As per a study, 76% of customers get frustrated by businesses that do not provide personalized experiences to their customers. Thus, integrating your store with a language translation app has also become a necessity nowadays. 

To help you find the best Adobe Commerce translation app we have done the hard work and listed the best 5 apps that you must check out

LangShop Language Translator (5/5⭐)

Adobe Commerce language translation app

A tool that allows you to translate your store into multiple languages. Through this extension, you can translate product information, categories, CMS pages, and so on. The app functions smoothly and also allows you to easily manage translations, and easily make your business available to global customers. 


  • The extension supports 241 language translations. 
  • Allows you to edit language translation manually
  • The app provides you with notifications every time someone requests a translation. 


  • Free

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Croatian Language Pack (5/5⭐)

Adobe Commerce language translation app

If your store has high visitors from Croatia then this tool would help you provide personalized experience to them. The app can easily convert more than 13,000 phrases into Croatian for both the admin and customer panels. 


  • The extension requires less than 30 minutes to get installed in your store. 
  • Without touching any code the front and the admin panel automatically get translated to the Croatian language. 

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Japanese Language Pack (5/5⭐)

Adobe Commerce language translation app

This app allows you to convert your storefront and backyard screens to the Japanese language. This is a must-have tool if you have Japanese store owners and customers. 


  • The app is designed by a Japanese translator which provides the most accurate translation. 
  • This extension can translate the backend as well as the front end. 


  • Free

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AppJetty Language Translator (4.3/5⭐)

Adobe Commerce language translation app

This extension uses Google Translator to translate different languages in your store. The app can convert store information into almost every local language which upscale your customer experience. 


  • The app provides a full command to the admin regarding which content to translate and which not. 
  • You can even change the meta details like meta title, meta description, and meta keywords.
  • The extension also allows you to translate customer reviews.


  • $199

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Multi-Country Language Pop-Up

Adobe Commerce language translation app

This tool won’t change the language by the location of the visitor, however, there would be a pop-up on your store that allows your customers to choose the language they want to read the content. 


  • You can enable/disable the search bar as per your needs. 
  • The customers view the list of companies in the popup. 
  • It even allows the customers to view the country name in their native language. 


  • $99

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Now, in the end, we hope that through this post you were able to gain the knowledge on which language translator app would perfectly fit your store. Here we have listed 5 such tools, each with a different functionality, that would make it easier for you to decide the best. 

However, if you are looking for an Adobe Commerce development company that can help you create an Adobe Commerce store or launch a mobile app then you must check out Appic Softwares. 

We have an experienced team of Adobe Commerce developers that would help you to create an engaging software or mobile app, which is easy to scale. Our developers can use all the latest technologies like Flutter, React, AI, and more to launch your app. 

So, what are you waiting for?

Contact us now!