However, based on your needs, you can reach a different consensus.
Extrinsic: A header and a variety of extrinsic make up the substrate block. To communicate with the external state blockchains, extrinsic is crucial. The external data collection is crucial to Substrate's internal operations.

Appic Softwares uses a range of tech stacks to construct blockchain projects. We have created several prosperous Substrate projects and can offer knowledgeable support at any point in the development of your project. We manage the beginning to end development of blockchain projects as part of our blockchain solutions, enabling you to be successful in the blockchain industry.

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