IT outsourcing and employment models have been developed to support businesses worldwide. While both strategies essentially work the same way—that is, you hire remote engineers from a different company to assist you with jobs your in-house team is unable to complete—they are not the same. Finding the optimal strategy for your projects might be facilitated by understanding the distinctions between the outsourcing and outstaffing models.

Because of this, we have developed an analytical guide that defines and highlights the key distinctions between outstaffing and outsourcing. This post will also assist you in determining which model best suits your company’s requirements and in locating reliable partners with whom to collaborate on IT initiatives.

What Is The Outsourcing It Model?

According to a report from Clutch, 90% of small businesses plan to outsource their business operations.”

With the help of IT outsourcing, you may employ a whole, committed team of project managers, programmers, designers, and QA engineers. Having stated that outsourcing is a complete approach in which you hire a development team to work remotely on one or more of your development projects.

A team that works remotely can take care of projects including developing software, websites, apps, and more. The special quality of an outsourced IT model is that all project components, from concept to testing, will be handled by the members of your development team.

Typically, your single point of contact with the outsourced team will be a project manager, to whom you will submit your requests, updates, and deadlines.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of IT Outsourcing

IT outsourcing stat

Outsourcing Advantages

Depending on the requirements of your business, outsourcing could be a wise decision. These are the primary benefits of outsourcing:

  • Less responsibilities: The project manager from an outsourcing business is in charge of making sure the assignment is completed successfully, maintaining the quality of the code, and overseeing the outsourced team management as a whole. This implies that your managerial and technical responsibilities are reduced. 
  • Partners do all the hiring: Large sourcing and recruitment teams, extensive networks of contacts, and tested strategies for attracting fresh people are all assets of outsourcing organizations. All of this allows them to swiftly hire a fresh tech specialist to work on your project.
  • No need for equipment: You won’t need to supply any specialized equipment when dealing with an outsourced development team because it’s already covered in the development rates.
  • Quick start: Engineering expertise is abundant at outsourcing organizations, and they can quickly transition between projects. This enables you to get started on your project right away and expand your team over time by adding more engineers.

Outsourcing Disadvantages

Although outsourcing has shown to be a dependable IT strategy for completing tasks, not all businesses are a good fit for it. Let’s examine outsourcing’s drawbacks in more detail:

  • Cost: Since you are hiring a distant team, outsourcing is significantly more expensive than IT outstaffing, even if it is typically more cost-effective than an in-house team.
  • The project is not entirely under your control: As was already mentioned, outsourcing relieves your organization of some of its duties. Nonetheless, the majority of your project is managed by the partner or vendor and the project manager of an external team. Similarly, IT outstaffing services are considerably superior to outsourcing if you desire complete control over an IT project.  
  • Communication barriers: Because the team works remotely and you don’t have complete control over daily communications or projects, there may be some misconceptions about your rules. 

What Is The OutStaffing IT Model?

By outstaffing another company, a company that uses staff augmentation adds engineers to its team who are legally employed by another. Clients are spared the trouble of searching for and choosing the developer or developers for their business on their own. They choose from the talent pool of experienced professional developers that the outsourcing business has already screened. By working with such a business, your organization hires a group of people to do a particular project or task.

Having said that, one strategy that can assist a business in temporarily expanding its development workforce is outsourcing. The outstaffing company you work with will handle the developer’s payroll even though your organization will be in charge of managing the hired development team or person.

While an outstaffing IT model and outsourcing are similar, there are some differences in the ways that talent is engaged through outstaffing.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Outstaffing

Outstaffing Advantages

Similar to outsourcing, many businesses find that outstaffing is the best IT model. Selecting an outstaffing provider has the following major benefits:

  • Total control over your project: By overseeing your developers daily, outsourcing gives you complete control over what your developers do and how they do it. Despite the additional obligations this may entail, it is a preferable choice for organizations without the technical expertise needed to oversee an IT staff directly.
  • Cost: Because you select how much expertise you require, hiring in-house is less expensive than outsourcing. You don’t need to worry about arranging wage payments because your partner is handling that.
  • Using a partner to hire: A good outstaffing company will have a system in place for identifying and screening the best developers to meet the demands of each client. Thus, they assist you by managing the employment process.
  • Start right away: Just like outsourcing, outstaffing enables you to rapidly assemble the best group of people for a forthcoming IT project. 
  • Flexibility in hiring: The most adaptable IT strategy is outsourcing, which enables you to make last-minute changes to your hiring procedure.

Outstaffing Disadvantages

Let’s examine the drawbacks of outstaffing in more detail:

  • More responsibilities: As previously indicated, outsourcing works well for startups or large businesses that need to maintain day-to-day control over an outside IT team or individual. But it also implies that you are in charge of project management. It is therefore essential to have a tech representative who is capable of overseeing remote developers.
  • Communication barriers: There may be some misconceptions regarding your requirements, goals, and guidelines because your outsourced engineers are working remotely and occasionally in different time zones. 

Difference Between Outsourcing V/S Outstaffing

As was already established, a business hires a group or an individual to work on a particular project or job in both the outsourcing and outstaffing IT models. Additionally, those developers are working remotely on the project in both situations. However, the management of the project is the primary distinction between the two. 

When a corporation outsources, it hires a manager who oversees the project as well as the entire development team. Naturally, the client retains control and sets all the parameters and objectives ahead of time.

Conversely, outstaffing is the process by which a business adds one or more engineers to its development team. Therefore, rather than the development company, the CTO or project manager of the client company is in charge of overseeing the project’s scope.

Since you are in charge of overseeing the outsourced professionals, working through an outstaffing model calls for a deeper comprehension of the technological aspects of the project on your end.

In addition to this primary distinction, there are other differences between outsourcing and outstaffing that we have organized in a chart, including those related to pricing, managerial activities, and payment.

Outsourcing Outstaffing
Payment Usually, the business handles the payment (via milestones) Payroll for the outsourced person or team is handled by the development partner, not the client business.
Responsibilities The customer has fewer duties because the entire project is handled by the external team, but they should still be involved for the best outcomes. Because they oversee the IT specialists directly through the outstaffing strategy, the client bears greater responsibility.
Price It costs more to pay for the entire outsourced team’s work. It is less expensive to pay one or several developers for a specific piece of work.
Project Management Since the client has a project manager and a whole team that is outsourced, it does not directly control the task or project. The outsourced staff must be managed by the client. 

However, if you hire dedicated developers from Appic Softwares for at least 3 months then we provide a dedicated Project manager without any additional cost.

It becomes clear that there are significant distinctions between the two approaches, even though outsourcing and outstaffing are founded on similar ideas. Examining the benefits and drawbacks of each approach is crucial because of this. You will be able to determine which model is ideal for your business by doing this. 

Which Model Should You Choose?

It’s time to investigate which model would be ideal for your business now that we have listed the advantages and disadvantages of each. By 2027, the massive worldwide IT market is predicted to have grown to a size of $410 billion. 

This refers to models of both outsourcing and outstaffing. It can be difficult to select the ideal one for your business, though. Establish your needs and budget as a priority. 

For instance, outsourcing is the best option if you lack internal IT experience. This solution is more costly. However, all of your needs will be met by your development partner.

On the other hand, hiring outside help is the ideal option if you need to temporarily expand your in-house IT team.

Best Practices To Hire Outsourced Or Outstaffed Developers

Hiring developers through outsourcing or outstaffing can be a cost-effective and efficient way to access talent for your projects. However, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure a successful collaboration. Here are some tips for hiring developers through outsourcing or outstaffing:

  • Define your project requirements: 

Clearly outline your project’s goals, scope, and technical requirements before you start searching for developers. Having a well-defined project plan will help you communicate your needs to potential candidates more effectively.

  • Choose the right engagement model:
    a. Outsourcing: In this model, you hire a development company to handle the entire project. This is suitable for projects with well-defined requirements and a fixed scope.
    b. Outstaffing: With outstaffing, you hire individual developers or teams to work as an extension of your in-house team. This is ideal for projects that require flexibility and ongoing collaboration.
  • Conduct a thorough screening process:
    a. Review portfolios and resumes: Examine the candidates’ past work, experience, and skills. Ask for code samples or references.
    b. Technical interviews: Conduct technical interviews to assess the candidates’ coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and familiarity with the technologies you’re using.
    c. Soft skills assessment: Evaluate candidates’ communication skills, teamwork, and cultural fit with your organization.
  • Check references: Contact the candidates’ previous clients or employers to gather feedback on their work and reliability.
  • Consider cultural fit: Ensure that the developers you hire align with your company culture and values, as this can impact the success of the collaboration.
  • Legal and contractual considerations:
    a. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs): Use NDAs to protect your project’s confidentiality and intellectual property.
    b. Clear contracts: Establish clear and detailed contracts that outline project scope, deliverables, timelines, payment terms, and termination clauses.
    c. Compliance: Ensure that the outsourcing or outstaffing partner complies with legal and regulatory requirements in their country and yours.
  • Communication and project management:
    a. Establish clear communication channels and protocols for regular updates and feedback.
    b. Use project management tools to track progress, assign tasks, and manage the project efficiently.
  • Continuous monitoring and feedback: Regularly evaluate the developers’ performance and provide constructive feedback to improve the collaboration.
  • Payment structure: Decide on a payment structure that aligns with your project’s needs, such as hourly rates, fixed-price contracts, or milestone-based payments.
  • Build a long-term relationship: If the collaboration is successful, consider building a long-term relationship with your outsourced or outstaffed developers to ensure continuity and consistency in your projects.
  • Manage time zone differences: If your developers are in different time zones, plan for overlapping work hours and effective communication to minimize disruptions.
  • Stay updated with industry trends: Technology and development practices evolve rapidly, so ensure your developers stay current with the latest tools and best practices.

How Appic Softwares Can Help You With Outsourcing or Outstaffing Of Developers?

The greatest marketplace for outsourcing and outstaffing to work with is Appic Softwares because:

  • Appic Softwares offers countless alternatives because our engineers are well-versed in all of the most widely used technologies and programming languages. Whether you require expertise in front-end or back-end programming, database administration, or any other particular IT skill. Our marketplace provides development teams and over 100 skilled IT workers with a wide range of options.
  • Obtaining candidates quickly: It takes Appic Softwares just 48 hours to identify the most suitable developers for your business.
  • Premier screened developers: Our talent pool comprises developers who have advanced through several selection stages. However, we may check their current skills with a HackerRank for a Work test at your request.
  • Appic Softwares gives you complete control over the hiring process, enabling you to schedule interviews with as many engineers as necessary. However, given the state of the market, we advise against delaying your decision if you have feelings for a developer, as they frequently receive several bids in a short period.
  • Testimonials from prior customers: After working with Appic Softwares, clients decide to stick with us since they have complete faith in the platform’s screening procedure.


These days, outstaffing and outsourcing are two of the most popular IT methods. For businesses that require a full team of IT specialists to work on a particular project, outsourcing is a fantastic concept. For those who wish to temporarily expand their development team and maintain complete control over the management of an impending IT task, outstaffing is the perfect option.

For future programming tasks, you can select one or both of the models, depending on what your business needs. No matter which option you select, Appic Softwares is the greatest option for remotely enhancing your development team through outsourcing or outstaffing because of our robust screening system, our marketplace’s flexibility, and our elite service partners.

Hire us now!