One question we get asked a lot as marketers and MarTech specialists is how we use Adobe Marketo Engage to meet the “email personalization at scale” requirement. Marketers find themselves in a difficult position when it comes to establishing and leading personalized email solutions because of the significant investment required in this tool and the excessive hype surrounding personalization and experience-driven marketing methods. Email personalization is growing essential for B2B and B2C businesses, thus it’s important to talk about the possibility of using cutting-edge MarTech products like Adobe Marketo Engage to accomplish the same.

Adobe Marketo Engage is a marketing automation software that can increase conversions, engagement, and lead ROIs significantly. However, most marketers still struggle to use the tool’s scalable personalization feature. In this article, we’ll go over how the concept of email personalization has evolved over the last 10 years, what personalized experiences imply in the contemporary day, and how you can use personalization to increase email conversion, engagement, and retention. 

The run-of-the-mill understanding of email personalization

Although the term “personalization” has been extremely popular over the past ten years, its meaning has evolved significantly. When we previously discussed personalized email communication, the conventional interpretation of it involved using the recipient’s first name, altering the subject line to include the recipient’s name or the name of their company, and repeatedly using personal characteristics to add a touch of individuality to the email. Although this tactic was effective for a while, over time, individuals began to react to these emails differently, and as a result of token abuse, it eventually became obsolete. 

Even as you read this, your inbox is flooded with similar emails that address you by name and contain other superficial details, but you choose not to click on them. Who else would do that, then? 

Transitioning from personalization to individualization: The world has changed

A 1:MANY mass generic message method with a hint of segmentation based on demographic data is essentially what personalization is if we were to define it. For B2B, the overuse of tokens persists, even though most B2C players now understand personalization far better thanks to the advent of live search and AI-driven product suggestions. The needs and expectations that business-to-business (B2B) clients have about their experiences have evolved. Marketers who try to satisfy business-to-business (B2B) consumers with a minimal degree of customization face an insurmountable problem because B2B users demand the same experience as B2C customers. 

B2B would want to have 1:1 experiences instead of 1:many. We also refer to this expectation as “individualization.” This phrase is a great replacement for personalization because it refers to communicating with customers on a personal level and delivering specially tailored messages based on their past actions, preferences, background, and interests. By using personalization, business-to-business marketers may launch innovative email campaigns that cater to the requirements, interests, identities, and wants of their target audience. 

How to use Adobe Marketo Engage to increase the email personalization quotient

While Adobe Marketo Engage offers a multitude of email personalization tools and functions, we will go over some of the more fundamental ones that you may already be familiar with or want to consider for your upcoming email campaigns. 

First: Tokens

It seems a little hypocritical of me to rank tokens first on my list after earlier discussing their superficial personalization requirements. Tokens are the most easily customizable and understandable features in Adobe Marketo. These shortcodes are ranked #1 on this list because, as a marketer using the platform, you are already aware of their power. Tokens can be included in emails, landing pages, and smart campaigns in Adobe Marketo. In Adobe Marketo, tokens can be classified into seven categories: person, company, campaign, system, trigger, program, and member tokens. 

Tokens can be added to email scripts and subject lines to reference data from other fields in the lead database, but they can never be added to the pre-header (well, with this hack, you can now). 

  • A: Tokens can be added to the email’s From, From Address, Reply-to, and Subject Line. To add tokens to your subject lines (or any other field), just click the feature indicated by the red arrow. After that, you can use the email to refer to every token that is available at the program level.

  • B: As seen in the above image, you can also include a token in the email script.

  • C: Next are “My Tokens,” which are added at the program level and are exclusive to the program’s assets. 

Tokens are a fantastic method to reference recipient-specific data and add personalized information to your emails, all things considered. 

Using VTL for Email Scripting

Because this function requires prior coding skills, most marketers are either hesitant to utilize it or don’t want to. A coding framework called Velocity Template Language was developed on top of Java to allow emails to be dynamically generated content. Velocity enables you to apply strong personalization in your email assets, going beyond tokens. Although the language is very simple for engineers to understand, marketers find it to be more of a frightening luxury. Still, why are you forced to participate in VTL?

  • when referencing several record attributes is necessary. The most basic example would be if you wanted to create personalized greetings (like “Hello Mr. Tan” or “Hello Ms.Wong”) by entering your Last Name in a Gender Field.
  • Display email content dynamically according to user choices; for instance, conceal messages from individuals who reside in a specific area. 

Email Script can be found under the relevant program-level section of My Tokens. Children’s programs can also use the tokens generated at the parent program level. Using a series of if, else-if, and else codes coupled using rule operators like AND (&&), OR (||), equals, does not equal, contains, does not contain, “check if field is empty,” “check if field is not empty,” and so on, velocity scripting employs an if-this-then-that methodology. Using parenthesis, you may combine any of these operators to create query strings. 

After dragging the Email Script token, select Edit to begin writing your script.

Personilized Emials With Adobe Marketo Engage

You can drag the appropriate field into the editor after checking Standard Objects & Custom Objects. Now you may write your reasoning using your field name. Next, select Save. You can add leads to your static list and then preview your email by list or individual to test your code. Alternatively, you can send a test email to a lead that satisfies your conditions. 


A logical collection of leads connected by behavior, interests, or demographics is called a segment. Adding dynamic content to emails, landing pages, or even snippets is possible with segmentation. Because every segment is unique from the others, you can attain a very high degree of customization. You can tailor every inch of your email to your audience’s preferences, including the CTAs, graphics, content, and sender information. 

  • Within the Database > Segmentation folder, new segmentations can be created. 
  • Next, give your segmentation a name. 
  • (The default segment has already been added.) Add segments. Next, Produce. 

Once your segment is prepared, you can use segmentation to tailor your emails and show users dynamic material that is relevant to their individual demographic and behavioral characteristics. 

Personilized Emials With Adobe Marketo Engage

  1. Go inside your email and select “Make Dynamic.” 

Personilized Emials With Adobe Marketo Engage

  1. Decide which segmentation you want to use to make the material more individualized.
  2. Adding various image/content variants by the segmentation.


Use segmentation to examine your email in “Preview.” 

Custom Objects in Marketo 

Another effective technique to add personality to your emails and expand the platform’s tracking capabilities beyond leads and contacts is Custom Objects. 

  • These are special data tables that Adobe Marketo has created to specify additional fields for storing data outside of the predefined boundaries. 
  • You can refer to certain business data points to suit your business model. To track product orders, support tickets, event registrations, or other data related to your marketing initiatives, for instance, you can construct custom objects. 
  • To align data with other systems, you can even sync these custom objects with Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, or your CRM. 
  • Custom objects can be used in Adobe Marketo filters or trigger stages to enable relevant and focused interactions. 
  • These custom items can be analyzed to gain insights while creating reports. 
  • These customized objects can also be accessed via APIs using Adobe Marketo, and they can be analyzed for data input and export, process automation, and system integration. 
  • For personalization, you can use custom objects in email scripts. 
  • As seen in the above image, you may create Marketo Custom Objects by going to Admin> Marketo Custom Objects> New Custom Object.

Make Use of Adobe Marketo Get involved with cutting-edge email personalization techniques.

While many marketing strategies cannot succeed without personalization, doing so can be difficult. We can assist you in streamlining and streamlining email personalization with the platform, in conjunction with our certified Adobe Marketo specialists. We can apply email personalization best practices and assist you in getting the most out of your marketing budget thanks to our technological proficiency and adaptable expertise serving numerous global clients. Reach out to Ranosys, a reputable Adobe Marketo consulting company, to provide personalization on a large scale. 


Businesses can improve engagement and run successful marketing campaigns with Adobe Marketo Engage’s seamless personalized email creation solution. For best outcomes, improve your communication strategy and establish a more personal connection with your audience.

Therefore, you may recruit an Adobe AEM developer by taking into account several aspects, including problem-solving abilities, soft skills, experience, certification, and more, and by following the procedure we covered in this article.

In this manner, you will be able to identify the ideal AEM developer for your business, one that will help you meet your objectives and advance your organization.

Speak with an AEM consulting firm right now!