Globally, learning management systems (LMS) and educational technologies have taken on a new normal. The need for education and eLearning App Like Udemy is rising along with the power of online consumers and learners. Actually, among the most downloaded categories across all major app shops is education.

This is a result of people’s desire for the accessibility and ease that come with applications, which facilitate easier and more frictionless online learning. For this reason, the majority of the best online learning environments allow for app-based learning. 

Numerous educational and learning applications, such as Khan Academy, Coursera, and Udemy, have gained popularity worldwide. The fact that well-known websites like Google and LinkedIn have introduced their own learning and classroom applications highlights how well-liked these programs are.

You are in the proper place if you want to release an app for the online education market. Continue reading to learn everything there is to know about creating an educational app that can rival Udemy or even turn your own original concept into a potent learning tool.

Online learning and education sector: Data and facts

We’ll offer you an overview of the size, scope, and future direction of the education sector in this section by featuring some additional data and figures. Before you develop your educational app, do some research and get off to a wise start.

  • By 2025, the value of the worldwide eLearning market is expected to reach USD 650 billion. In 2014, this was only valued at USD 165.36 billion.
  • The market for learning management systems, or LMSs, is expected to expand by 14.2% between 2022 and 2029.
  • Global investments in education technology (EdTech) were USD 18.66 billion in 2019.
  • The US eLearning market alone was valued at USD 90 billion in 2021.
  • After gaming apps and business, education is the third most popular category on the Apple App Store and the second most popular category on Google Play.
  • In 2020, 98 percent of US firms reportedly used online learning in one way or another. In 2017, that percentage was a mere 77%.
  • eLearning initiatives might result in a 25–60% improvement in student and new hire retention rates.
  • By 2024, the corporate eLearning industry in the United States may surpass USD 38 billion.
  • IBM realized savings of over USD 200 million by converting to eLearning.
  • Over 45% of elementary school students, 64% of middle school students, and 63% of high school students frequently utilize at least one digital learning tool.
  • 2 out of 5 Fortune 500 companies use eLearning tools.
  • eLearning results in an 85% reduction in CO2 emissions per person and a 90% reduction in energy use.
  • In the US, approximately 65% of professors support online courses.

These are a few figures and data that demonstrate the size of the online learning and education market. The pandemic increased access to online learning resources and made eLearning more widely recognized. As a result, the business is expected to expand greatly in the upcoming years, and there will probably be a rise in demand for educational apps.

Benefits of creating an education app like Udemy

Let us first discuss the benefits of pursuing education app development and the reasons behind them before delving into the specifics of the process. Introducing a learning app assures additional benefits in addition to allowing you to join a booming sector.

This is why developing educational and learning applications is a good idea:

Apps eradicate barriers

Conventional teaching approaches are adequate until they aren’t. These approaches have their limitations, which frequently result in obstacles that could be financial, geographical, or other. By serving as a digital bridge to bridge these gaps, a mobile app can assist students in overcoming many of these obstacles. For example, students can use an app to study from an instructor while seated anywhere in the world. You can access countless materials at any time and from any location with just a click. Students are free to schedule their classes around their schedules and learn

eLearning is the new normal

Parents, teachers, and students are all searching for fresh and creative approaches to education. By removing obstacles and filling in gaps, cutting-edge technology in education also gives people the tools they need to seize chances. For example, because technology can adjust to each person’s unique learning rate, it can also be helpful to those with specific disabilities. Apps, as opposed to traditional classrooms, can facilitate dynamic and interactive learning without significantly straining the financial and infrastructure. Education apps should grow more potent in the near future with the arrival of artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, and other cutting-edge technology.

MOOC platforms rely on digital connectivity

For many, taking Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, is the new way to study and advance one’s skills. People can learn more easily if they use an app that makes use of all the knowledge and information that is available online. It can facilitate communication, discussion, and learning about interests from the comfort of one’s own location. Additionally, the resources’ constant availability and one-click accessibility make learning simpler and more enjoyable.

App-based users are more loyal

Websites are prone to the “buy and bye” syndrome. This raises the possibility that a platform’s user base will shift to one of its rivals. Even though they are not designed for shopping, learning and education websites might experience the same problems. On the other hand, people are drawn to apps when they install them on their phones. Additionally, compared to websites, apps can guarantee higher retention rates and inspire greater client loyalty.

Communication gets easier with apps

Apps can provide improved connectivity for peer, parent-teacher, or student-teacher communication, among other types of communication. An app with a chat function can guarantee that instructors and teachers are available at all times, giving students and learners all the support they require. It can also remove obstacles to communication and facilitate seamless connections between parties.

Apps streamline business operations

Educators can improve staff efficiency and optimize corporate operations with the use of mobile app like Udemy. Native educational apps, for example, can take advantage of device characteristics and obtain additional user data points. Consequently, this enables businesses to better serve their customers by customizing and adjusting the experience for them. In a similar vein, task and workflow automation promotes teamwork and lowers the likelihood of mistakes, defects, and operational backlogs. Apps make everything easier, from keeping track of attendance records to charging payments via payment gateways.

Apps enhance data-management

App data management is bidirectional. In addition to providing learners with an infinite amount of resources, educators have the ability to gather user data in order to provide a more customized and engaged learning environment. As opposed to typical classroom settings, it becomes simpler to monitor participants’ development and allows for individualised instruction for every student based on their level of achievement. As the platform gains their interest and allegiance, they can be offered resources and assistance appropriately. It is obvious that applications can guarantee the most beneficial collaboration between teachers and students.

Important components of an effective education and learning app

What constitutes a successful education and learning app? Irrespective of the app’s niche—be it student-teacher interaction for a classroom or skill-upgrading for working professionals—the features of the app will ultimately dictate its level of success. The following are some essential and sophisticated aspects of an education app:

  • Simple sign-up, registration, and login (including Google, Apple, and email logins).
  • Management of teacher and student profiles
  • enticing UX & UI with simple navigation
  • Easy search and filtering for discovering courses and other information
  • Support for interactive audio and video content
  • Monitoring and tracking of progress
  • Online billing and payment processing
  • Integration of social media  
  • Evaluation and grading gathering
  • Localization and multilingual assistance
  • Support for loyalty and reward programs
  • Support for push notifications
  • In-app chat assistance
  • Help with ads and monetization
  • Analytics data on app usage

These are the kinds of features that can make an educational app like Udemy successful and give it power. The objectives and purpose of your app will, however, determine the final feature and functionality list. To determine which features are crucial for you and how your education app should feel and appear, you can build user personas to better understand your target audience and validate your app idea.

How can one create a learning app similar to Udemy?

Let’s get on to the actual reason we are here. Learn how to create a learning app that is even better than Udemy or Coursera by reading on. 

Step 1: Begin by conducting in-depth research

Your project will be more successful the more money you put into research in developing an app like Udemy. It will also steer you in the right way and help you reduce the possibility of wasting important time and resources. Pay close attention to the following actions and make thorough research for your app:

Understand your rivals: Begin by determining the specific issue your app will solve and how it will vary from what your rivals are now providing. Take note of the advantages and disadvantages of your rivals and base your idea accordingly.

Every brand is concentrating on a customer-centric strategy, therefore research your audience. Find out about your users’ expectations, characteristics, and how your app may help them. By getting to know your users, you can better serve them and assist them achieve their objectives with your app.

Adjust your app’s niche: There is no way for one education app to cover everything in the huge field of education. As a result, evaluate current market trends and determine a niche for your app. Decide which issues or subjects you will cover, then stay with it.

Step 2: Develop prototypes for apps

After conducting your research, you are ready to begin shaping your app idea. You might begin by making mockups of your application for this. To sketch out your ideas, make wireframes or prototypes of your application. You can share the mockups with your stakeholders to show them how your app will feel and look.

Making prototypes will also assist you in determining an app’s precise architecture and workflow. Additionally, it might assist you in spotting and eliminating any weaknesses and defects in the plan. The level of detail depends depend on your app’s objectives, but putting together a plan for it will help you and your team get started in the correct direction.

Step 3: Create the app

After your concept has been verified, you can move forward with creating your app idea. Create the features and functionalities, as well as the UI/UX, to create the educational app of your desires. However, you must first complete your development method because it has the potential to make a huge impact.

Low code development platforms

You can also make your app using a low code app builder if you’ve done some coding before and are prepared to pick up a new tool or language. This is still a good alternative to custom app development, even though it will require more time and resources than no-code app development.

Seek for a low code app development platform that supports your objectives and doesn’t copy your concepts. In order to avoid being left in the dark for months, be sure the low code development platform you choose has fixed time and upfront price. Make sure they are prepared to deliver on the same objectives by having a pre-talk about them.

Custom app development agencies or tools

Among the most popular approaches to app development is this one. Despite the availability of low-code and no-code options, some individuals continue to favor custom app creation. If so, you can use the greatest frameworks and tools to create your own application. If not, you can recruit internal experts or contract with freelancers and organizations to handle development if you don’t know how to program.

Recall that in order to make sure that your suggestions are taken into consideration and carried out, you will still need to oversee the project and work with the teams. Select platforms that will provide assistance with app upgrades and maintenance; these will be crucial in the long run. Additionally, look for platforms that are open and honest about price and delivery schedules.

That was all related to creating an app for schooling. You can also consult our comprehensive guide on mobile app creation if you require additional assistance. It contains all the details you require to make high-end, feature-rich programs. Additionally, you can learn about development types and trends here, among other things.


Continue reading? Fantastic! It appears that you are genuinely dedicated to making your vision of an educational software a reality, and we are here to support you in that endeavor. Now is the perfect time to develop and release your app, regardless of whether it complements the top-performing ones already on the market (such as Udemy, Coursera, Khan Academy, etc.) or you have an original idea.

So feel free to develop your own Education App. It will just take a few minutes with the educational app developer from Appic Softwares. It is also inexpensive and simple. After your app becomes online, you can start promoting it with marketing and advertising campaigns and optimize it for the stores.

If you’d like, you may also look around our site and read our posts on how to make an app similar to Uber or Amazon. You are welcome to peruse our extensive library of materials on mobile app development, maintenance, optimization, and marketing. So join us and start using our app to succeed right away!

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