Website security isn’t a one-time task; it’s a continuous process requiring constant vigilance. Proactive prevention is far more effective than reactive solutions to security breaches. If you’re managing a Drupal website, you benefit from the prompt and efficient security solutions provided by the Drupal security team. However, relying solely on these updates is not enough to fully protect your site.

Drupal powers millions of websites, many of which handle highly sensitive information. It is the preferred content management system (CMS) for high-security websites, including government portals, financial institutions, e-commerce platforms, and more. Drupal addresses all top 10 security risks identified by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) through regular security patches and feature updates.

Ultimately, maintaining your website’s security involves adhering to best practices and implementing dynamic, evolving security strategies. Keep reading to learn how to protect your Drupal website effectively.

Strategies for Keeping Your Drupal Site Secure

The Drupal community takes security very seriously and keeps putting out updates and fixes to improve Drupal security. The Drupal security team is always on the lookout for problems and ready to fix them before they become public. For example, the Drupal security team released the SA-CORE-2018-002 security fix days before it was used (Drupalgeddon2). Patches and security patches for Drupal were soon made available, and Drupal site administrators were told to update their sites.

Dries wrote in one of his blogs about the security hole, “The Drupal Security Team follows a “coordinated disclosure policy,” which means that problems are kept secret until a fix is made public. When the danger has been fixed and a safe version of Drupal core is also available, the public is told. Even when a bug fix is ready, the Drupal Security Team communicates in a very thoughtful way.”

Some interesting facts about how Drupal’s data on security holes by CVE:

1. Implement Drupal Security Updates

The team in charge of Drupal security is always on the lookout for holes. As soon as a security hole is found in Drupal, a patch or update is put out right away. Also, there are more minor releases since Drupal 8 and the acceptance of continuous innovation. This has made it easy and quick to update Drupal to a version that is better and safer.  

The least you can do to make sure your website is safe is to make sure your Drupal version and plugins are up to date. Contributors to Drupal keep up with what’s going on and are always on the lookout for security risks that could lead to disaster. Updates to Drupal don’t just add new features; they also patch security holes and fix bugs. Updates and statements about Drupal security are sent to users’ emails, and site admins must keep their versions up to date to keep the site safe.

2. Leverage Built-In Features

Most interactive websites ask people what they think. As admins of a website, if you don’t manage and handle these entries correctly, your site’s security is at high risk. Hackers can add SQL codes that can do a lot of damage to the data on your website.

Stopping people from typing SQL-specific words like “SELECT”, “DROP”, or “DELETE” could make your website less enjoyable to use. Instead, Drupal’s security lets you use the database API’s escaping or filtering methods to strip and filter out harmful SQL injections. The most important thing you can do to make sure your Drupal site is safe is to clean up your code.

3. Understanding Drupal 9 Security Enhancements

How does Drupal 9 help make a website stronger and more secure? 

Symfony: When Drupal 8 adopted the Symfony framework, it gave many more developers access to the system instead of just letting core Drupal developers use it. Symfony is a more safe framework, and it also brought in more developers with different ideas to fix bugs and make security patches.

Twig Templates: Since we just talked about cleaning your code to deal with user inputs better, I want to let you know that Drupal has already taken care of this for you. How? Because Drupal 8 uses Twig as its “template engine.” With Twig, you don’t have to do any extra screening or escaping of inputs because they are already clean. Also, because Twig keeps logic and presentation on different levels, it is not possible to run SQL queries or abuse the theme layer.

More Secure WYSIWYG: Drupal’s WYSIWYG editor is a great way for users to change pages, but it can also be used to do things like XSS attacks. Since Drupal 9 uses the best security techniques for Drupal, you can now only use filtered HTML formats. Also, Drupal’s core text filtering only lets users use local pictures. This is to stop users from misusing images and to stop CSRF (cross-site request forgery).

The Configuration Management Initiative (CMI): This Drupal project is great for site owners and managers because it lets them keep track of configuration in code. Any changes to the site’s setup will be tracked and checked, giving you tight control over how the site is set up.

4. Choose Your Drupal Plugins Wisely

Check to see if a module is live before you install it. Are the people who make modules doing enough? How often do security changes for Drupal come out? Has anyone else gotten it, or are you the first person to do so? All of that information is at the bottom of the page where you can download the modules. Also, make sure that all of your tools are up-to-date, and remove the ones you no longer need.

5. Utilize Essential Security Modules for Drupal

In the winter, it’s better to wear layers than one thick sweater to stay warm. The same is true for protecting your website. Drupal security plugins can add an extra layer of protection to your website.

Regular Updates

This is a donated module right now, but in Drupal 10 it will soon become part of the core. The goal of the automatic updates project is to make updating a Drupal website easy, safe, and secure. It helps keep your site’s core patches and security releases up to date immediately. Any problems are found and mentioned during the update process, so you don’t have to find out about them later.

Safety for Login

This module makes Drupal more secure by letting the site owner add different restrictions to how users can log in. The Drupal login security module can set a limit on how many failed login tries can happen before an account is locked. IP addresses can be blocked either temporarily or forever.

Authentication with two factors

When a person logs in with a username and password, you can add an extra layer of security with this Drupal security module. For example, entering a number that was sent to their phone.

Policy on Passwords

This is a great Drupal security tool that lets you add another layer of security to your login forms, stopping bots and other security breaches. It makes sure that user passwords follow certain rules, such as length, type of character, case (uppercase or lowercase), punctuation, etc. It also has a tool that makes users change their passwords regularly.

Stop people from getting user names

By default, Drupal tells you if the username you typed in doesn’t exist or if it does exist (even if your other details are wrong). This can be very helpful if a hacker is trying out lots of different usernames to find one that works. This module makes Drupal more secure and stops attacks like these by changing the normal error message.

Get to the content

As the name suggests, this feature lets you control who can see your content in more specific ways. Each type of material can have its own set of rules about who can see, change, or delete it. Role and author can be used to set access for content types.

Kit for security

This Drupal security tool has a lot of ways to deal with risks. This Drupal 9 security tool makes it easy to handle and protect against vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (or sniffing), CSRF, Clickjacking, eavesdropping attacks, and more.

Captcha means:

Even though we hate having to show we’re human, CAPTCHA is probably one of the best security modules for Drupal to keep spambots out. This Drupal plugin stops spambots from sending in scripts automatically and can be used on any web form on a Drupal site.

6. Regularly Review and Verify Permissions

Drupal lets you have different jobs and users, such as administrators, authenticated users, anonymous users, editors, etc. To fine-tune the security of your website, each of these jobs should only be able to do a certain type of work. For example, an anonymous user should only be able to view information and nothing else. Once you’ve installed Drupal and/or added more modules, don’t forget to give each job access permissions by hand.

7. Install HTTPS

I’m sure you already knew that almost anyone could listen in on and record any data sent over HTTP. An attacker can get hold of your login ID, password, and other session details and use it against you. If you have an e-commerce site, this is even more important because it deals with money and personal information. When you install an SSL certificate on your server, the data that is sent between the user and the server is encrypted. This makes the connection between the user and the server more safe. Your SEO score can also go up if you have an HTTPS site, so it’s well worth the money.


Expect the best, but plan for the worst, says an old saying. Drupal is a very secure content management framework by default, but to get a good night’s sleep, you will still need to adopt security strategies and follow Drupal’s best security practices. With Drupal 9, there are a lot of new security features that make websites stronger and safer. Still, it is important to keep your website up-to-date with Drupal security changes. Writing code that is clean and safe is a big part of keeping your website safe. Choose an experienced Drupal development company that can help you come up with and implement effective security strategies.

Appic Softwares is the best Drupal development company. It can help you build or manage Drupal software. We have a group of people who have been working with Drupal for a long time. They have managed several clients and worked on a wide range of projects in many different companies. 

Contact us now!

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