Do you know there were 3.3M Visitors on till March 2024? Thus if you too were one of them then are planning to create a FlutterFlow app and looking for apps that were built on FlutterFlow then you are at the right place. 

We have done the hard work for you can compile a list of 9 such FlutterFlow Apps that you must know before developing your own FlutterFlow Application:

Top 9 Apps Build On FlutterFlow


Sliver FlutterFlow

An app that makes it easier for its users to get their FSA/HSA money back. It directly gets connected with Amazon, Costco, Walmart, etc, and helps the users get a cashback. 


FlutterFlow Apps

A fintech application that makes it easier for its users to claim a credit card. Moreover, the app helps with budgeting, credit card tracking, and more. They have saved $1,850 every year on average.


A Mental health and good well-being app that helps its users with guided meditation and mindfulness exercises. Moreover, it provides tarot card reading and daily affirmation which helps the user reduce stress. 


An app that makes it easier for people to gift their loved ones what they truly want. It has a feature through which the person that you want to send the gift to will have to answer a set of questions and once they answer that you will get to know what they truly want and you can gift them. 


An app made in Coratia, it allows customers to book handyman services with ease which makes it easier for people to book the services. 

Coin App

Another financial management app that makes it easier for your people to manage their personal finances. This is a feature-loaded application that allows you to create different categories, set up automatic recurring registrations, and more. 


Through this app gamers from around the world can connect with other gamers and play along. It even allows users to create LSGs so that they can communicate with each other on famous game titles. 


One can find the best sports personnel and coaches on this app. It allows you to book their services and train harder for any sport. 

Totoy AI

FlutterFlow app development

Totoy AI assists users in translating documents into their mother tongue. The app translates the words in seconds. 

Why Choose FlutterFlow?

Here are some reasons why you might choose FlutterFlow for app development:

Faster Development:

  • Drag-and-drop interface: FlutterFlow uses a visual builder instead of writing code, allowing for quicker development compared to traditional methods. This can be especially beneficial for prototyping or projects with tight deadlines.
  • Pre-built widgets and integrations: FlutterFlow offers a wide range of pre-built widgets and integrations for common functionalities like authentication, payments, and databases. This reduces the need to code these features from scratch, saving time and effort.

Reduced Development Costs:

  • Lower development fees: By potentially requiring less coding expertise, FlutterFlow can lead to lower development costs compared to hiring native app developers.
  • Faster time-to-market: Getting your app to market quicker can mean faster ROI (Return on Investment).

Ease of Use:

  • No coding knowledge required: FlutterFlow’s visual interface makes it accessible to those with little to no coding experience. This allows designers, product managers, or even non-technical founders to be involved in the app development process.
  • Learning curve: While some coding knowledge can be beneficial, FlutterFlow’s drag-and-drop builder lowers the initial learning curve for beginners.

Other Advantages:

  • Cross-platform development: Build apps for both iOS and Android with a single codebase, saving time and resources compared to developing native apps for each platform.
  • Firebase integration: FlutterFlow integrates seamlessly with Firebase, a popular backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform from Google, simplifying data storage, authentication, and other functionalities.
  • Growing community: The FlutterFlow community is expanding, offering resources, tutorials, and support for developers using the platform.

However, it’s important to consider some limitations of FlutterFlow:

  • Customization: While offering flexibility, FlutterFlow might have limitations for highly customized app experiences compared to native development.
  • Performance: In some cases, native development may offer better performance optimization, especially for resource-intensive applications.
  • Limited control over the codebase: For developers who need granular control over the code, FlutterFlow might feel restrictive.

Overall, FlutterFlow is a valuable tool for:

  • MVP development: Quickly creating a minimum viable product to test an app concept.
  • Rapid prototyping: Visualizing app ideas and functionalities quickly.
  • Non-technical founders or teams: Building apps without extensive coding expertise.


Now, in the end, we hope that through this post you were able to gain knowledge on the top 9 FlutterFlow apps. However, if you too are planning to create a FlutterFlow application and looking for a FluterFlow development company, then you should check out Appic Softwares

We assist startups in creating the most feature-loaded and future-proof applications that is branded and easy to use. 

So, what are you waiting for?

Contact us now!