Big Data In EdTech 2024: History, Benefits, Examples

Big Data In EdTech 2024: History, Benefits, Examples

Big Data In EdTech

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Understanding what “big data” means and how it can help the education industry

Big data is the study, organization, use, and learning of very large amounts of data that regular computers can’t handle. It is the job of data scientists and engineers. Industries can predict trends, learn how people act, and make better business decisions by getting the information they need from big data sets. Or, come up with new ways to meet the needs of today’s world.

There are questions about where the word “big data” came from, which should be looked into. “Big data” was first used by a computer scientist from Pennsylvania named John Mashey in the mid-1990s at Silicon Graphics, an American company that made hardware and software until 2009.

Why big data analytics is good for schools

Big data analysis lets professors see where students are having trouble or doing well in school, as well as their specific needs. This lets them come up with methods and help students create personalized learning paths that will help them learn more effectively.

This page tells you the difference between data science and big data analytics.

How do you measure information around the world?

History, Benefits, and Examples of Big Data in the Education Industry 

These days, you can store any kind of data in the cloud, and the amount of data being stored is growing at an amazing rate. People think that there will be 163 zettabytes of data by the year 2025. One zettabyte is the same as one billion terabytes, which is the same as one trillion gigabytes.

The 3V rule: volume, speed, and variety

To look at the constantly growing data, big data analytics uses methods and tools that were made just for that purpose. Data scientists look at three main things about it in order to examine it:

Types and characteristics of data are called variety. Volume is the amount of data. Velocity is the speed at which data moves and is processed.

How big data has changed over time in education

How big data has changed over time in education

The chaos caused by rising data and how it is organized began at the start of the 21st century. It is tough to say for sure what day it was first used in schools.

Researchers became interested in how learning analytics is used in schools because of the huge rise of online learning in the 2010s. Educational Data Mining became popular at international study conferences from 2000 to 2007. In 2008, there was already a meeting in Canada that was just for EDM. The International Educational Data Mining Society was set up in 2011.

People questioned what learning analytics really meant because it had to match up with the latest study in education and keep its promise to make learning better and more efficient. In 2015, Columbia University started the first graduate program in learning analytics. The school was a great fit for EDM researchers because it taught graduates how to use analytics and big data analytics to make education better with technology.

What Does the Present Situation in the World Have to Do with Big Data and How It Affects Education?

Most people don’t seem to understand what “Big Data” means, so how can we use its benefits and worth in real life? The coronavirus outbreak has an effect on everyone in the world. Education is done from afar. The number of people taking online classes is growing very quickly. A lot of people search for e-learning programs on Google, and kids download software to do their schoolwork and have it checked online. Schools use software for video streaming to hold lessons from afar. Right now, the power of many eLearning tools is changing the way we learn. Later, data scientists will look at all the information gathered about how this software was used, what problems users had, what they liked, how often or rarely they showed up, what tests they passed, and what the information they wrote could reveal about them. Scientists who work with big data will learn how we act. Universities and businesses will get the results, which will have a bigger effect on schooling.

What’s Next for Big Data and Education

What's Next for Big Data and Education

Changes in schooling will be very different in the near future from how they are now. The way that students and kids are told which career to choose and whether to focus on learning Science or Humanities skills will change in a big way.

Educational software that is based on statistics and analytics will meet the needs of both students and teachers. The way people learn and how fast they learn will change as face recognition and voice-based learning become more common in schools. It is common for companies to hire someone based on information they already have from universities about how well the student did in school.

Kids will have all the chances they need to learn everything they need to know without having to go to school. In a great example, people are getting their Master’s or Bachelor’s degrees through eLearning, and universities are openly promoting their digital learning departments on their websites. It began today.

When used in conjunction with AI, game-based learning, and simulations, big data in education will make learning more effective. Our attempts to educate ourselves fully and sufficiently will be changed by advances in technology, leading to unimaginable new experiences.

The best way to use big data in education 

What does big data really mean for schooling these days? Let’s look at some of the most common ways that big data is used in schooling.

When used in education, big data analytics can give:

  • Tracking how well students are doing
  • Using big data analytics to measure how well students are doing

IBM said that there would be a 28% need for data scientists in 2020. And it can’t be stopped. As an advanced way to gather a lot of organized and unstructured data, big data analytics is still on the wish list of people in the education field.

In the school field, big data helps with looking at how well students are doing. Every day, eLearning tools send a lot of data that can be used to learn about students’ habits, performance, and motivation. With analytics, it’s much easier to check how well software or online classes work these days. The ability to see data and statistics in real time is growing in software engineers, universities, and areas of education. Large amounts of data give them a lot more faith in

  • Changing the way schools work
  • creating a mix of learning styles
  • Changing how assessments are done
  • encouraging people to keep learning
  • Detecting behavior and making predictions

Behavior detectors are automated models in data mining that use interaction logs to figure out how kids act. So, for example, we could tell when a student cheats the learning system to get ahead without learning while playing an educational game. Text mining lets us look at what students write, how they think about themselves, and how they show their feelings through words and body language.

Teachers can come up with better ways to teach by looking at how people use LMS or MOOCs for online learning. The goal of using big data in education is to figure out when fun things are more interesting than doing work. This is one reason why gaming software needs to be carefully studied and looked into to make sure it fits the right learning goals and speeds things up.

Detecting students’ actions in real life

Imagine data experts using special software to get the data they need and then sending it back to the right people. It is the job of data scientists to take data processing to the next level. They want to fix the issue of some eLearning apps not working as well or as popularly as they used to. To figure out what off-task activity is, big data scientists use certain techniques and math and technology. What does it mean for education and big data? They keep track of the times and situations when kids get off track. The following things can cause it:

People who use software without thinking carefully miss out on important learning tasks because they are careless and don’t pay enough attention to picking the right answer, even if they know it. This is called “Without Thinking Fastidiously” behavior. When students are having problems, the software suggests possible solutions. But students either accept them and take the necessary steps, or they don’t. There are different “curriculum planning” behaviors that show when students are paused, either because of the job or because the teacher is stepping in.

So, big data and behavior tracking help teachers figure out why some students aren’t doing well. For students who are having trouble meeting their learning goals, it also helps to find new ways to help them.

Teachers’ help in making things better

Big data can be used to help make better methods for managing schools. It makes it possible for teachers to learn how to use technology better so they can better test, collect data, and judge their students’ behavior, skills, and performance. If they had the right tools and measures, they could judge their own work, make the classroom a better place to learn, and make learning much more possible.

How to match career paths and hire people

Using big data analytics to match job candidates with career paths

Companies today use technology to make the process of hiring faster and better. The trouble, though, is that data is kept safe at different levels and in different places. Businesses and schools keep their own secret lists of information about job applicants’ skills, students’ work, reviews, test scores, and other things.

Centralizing access to big data would help universities and businesses work together, reduce the lack of specialists in many fields, give students better job chances, and help them choose a better career path.

When used in education, big data analytics can help figure out what skills students have and how to match them with career goals. Analytics will also help businesses and schools put their money and time into the departments, faculties, and areas that need it the most.

The growth of individual learning

With big data, it’s possible to figure out which method works best for each student. It’s great when personalization in education helps students get better at writing and talking to others, or when it helps them do better on tests in different topics. Big data is used to make smart, interactive tutoring systems that can be tailored to each student’s wants and areas where they need help. Customized digital solutions can now be used to make learning fun, and teachers should pay close attention to this trend.

Technology in schools is the way of the future. Check out these EdTech companies that are making a difference!

Knowledge being turned into narrow areas

Big Data in Education isn’t just looking at how people use tools to find better ways to teach and learn. A lot of research papers, video files, and text files about certain subjects are also being moved to the cloud every day. With the help of excellent software, humanity adds domain-specific data to bigger data sets. Take the subject of astronomy as an example. Software options, such as the one that US astronomers use to observe space from afar, let people explore space and save unique data on their research. It’s made so that people can share their thoughts and learn from experts. Game-like elements are another thing that makes the answer for watching space from afar much more useful and fun.

Astronomers and astrophysicists could look at the data that has been collected and saved in the future to learn more about the things that happen in the sky and make new discoveries in the field. Though teachers can guess how students feel about using games in space research and what could be done to make astronomy more interesting and fun for everyone.

Think of Appic Softwares as your trusted partner

This is a company called Appic Softwares that does great work with big data analytics. Our main goal with big data is to keep up with the latest trends and make an effect on the market by creating education software and e-learning apps that are driven by big data. Along with that, we are very good at forecasting analytics in big data.

Get in touch with us if you want to stay ahead of the competition and put big data to work for you.

  • Better level of e-learning and testing
  • What you can learn about a learner’s habits, drive, and performance
  • Analysis of student behavior based on how they connect with software
  • Text mining can be used to test students’ abilities, feelings, self-reflection, and other things.
  • Analytics on student enrollment and job direction
  • Chatbots offer students the chance to get help with any question.
  • Texts, surveys, online tests that students have passed, online classes that they have 

finished, and educational games can all tell teachers a lot about what their students are missing and how to adapt their lessons to fit each student’s needs. They can also help teach new generations digitally.


The coming together of Big Data and EdTech is changing how education apps are made. Appic Softwares was one of the first companies to work with educational technology. They make cutting edge tools, like apps, that help students work together, get a more personalized education, and get involved.

The new trend in education is to use big data, which is great for students because it opens up so many options. Today, thanks to Big Data analytics, people can finally take charge of how they learn new things, find gaps in their knowledge, and fill them with the right answers.  Without a doubt, using data analytics in education can help improve the quality of those lessons. On the other hand, there are problems with using big data in schools that still need to be fixed. In the end, only time will tell. But from now on, big data plays a great part in the education field.

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