Building a brand should be an essential part of any sound business plan. A brand is not an entity in and of itself, but it does speak for what you believe in and outlines how your business embodies what you believe in. 

While you could make people aware of that information by shouting it from the rooftops, in most cases, websites have been able to fulfill that goal more effectively. 

Platforms such as Drupal, which were developed expressly for the process of producing websites, can make the process of developing websites much more straightforward. Providing, of course, that you have the appropriate developers. 

What Is Drupal?

Drupal is a PHP-based platform for content management that is available for free and open source. Even though the official Drupal website refers to Drupal as a content management system (CMS), it is not appropriate to compare Drupal to more conventional content management systems such as WordPress. 

A content management system, also known as CMS, is a form of website software that does not require users to have any prior knowledge of programming for them to interact directly with the user interface of their website. They also do not need to give special attention to the creation of the back end of the website because a CMS will take care of that as well. 

However, when it comes to Drupal, many users will claim that it is not a CMS at all. Others will call it something else entirely. It is more of a framework inside which you may construct a CMS to manage the requirements of your website.

In contrast to developers of regular CMS, Drupal developers are required to have an in-depth knowledge of programming because Drupal is a framework. This is because Drupal developers work closely with the software itself. 

This is a great addition, as it grants more autonomy than a CMS can typically provide. This can be a burdensome process for Drupal users who aren’t also experienced software developers. Drupal is a platform that provides web developers who are serious about their profession with a platform that is akin to a fresh breath of air.

The ease with which developers may add and remove modules and access themes to alter the appearance and feel of an entire website is something that Drupal has in common with traditional content management systems (CMS). 

When compared to competing frameworks for the creation of websites, the modularity offered by Drupal is the platform’s most compelling selling point for developers who are considering utilizing it.

Who Is a Drupal Developer?

Drupal developers are essentially PHP developers who can design their modules, run automated tests, and plan deployments, among other things. These software engineers need to have a solid comprehension of the paradigm that is referred to as server-side scripting.

Drupal developers who have a sufficient understanding of PHP can either perform a clean install of Drupal or make use of one of the many Drupal Distributions that are at their disposal and modify it to conform to the identity of your company.

Why Use Drupal?

Drupal is distinguished from other content management systems by a number of its distinctive traits, which are listed below. A fully-featured framework must have all of these traits present for it to be considered complete. 


Because Drupal is an open-source platform, there is a sizable community of Drupal programmers who are prepared to provide a helping hand to one another. This takes happen in two different aspects: asking counsel and making use of the available resources. 

Drupal, like other community-oriented frameworks, provides its developers and business managers with a large number of forums and conferences to attend to seek out opportunities for collaboration and the opinions of other developers. 

The same community is also a gathering place for contributors who are dedicated to generating modules that are both helpful and fully functional to assist in the development of your project. These contributors want to be able to support you in any way they can. 

This is a significant issue since, in most strong content management systems (CMSs), you are typically expected to pay for crucial features. Communities that use open-source software do not follow the same regulations, nor do they wish to do so. 


If you ever need to construct something that is somewhat more complex, you will find that the Drupal framework provides you with the robustness and the tools that you will require. The structure that Drupal is built on allows for the system to be modified to serve these needs, which was done on purpose. 

Drupal is widely regarded as the most versatile content management system (CMS) since it utilizes modules that allow for great levels of scalability. You have the ability, and the efficiency, to tailor your website to your preferences. 

Advantages of Using Drupal

Any disadvantage linked with Drupal is tied to the fact that it is not a genuine content management system (CMS), at least in the opinion of some WordPress fans. When it comes to developing a one-of-a-kind website, many of Drupal’s perceived drawbacks serve as significant advantages when using the content management system. Nevertheless, the choice ultimately rests with you to make.


It is a fact that utilizing Drupal will be more difficult than using a conventional content management system such as WordPress. Having said that, it will be simpler than developing something from the ground up entirely. 

Drupal can deliver the best of both worlds if you work with an experienced professional who is also technically savvy: a platform that functions similarly to a CMS and reduces the requirements for your website creation, and b) a structure that will make your website unique. 


Drupal is built to accommodate individualized program development. Their modules are completely free and can be used in any way. Additionally, they can be tailored to fit your specific preferences. In contrast to a conventional CMS, Drupal is equipped to manage both extensive and intricate projects, making it an excellent choice for organizations that require a scalable solution. 


Drupal is a complicated content management system, which is why it provides more extensive features. Drupal comes with a vast range of features, some of which are taxonomies, content kinds, blocks, views, and more. There is a steep learning curve, but your time and money will not be wasted in the long run.


You will get access to enterprise-grade security with Drupal, in addition to extensive security reports. There is a general trend that open-source software is more secure than proprietary software. The process of finding bugs and openings in the code’s security and closing them as rapidly as possible is a collaborative effort among the programmers.


Drupal is used by some of the most reliable websites on the internet specifically because of all of these reasons why it is beneficial to use Drupal. This usage comprises official government websites such as those that are hosted for the White House, the Department of Commerce of the United States of America, and the governments of Bermuda, France, and South Africa, among others.

Websites That Use Drupal

  • Whole Foods
  • Timex
  • Nokia
  • Telsa Motors
  • Harvard
  • Syfy

Reasons to Hire a Drupal Developer

You’ve been exposed to a sufficient number of comparisons between Drupal and WordPress to grasp the general concept. Go with Drupal if you want your website to have the most amount of freedom and the capacity to be customized.

There won’t be an easy way to do that. To get the most out of Drupal, you need to work with a Drupal developer who is qualified. Someone on the team will be able to construct modules when they are required and manage any existing modules that may be of value to the project in this way.

How to hire a Drupal developer?

We are still available to assist those of you who would rather not take the easy way out and instead hire Drupal developers on your own. 

To hire a developer on your own is a very concentrated and hands-on procedure that involves extensive understanding about software development in general. To complete this process successfully, you will need to have prior experience.

The last thing you want to do is entrust the process of employing someone to someone incapable of doing technical tasks. We have a nice resource here for you to learn more about the hiring process in depth if you are a non-technical manager who is eager to learn a thing or two about it. 

In any other case, we strongly suggest that you get in touch with Appic Softwares so that they can provide consulting and developer allocation.

What characteristics should a Drupal programmer have, exactly?

High-level Drupal developers should be able to demonstrate that they match the following criteria:

  • PHP engineers with extensive experience and familiarity with server-side scripting
  • Can provide evidence of their proficiency in additional web technologies such as JavaScript, CSS, and HTML
  • possesses a complete understanding of the many methods for putting Drupal modules into action, including installing, configuring, and altering them.
  • Expertise with the many security elements of Drupal
  • a deep and thorough familiarity with the foundations of web development

How much do developers cost in the U.S.?

developers cost in the U.S.

According to the national statistics provided by ZipRecruiter, a Drupal developer may anticipate earning a yearly salary of $103,365 in the United States. According to the data as a whole, annual salaries can range anywhere from $51,000 to $155,500. 

How much do developers cost in South America? 

Offshoring software development results in a cost that is noticeably lower than recruiting U.S. talent on a full-time basis. This is largely because of the economic disparities that exist between the United States and South America as a whole. The current average income for Senior Drupal Developers in South America is approximately $100,000, while the average salary for a developer at the mid-level is approximately $76,000. 

How much does it cost to hire a developer in Ukraine and other Eastern European countries?

Again as a result of the variations in the economies, Eastern Europe and South America have rates that are fairly comparable to one another. The typical salary for a senior Drupal developer in Eastern Europe is close to one hundred thousand dollars, according to the statistics that we looked at. 

Hourly Rates for Developers

The hourly rates of developers provide yet another perspective on the costs of development. Although it is beneficial to have a solid understanding of developer wages before making full-time or long-term hires, you may just want the services of a developer for a period ranging from three to twelve months. In circumstances such as these, the most accurate method for estimating your expenditures is to use the hourly rates of a software developer. 

The following table provides a listing of the various hourly rates that developers make in various areas throughout the world according to their work title. 

Why Hire a Drupal Developer?

Appic Softwares Drupal developers must first pass a screening process, then go through interviews, and finally complete additional training to be considered actual software experts. These developers must be able to adapt to scenarios that fall both inside and beyond the boundaries of their general knowledge. 

At Appic Softwares, we have a higher standard for our software engineers to uphold. In a manner quite similar to that in which elite special forces units select only the most qualified candidates from the primary branches of the armed services, we select developers who either demonstrate outstanding talent or show amazing potential. After that, we take their abilities and hone them to an even greater degree.

A further advantage of using a Appic Softwares developer is that you won’t have to worry about the costs of hiring new staff, which can amount to approximately 30 percent of a developer’s annual income on average, in addition to the overhead expenditures that are connected with full-time employment.

Working with Appic Softwares enables you to take advantage of the services of a highly experienced full-time developer for a fraction of the normal cost, in addition to receiving assistance with project management. 

Tell us about the project you’re working on, and we’ll get you started on it so you can find out more. 


Now, in the end, we hope that through this post you were able to learn about Drupal Development. Moreover, if you are looking for a Drupal Development Company, then you should check out Appic Softwares. We have an experienced team of Drupal developers who have worked across various industries and have managed several fragile projects.

You can even hire dedicated Drupal developers from us as per your requirements. So, what are you waiting for?

Contact us now!