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AI Fintech App Development Services

Use the power of next-generation AI to transform your BFSI processes. Easily carry out fraud detection, real-time credit assessments, and customer customization with our AI Fintech app development services!


Looking For A Leading AI Fintech App Development Company?

Our Engagment Model

  • Hourly Hiring
  • Fixed Hiring
  • Dedicated Team

A Leading Finance AI Software Development Company

Our custom AI-driven app development can revolutionize the finance industry by making complicated financial processes easier for both consumers and businesses to understand. Our committed staff is enthusiastic about creating applications that support smooth transactions and follow strict legal guidelines for the highest level of data security. AI can be used to provide individualized financial advising services, real-time risk assessment, and sophisticated fraud detection. Our specially designed fintech solutions provide innovation and confidence to your financial services by ensuring the safe, quick, and astute management of financial operations. Boost Fintech in a Safe, Effective, and Efficient Way.

Our AI Fintech Development Services


Custom AI Finance Apps

Use our AI-powered Finance Apps to navigate the intricacies of the financial markets. We use NLP for sentiment analysis and real-time news, predictive analytics for market patterns, and machine learning to inform our investing strategies. AI that can learn from and adjust to shifting market conditions can help you stay ahead of the curve.


Credit Risk Assessment

One of the most exciting applications of AI in the Fintech sector is credit scoring based on artificial intelligence. Businesses can assess borrowers' creditworthiness and willingness to repay debts with the use of credit scoring.


Financial Forecasts

Artificial intelligence (AI) in Fintech app development services can be used to examine data patterns and spot market trends. It can offer insightful information about investments and exchange rates in addition to making both short- and long-term forecasts.


Algorithmic Trading

Algorithms powered by AI are able to identify unusual market moves and propose stocks to regular customers. It has the ability to identify irregularities fast, assess financial data, and make the right transactions instantly.


Robotic Process Automation

AI in Fintech apps has the ability to automate a number of financial tasks, such as answering incoming calls, carrying out security checks, processing loan applications, trading financials, and so forth. It can expedite the approval process for loans and mortgages by automatically reviewing applications.


AI Wallet Apps

Simplify transactions and payments like never before. Our specially designed AI-powered wallet apps combine security algorithms and predictive analytics to give users a quick, safe, and easy way to make payments. Gain from improved user activity monitoring, fraud detection, and data-driven insights.


AI Accounting Apps

Forget about the trouble of tedious audits and manual entry. Using machine learning algorithms, we create accounting apps that manage payables and receivables, automate data entry, and offer real-time financial insights. By highlighting discrepancies, intelligent auditing features can assist your team in resolving problems before they get worse.


AI Insurance Apps

With our specially designed AI-driven insurance apps, you can maximize underwriting, claims processing, and client interaction. Establish new benchmarks for customer happiness and operational effectiveness by implementing AI-powered risk assessment models, smart contract validation, and personalized policy recommendations.


Banking Security

Your bespoke MLS Software Platform will be integrated by our highly qualified Development Engineers via an IDX Service Provider or an organic RETS API, allowing you to make use of customized search engines, exportable analytics spreadsheets, and appraiser tools.Banks may increase security by utilizing Fintech app development services driven by AI. It can include several characteristics, including voice recognition, facial recognition, biometrics, and other components that can aid in real-time digital identity verification.

Fintech Software Solutions Offered By Us

Let's Connect

Our AI Fintech App Development Process

Requirement Analysis

We ascertain the system's process and collect customer needs throughout the ideation stage.


In order to complete each project on schedule, we schedule sprints. We split up the implementation process using an agile development process.


Even when the project goes live, it is not finished. It is a continuous process instead. To make sure the program is always current, we offer post-release services.


Feature Listing And Designing

After gathering the requirements, we begin working on the project's technical and graphic designs in order to receive early client feedback.


Once the development is over our QA moves ahead with testing and ensures a complete checkpoint testing is done of the application.


Requirement Analysis

We ascertain the system's process and collect customer needs throughout the ideation stage.


Feature Listing And Designing

After gathering the requirements, we begin working on the project's technical and graphic designs in order to receive early client feedback.



In order to complete each project on schedule, we schedule sprints. We split up the implementation process using an agile development process.



Once the development is over our QA moves ahead with testing and ensures a complete checkpoint testing is done of the application.



Even when the project goes live, it is not finished. It is a continuous process instead. To make sure the program is always current, we offer post-release services.

Why Choose Appic Softwares For AI Fintech App Development?

Intelligent AI Deployment

We analyze your operating environment using AI analytics to find any holes or technical deficiencies that can prevent deployment.

AI System Report

A preemptive list of suggestions is sent to you to take care of these problems and guarantee a smooth launch.

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Fintech Focus Company

More than 80 percent of our initiatives were in the fintech sector. We offer exceptional software solutions and maintain a close eye on the financial sector.

We Prioritize Data Security

We handle the privacy and data security aspects of FinTech applications by utilizing a variety of cutting-edge technologies, including Blockchain.

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say About Us!

Linda Farr

Alessandro Fracassi italy

CEO - Surfeye

Linda Farr

Alessandro Nora garmany

CEO - Metrikflow

Inspiring Customer Reviews

"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last 3 months and the communication has been great, and if we have any urgent deadline they are always there to help…"

Alessandro Fracassi


"We have been working with Appic Softwares for the last past 6 months as an extended team and the experience has been great, they have great work ethics…"

Alessandro Nora



Our AI-powered Fintech solutions, tailored for the BFSI industry, include real-time credit scoring, fraud detection, and targeted consumer interaction.

Indeed. To guarantee the safety and security of your financial information, our AI algorithms abide by the strictest data encryption and security compliance guidelines.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) facilitates faster decision-making and increased operational efficiency by streamlining intricate jobs, automating tedious procedures, and providing data-driven insights.

The cost to create an AI FIntech App depends on the list of features and the UI/UX of the app you want. However, we at Appic Softwares can create an AI powered Fintech application between $20,000 to $80,000.

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