These days, Angular is one of the top platforms for client-side software development. The bulk of the more than 3.5 million websites created using Angular are owned by people and companies in the United States, Western Europe, and developed Asian countries. 

More than twenty percent of web developers worldwide choose Angular, which is the fifth most popular JavaScript framework as of early 2023.  Moreover, GitHub users have given this technology an astounding 90.1k stars.”

This figure highlights the importance of taking into account Angular programmers for your project, even though it could not be the only aspect that makes a decision.

By the time you finish reading this blog, we’re sure you’ll have the solution you’re looking for. Alternatively, this article on hiring angular developers is designed for you if you’ve already realized the advantages and are thinking about using dedicated angular developers for your project but aren’t sure how to find the best balance between costs and quality of work.”

Types of Angular Versions

Angular Versions

Angular Developers V/S AngularJS Developers?

Are you trying to discover an Angular Developer but getting confused by all the many terminologies used in the field? It may have caught your attention that “angular” and “Angular JS” are frequently used synonymously. But if you assume they are the same, your quest to find an angular developer may encounter a major obstacle.

In actuality, there is a big distinction between the two. Angular JS is an older version of the framework than is currently in use. All versions of Angular, from Angular 2 to Angular 9, are collectively referred to by the moniker “Angular.”

It’s important to remember that Angular 2 was a total redesign of Angular JS, making the two very different. As a result, different standards apply to selecting developers as well. Therefore, how can you decide if you require an Angular JS developer or an Angular developer?

Take a look at the advice provided below to help you decide whether to hire remote angular developers.

In the field of hiring developers, choosing between an Angular Developer and an Angular JS Developer can be difficult, particularly since many people are unaware of the key differences between the two. Let’s look at the salient characteristics of each to help you make a choice.

Performance Increased efficiency as a result of AOT compilation Reduced efficiency as a result of Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation
Mobile Support Angular Mobile Toolkit provides extensive mobile support. Limited mobile support
Dependency Injection System of Hierarchical Dependency Injection Dependency Injection Simplified
Size reduced file size as a result of AOT compilation and tree shaking Larger file size
Two-way Data Binding The syntax for [(ngModel)] is supported. Essential function of the ng-model directive
Testing Sturdy integrated testing tools like Jasmine and TestBed needs outside testing frameworks
Learning Curve Higher learning curve because of TypeScript and intricate ideas less difficult learning curve, particularly for developers of JavaScript
Usage Perfect for creating Single Page Applications (SPAs) and huge, sophisticated applications Ideal for simpler, smaller applications
Support thriving community and frequent Google updates Community assistance but no formal Google updates
Use Cases Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), large-scale projects, and enterprise applications Smaller web applications, prototypes

To sum up, choosing AngularJS is not always a bad or out-of-date decision. Being an AngularJS developer has numerous benefits. But ultimately, it comes down to the particulars of the project and the result you hope to achieve.

Also Read: 11 Robust Reasons To Hire Software Developers From India

Roles and Responsibilities of AngularJS Developers

Front-end development is the area of expertise for Angular developers, who are also skilled in creating intricate user interfaces for mobile and web applications. They are particularly good at creating modules and components, which are important for developing necessary software. Let’s explore the different tasks and duties that Angular developers have in the process of developing your application.

  • A well-designed user interface guarantees lag-free online and mobile performance.
  • constructing a reliable component lifecycle that includes effective two-way data-binding relationships.
  • setting up guards, resolvers, events, and route pathways to enable simple user navigation.
  • enabling efficient HTTP client and API connections between the application and backend services.
  • proficiency with message brokers and a commitment to excellence in asynchronous programming management.
  • proficiency in carrying out a variety of tests, including integration, end-to-end, and unit tests.

Skills to consider while hiring AngularJS Developers

Finding an experienced Angular developer means knowing exactly what professional expertise and collaboration abilities are needed. To make sure you locate the ideal candidate for your project, always bear in mind the following crucial competencies:

Junior Angular developer’s skills

The essential requirements for selecting an Angular developer consist of:

  • HTML 5 and CSS3 proficiency together with an understanding of the basic elements of a web application
  • able to use Karma and Jasmine as tools for designing and testing modules and components.
  • proficiency in building readable, effective JavaScript and TypeScript code.
  • strong experience with component libraries and the Angular framework.
  • Given Angular’s biannual upgrades, demonstrated experience with cooperation, strong communication, and a proactive commitment to learning

Mid-level Angular Developer

The following are examples of a mid-level skill set for an Angular developer:

  • Participation in the design of various types of team collaboration
  • and mastery of both basic and sophisticated interface creation techniques.
  • Strong familiarity with backend technologies such as database configuration, RESTful APIs, and the Node.JS framework
  • knowledge of several front-end JavaScript frameworks, including Angular, Next, Vue, and React, as well as the libraries that go with them, such as Polymer, Backbone, and jQuery.

Senior Angular Developer Skills

At this level of proficiency, a senior Angular developer is capable of creating software solutions in complex circumstances, excels in project management, and has strong full-stack development skills. 

As experts, they also maintain the software product’s code quality and teach less-seasoned team members best practices.

How to Hire AngularJS Developers?

Since Angular is still one of the most popular frameworks, there are a lot of freelancers and web development firms in the market that provide Angular development services. 

It can be difficult to choose the best development company or developer among all of these possibilities. We’ve put together a step-by-step guide to help you identify the ideal Angular programmer for your next project by streamlining the hiring process.

1. Defining Project Requirements 

Defining your project needs in detail is the first step in hiring an Angular development professional for your project. Angular developers can be hired with the help of essential project components that will help you understand why a certain degree of developer skill (junior, mid-level, or senior) is needed.

When determining project needs, bear the following considerations in mind:

  • Do you intend to create a fresh application or make updates to an already existing one? 
  • What is your development budget?
  • What is the development deadline for the application?
  • What number of developers are required? 
  • What is the anticipated length of the hiring procedure? 
  • What degree of Angular development experience are you seeking?

2. Select the Hiring Model 

You have a few different hiring methods to choose from, depending on the requirements of your project: independent hiring, outsourcing, or using a vendor’s services. Freelancers are a good option for smaller jobs or those with tighter finances.

However, think about collaborating with top Angular development businesses or hiring Angular coders from outsourcing organizations to create a customized, feature-rich application.

3. Assess Developer Staffing Requirements

Calculate how many Angular developers are required to finish your project on schedule. Keep in mind that the project will advance more quickly the more developers you get on board. 

For example, a project with five to six developers should be launched in two to three months. On the other hand, if there is just one developer, it can take longer to finish. 


It is important to secure dedicated Angular developers before the project begins to maximize deadlines and costs, as hiring a mid-project can result in additional time and money.

4. Make a job description and start looking for the ideal applicant.

Creating a precise job description guarantees that your team analyzes applicants consistently and gives them a clear knowledge of their responsibilities and duties within the project.

Start looking for the best person to work on your project. Investigate every option and get in touch with every possible applicant. Make a list of the individuals who have been shortlisted for further interviews and screening.

5. Choose the Ideal Candidate 

Make thorough background investigations and go over their portfolio and prior work closely. Check out the kinds of mobile and online applications they have already created. Conduct interviews with the selected applicants to evaluate their level of knowledge, professionalism, and expertise.

6. Choose the Candidate and Establish an Agreement 

After you’ve decided on the developer based on their interview performance, credentials, background, and abilities, it’s time to come to a consensus on the project’s budget, scope, and schedule. All relevant job descriptions and compensation information should be included in this agreement.

How much will it cost to employ an AngularJS developer?

The cost associated with employing a specialized angular developer can vary greatly between nations. The list of nations and the associated costs for employing Angular developers in each is provided below:

Country Seniority Experience in Years Annual Salary Hourly Rates
India Mid to Senior level 3-8 $38,016 – $59,136 $18- $28
USA Mid to Senior level 3- 8 $86000 – 153000 $40- $72
Canada Mid to Senior level 3- 8 $45000 – $78000 $21 – $36
UK Mid to Senior level 3- 8 $39000- 76000 $23- $36
Australia Mid to Senior level 3- 8 $49000- $89900 $23- $42
Germany Mid to Senior level 3- 8 $48300- $87200 $23- $41
Poland Mid to Senior level 3- 8 $43700 – $49200 $20-$41
Israel Mid to Senior level 3- 8 $55100 – $95000 $26 – $45

The aforementioned chart shows how much employing angular developers will cost you based on several factors, including geography and the experience and skill set of each software engineer. Hiring an angular developer from India, however, can be a wise decision if you want to engage an offshore developer for your project while still keeping costs down. India might be a highly desirable option for organizations, as the hourly costs for angular developers are lower, but their skills are better. 

Questions to ask during interviews before recruiting AngularJS developers

Depending on the level of experience, several questions might be asked while hiring an angular developer. The following are some sample questions that might be posed to candidates with varying degrees of experience.

Junior Level Questions

  1. What benefits does Angular provide?
  2. List the top five characteristics of Angular.
  3. Determine the essential Angular components.
  4. Describe how to use JavaScript to change the style of an HTML element.
  5. Describe the box model for CSS.
  6. Describe the components that make up Angular.
  7. How do you deal with application errors?
  8. Explain what CLI means about Angular.
  9. Describe what dependency injection is.
  10. What does an Angular routing entail?
  11. Explain what package.json is.

Mid Level Questions

  1. Could you provide more details about how modules are implemented using lazy loading?
  2. Which situations would you choose shared and core modules for?
  3. What are your recommended debugging tools for troubleshooting?
  4. Differentiate between Angular’s unit and end-to-end testing.
  5. Could you give any examples of angular directives in action?
  6. Describe the purpose of the file tsconfig.json.
  7. Explain the structure and goal of the app.module.ts file.

Senior Level Questions

  • List the three ways that Angular 2 and AngularJS differ.
  • Could you give examples of situations in which you have used HTTP interceptors?
  • Tell us about your experience using change detection techniques. Could you share more about the ones you’ve put into practice?
  • Which situations do you think are best for using a change detection strategy?
  • Which Angular modules must be imported to properly use reactive forms?

Why hire AngularJS Developers from Appic Softwares?

With a wealth of IT industry experience, Appic Softwares has perfected the art of matching technical specialists with projects, giving businesses a clear edge over their competitors. 

Having completed more than 1,000 successful projects to date, we have a solid grasp of how to deliver excellence on a wide range of challenging assignments. We have an experienced team of Angular developers that you can hire and make them work on your project. 

Contact us now and hire Angular developers!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the purpose of Angular?

A TypeScript language called Angular is used to create HTML client apps. Developers must incorporate a number of its fundamental features into their web apps. 

Can Python outperform Angular?

One popular language that is commended for its syntactic simplicity is Python. Python would be the ideal language to start with for a newbie. However, when it comes to working with HTML and JavaScript cores, angular is the language that web developers are advised to use. 

Is Angular a language for coding?

Not at all. A TypeScript language called Angular is used to find and fix issues in programs.