Do you know why users of on-demand applications do so? Applications for on-demand internet laundry, apps like Cleanly? Due to their hectic schedules and growing availability, consumers are favoring using apps for tasks. We have located research from Grand View Research, a business that provides precise market data and analysis. According to the report, the market for dry cleaning and washing services was valued at USD 60.88 billion globally in 2019 and is projected to increase at a rate of 3.4% annually between 2020 and 2027.

One of our clients in Saudi Arabia had an idea when he saw the possibilities for on-demand washing services in his nation and community.

the notion of creating apps for on-demand laundry. The plan was to create an app like the Cleanly washing application, which would deliver dry cleaning and washing right to customers’ doors. Following the project’s successful completion, we became aware of our proficiency in development and created mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms to assist laundry service providers who want to link with their companies.


What Is Cleanly?

An individual will typically wash his clothes for ten hours each month. People may tackle these issues quickly and easily with a few taps by using apps like Cleanly.

Users can set up a time for the laundry service providers to pick up, wash, fold, and return their goods in as little as 24 hours. To stay competitive, this even makes it simple for users to automate the chain based on logistics.

Recently, a wide range of home service apps—including those for on-demand washing, dog walking, volunteer work, and more—have gained popularity. The primary goal is to provide delivery features that are hassle-free and time-saving.

That’s the best thing about being Clean—it’s quite manageable.

Advantages Of An App Like Cleanly

Advantages For The Customers

Instead of wearing your favorite pants and doing uncomfortable work, you may make a beautiful night with your favorite movie by pressing a few buttons on your smartphone. Laundry services that offer a full cycle approach enable clients to schedule and pay for the washing of their garments. 

To guarantee that customers get exactly what they want, additional options for dry cleaners and other laundry service applications include a range of scents or free chemical cleaning.

Advantages For Laundry Companies

The development of an app for traditional laundromats entails raising brand awareness and expanding the clientele, which boosts revenue. However, applications also aid in the optimization of company procedures. 

Instead of manually filling out customer information, labeling orders, and creating timetables and routes for the collection of clean and dirty laundry, you can let your application do all of these tasks automatically.

Advantages Of Laundry Aggregators

Developing an app for laundromats is a fantastic way for large corporations to get some experience. Laundry aggregators save business owners money by eliminating the need to buy and rent laundry equipment. This is their primary advantage. Companies can simply bargain with local laundries to fulfill their purpose and develop an app that unites laundry suppliers in one location. 

As a result, a firm can spend more money on brand promotion, customer feedback monitoring, and app enhancement to better fulfill user needs.

Building An App Like Cleanly

Building An App Like Cleanly

Project Planning

Planning is the first step in doing something new after you have the idea. Once you have an idea, you need to concentrate on the details and address several questions, such as: 

  • What is the purpose of the app?
  • What features do you want in your app?
  • What is it that you can perform better than your rivals, and who are they?
  • What distinguishing qualities does your app have?

Planning a Financial Budget

Now that you have a clearer idea of your needs, you can arrange your budget. Your needs and your budget must coincide. Your budget will be smaller if all you need is a basic app with the essential functions. The cost is higher if you require a special app with cutting-edge functionality.

If you’re unsure about how much money you should spend on your project, we can provide you with a free quote. Get in touch with us and provide some details about your project.

Deciding The Project’s Scope

Following the determination of your needs and budget, the following stage is to design a project scope. The amount of money and resources you allocate from app development to deployment must be planned. To avoid any long-term issues, you should work with one of the top mobile development firms that has experience creating these kinds of apps. After that, we’ll talk over all the formalities, like terms and conditions and the NDA for the proposed mobile app.

The Development

Similar to us, the app development company hires seasoned designers and engineers. App designers produce mock-ups and prototypes based on the best design standards and obtain your approval. The app is then developed by the developers based on your requirements.

Our quality assurance staff keeps an eye on the app and repairs any flaws. Our team has created numerous finished items that are flawlessly bug-free and function on all platforms and gadgets.

Deployment Of The App

Deploying the program on stores like Google Play and the Apple App Store is the final stage. We will submit all of the data and documents before app deployment. We handle all the paperwork needed by the app market, if you would like us to.

Must-Have Features In An App Like Cleanly

Must-Have Features In An App Like Cleanly

It is important to realize that there isn’t a single app before moving on to features. Various components make up the entire solution. If you are an aggregator, your online laundry app will consist of four parts: the admin panel, driver app, laundry owner app, and customer/user app. However, if you have laundry, you might only require three items if you combine the admin panel’s laundry owner app’s features. Depending on what you require.

The Customer’s App

The Customer’s App


Users can use this to search for any nearby dry cleaners or laundry services. All you need to do is type in the name of the laundromat and check if it’s available. You may even add voice search if you require it.


The user can find laundry facilities that suit his needs with the aid of the filters. Filters like Distance From Me (3 to 8 km) and Desired Services (Ironing, Dry Cleaning, Detergent Wash, and Petrol Wash) (Express or Standard Delivery) must be added to the software.

Pickup And Delivery Schedule

The consumer may select the address and time for delivery and pickup of their clothing. EasyClean has features that allow users to pick between picking up the garments personally and having them delivered.

Order Tracking

With the use of GPS, this feature enables users to follow the driver that delivers garments to the customer or laundromat.

Order history

The orders of each consumer are tracked using this function. The prices, kind of service, quantity, and kind of clothes are all available.

The Driver’s App

Manage Orders

All active and incoming driver orders are shown on this screen. The driver has the right to accept or reject any order based on availability.

Route Tracking

When the driver gets an address to pick up or deliver clothes, he leaves on his journey. They can check the map and follow their route with this app.

Earning Management

This function assists the driver in keeping track of the money the app has made.

The Laundry Business Order’s App

Laundry Details

The owner of the washing business must provide their contact details, including the name of the fabric, their address, working hours, the kind of services they provide, the cost of each clothing service, etc.

Order Details

The information about the customer’s order must be accessible to the laundry. Information includes clothing types, numbers, and billing addresses.

Track Drivers

When the driver is en route to place an order, the app also offers the ability to track him. This enables you to determine whether the drivers are arriving at the correct location.

Manage Earnings

With this functionality, the owners can monitor their revenue directly within the app.

The Main Admin Panel

Order Management

The administrator can keep a record of every order that a consumer places thanks to this feature. Should a driver decline to issue these directives to another?

Driver Management

The administrator has access to all driver information. Your request for a profile is reviewed by the admin, who verifies the driver’s information.

Laundry Management

The laundry information admin gets access to it, just like drivers do. Any washer owner can receive a message from the administrator asking them to send something.

Earnings Management

The administrator has control over the profits of drivers and washing stations. Using his commission, he can decide how much of the total goes to each driver and washing station.


When you need an app developed, go no further than Appic Softwares. They are experts at making cutting-edge apps like Cleanly. Given the promising future of the laundry sector, our skill in developing on-demand apps has been crucial. By providing all-encompassing services for both iOS and Android, we have effectively turned ideas into reality. Businesses and customers alike can reap the benefits of our apps’ streamlined washing operations, which boost productivity and revenue. With Appic Softwares, you can easily plan your project and launch your app with all the functionality your laundry app development needs. If you want your app to stand out from the crowd, you can rely on us to use state-of-the-art technology stacks.

So, What Are You Waiting For?

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