A shift in consumer preferences from eating out to ordering meals online has contributed to significant growth in the online food delivery sector in recent years. Changes in consumer behavior have further fueled this amazing expansion.

According to Statista, the global market for online meal delivery was valued at 770 billion US dollars in 2022 and is expected to reach 1.4 trillion US dollars by 2027. The exponential growth of the online food delivery market has attracted numerous startup companies and business entrepreneurs who are looking to develop their own meal delivery applications and tap into a lucrative revenue stream.

Despite its enormous potential and plenty of growth opportunities, the food delivery industry poses a special set of difficulties for entrepreneurs in this industry. We’ll talk about the main difficulties business owners that enter the online meal delivery market encounter today.

The Top 10 Challenges Modern Food Delivery Businesses Face

  • Uncertain Pricing Model

The intensely competitive meal delivery business has seen the entry of several new firms. In turn, this has made it difficult for competing businesses to choose the optimum pricing strategy.

New businesses entering this market tend to operate on thin margins in order to be successful and catch the attention of users. They even employ a number of offensive and defensive pricing techniques to stay competitive. But all of this puts pressure on the margins and affects their profitability. The difficulty is further complicated by the wildly fluctuating price of food.

Examining the pricing tactics employed by seasoned market players is the simplest way to address this problem. Recognizing the most recent advancements in the online food delivery industry and customer price sensitivity can also help in the construction of a successful pricing strategy.

  • Variations in Food Quality

It can be challenging for many restaurant partners to regularly provide consumers with meals of the same standard and freshness. Food travels under a lot of stress because of the bumps, motions, and vibrations on the road. The meal’s freshness could occasionally suffer as a result of all of this.

Entrepreneurs should thoroughly study the restaurant’s packaging and safety rules before partnering with them for food delivery. Additionally, restaurants should use top-notch packing supplies like insulated food bags to preserve the food’s freshness.

  • Manage Logistics 

This is one of the main challenges that many food delivery companies face. It is frequently difficult for the delivery partner to make on-time deliveries due to the enormous influx of orders. Early on, when the restaurants are still learning how to manage huge logistical orders without interfering with walk-in orders, this is usually what happens.

Issues with prioritizing order requests, allocating the right number of trucks, and selecting particular areas for food delivery are other difficulties that many startups face. 

Adding features like an order scheduler, delivery router, location tracking, geofencing, etc. to your food delivery platform is the simplest way to get around this problem. Additionally, providing the delivery personnel with the necessary training could ensure on-time deliveries.

  • Creating a Consistent Customer Base

There are ever more platforms for meal delivery in the era of eCommerce. The number of options offered to customers frequently overwhelms them. In such circumstances, attracting new users and keeping them on your platform is difficult. Current loyalty is given to a restaurant or delivery business that provides superior offers, rewards, and benefits. But there isn’t a foolproof strategy for attracting and keeping clients. 

Running a referral program and giving new consumers constant discounts and offers is the best solution to this problem. You might also focus on developing a user-friendly user interface (UI) for a smart application. Gamification, advanced search, meal monitoring, and other features can all help enhance the user experience and keep users coming back. 

  • Collaborating With the Right Market Experts

Finding the right restaurants to join requires a lot of work for company owners building an aggregation meal delivery network. By working with the best and highest-quality partners and adding them to the platform, a favorable brand image can be developed. But with so many choices, it might be challenging to choose the top eateries. 

Making sure that each restaurant partner’s onboarding process is seamless may also require a lot of work.

Working with an onboarding specialist who can offer practical solutions and strong assistance to the partner restaurants will be the best option for overcoming this difficulty.

  • The Risk From Stronger Players

Every startup in the food delivery sector aims to gain client loyalty and a significant market share. However, seasoned market players have amassed huge consumer bases, leaving little room for new competitors. And the end outcome of this is market capitalization.

One of the biggest difficulties for new and developing players is this. The greatest way to exceed the competition, then, is to continue to provide excellent customer service, high responsiveness, and excellent assistance. Entrepreneurs need to have a website that attracts new customers and entices them to come back repeatedly.

  • Determining The Best Marketing Strategy

Even if you have designed a completely effective food delivery programme with the best features, it could be challenging to attract new users. When you are not utilizing the greatest marketing platforms, this is especially true. Because consumer preferences are changing so quickly, it can frequently be difficult to develop a successful marketing strategy.

The best course of action is to create a complete advertising plan that includes all of your marketing endeavours in advance. This is a thorough description of your target market and the ideal location to find them. Working together with food bloggers and influencers is a fantastic way to increase brand recognition and forge a strong online presence.

  • To Address Client Expectations

Customers have become pretty sophisticated in this internet-enabled environment.

When it comes to online services, especially meal delivery, people have extremely high expectations. And in order to meet these standards, you must provide them with excellent culinary service.

Customers are seeking simplicity and ease. They want a simple system for ordering and looking for food. Additionally, they need food deliveries on time. As a result, as a business owner, you must ensure that your food delivery system is dependable and lives up to client expectations.

  • Constantly Making Deliveries on Time

When striving to guarantee prompt and timely delivery of goods, businesses may encounter logistical challenges, particularly during peak hours or in locations with high traffic. Companies can avoid this by employing a range of strategies, such as optimising delivery routes, utilising real-time traffic data, or working with outside logistics providers. By effectively managing their delivery operations, businesses may reduce delays, increase customer satisfaction, and maintain a competitive edge. Technology may provide transparency and enable businesses to proactively address any potential bottlenecks that may arise during the delivery process. Software for route planning and tracking systems are examples of this.

  • Keeping track of order accuracy

Keeping track of order

To maintain high levels of customer satisfaction, firms must accurately take and fulfill consumer orders. Mistakes like giving out the wrong things or not having certain ingredients can make customers unhappy and possibly damage the company’s reputation. Businesses can employ reliable order management systems that guarantee correct order entry and fulfillment to manage order accuracy successfully. Businesses may maintain client trust, promote brand loyalty, and produce pleasant brand experiences by putting order accuracy first.


In the end, we hope that through this post you were able to gain knowledge about the Challenges Faced by Food Delivery App Businesses. Here, we have mentioned the Top 10 Challenges Modern Food Delivery Businesses Face.

However, if you are looking for a Food App Development Company that can help you create an app. Then you should check out Appic Softwares. Our team of talented engineers is adept at using all of the newest technologies, including Flutter, React, AI, VR, and more.

So, what are you waiting for?

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