With AI-assisted app creation, FlutterFlow enables developers to create applications even more quickly. The tool streamlines code generation and suggestions by integrating AI into its unique code editor. Using text inputs to create visually appealing and distinctive color schemes is much easier with this capability.

FlutterFlow is a growing tech stack with around 3.3M visitors in March 2024. Thus if you too are planning to use FlutterFlow for your app and looking for its pricing then you are at the right place. 

Here we have completely broken down the pricing plan of FlutterFLow, so let’s dive in and check the content of this post:

Benefits Of Using FlutterFlow

Using FlutterFlow, a visual application development tool for Flutter, offers several benefits, particularly for those looking to build cross-platform applications efficiently. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Rapid Prototyping And Development

  • Visual Interface: FlutterFlow provides a drag-and-drop interface, enabling developers to quickly create and modify UI elements without extensive coding.
  • Real-Time Preview: Developers can see changes in real-time, which speeds up the design and iteration process.

2. Cross-Platform Development

  • Single Codebase: Develop applications for both iOS and Android with a single codebase, reducing development time and effort.
  • Consistency: Ensures a consistent look and feel across different platforms.

3. Ease of Use

  • No Coding Required: FlutterFlow is designed for both developers and non-developers, allowing users with little to no coding experience to create functional apps.
  • Accelerated Development: FlutterFlow allows you to build applications up to 10 times faster with its drag-and-drop interface.
  • Pre-Built Widgets and Templates: Offers a variety of pre-built widgets and templates that can be customized, reducing the need for starting from scratch.

4. Integration Capabilities

  • Firebase Integration: Simplifies integration with Firebase for backend services such as authentication, cloud storage, and real-time databases.
  • APIs and Webhooks: Supports API integration and webhooks, making it easier to connect your app with external services.

5. Cost-Effective

  • Reduced Development Costs: The streamlined development process and cross-platform capabilities can significantly reduce the overall cost of app development.
  • Less Maintenance: Maintaining a single codebase for multiple platforms is more efficient and cost-effective than maintaining separate codebases.

6. Collaboration And Sharing

  • Team Collaboration: FlutterFlow allows multiple team members to work on the same project simultaneously, facilitating better collaboration.
  • Project Sharing: Easily share projects and prototypes with stakeholders for feedback and approval.

7. Access To Flutter Ecosystem

  • Flutter Plugins: Leverage the extensive library of Flutter plugins to add functionality to your app.
  • Community Support: Benefit from the growing Flutter community for support, resources, and updates.

8. Performance Optimization

  • Native Performance: FlutterFlow apps are built on Flutter, which compiles to native code, ensuring high performance and smooth animations.
  • Code Export: Export the Flutter code for further customization and optimization by developers if needed.

9. Continuous Updates And Support

  • Regular Updates: FlutterFlow is continuously updated with new features and improvements, ensuring users have access to the latest tools and capabilities.
  • Support and Documentation: Comprehensive documentation and customer support help users resolve issues and make the most of the platform.

FlutterFlow Pricing Plan

Plan Monthly Pricing Yearly Pricing
Free $0 $0
Standard $30 $22/Month
Pro $70 $50/Month
Teams $70 $50/Month

FlutterFlow Plan Features


Here are the things included in FlutterFlow’s free plan:-

  • Visual Drag And Drop Builder- This allows you to have your app build easily with the drag and drop functionality of FlutterFlow. Drand and Drop builder makes it easier for developers to quickly change or update the UI without even touching the code. 
  • Supabase Integration- Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative. It allows your developers to quickly manage the backend without coding. 
  • API Endpoints- This plan provides up to 2 API endpoints. 
  • Code Extensibility- Code extensibility in FlutterFlow refers to the ability to extend and customize your Flutter app’s code beyond what the visual editor directly supports.
  • Visual Logic Builder- The Visual Logic Builder in FlutterFlow is a feature that allows developers to visually create and manage app logic without writing traditional code. It’s designed to streamline the process of defining behavior and interactions within your Flutter app using a graphical interface.
  • System Management- This feature allows you to easily manage the overall structure of the app. 
  • Design Systems- It refers to a comprehensive collection of guidelines, components, patterns, and standards that are used to design and build consistent, cohesive, and visually appealing user interfaces within an application. 
  • Animation And Haptic Touch- Through this feature the developers can easily add animation and haptic touch effects into an app. 
  • Custom Fonts And Icons- Allows you to create custom fonts and icons for your app that match your brand presence. 
  • Screenshot Generator- One can easily take screenshots of the app with this feature. 
  • Push Notification- This helps in marketing, it allows you to send notifications to customers regarding their products. 
  • Payment Integration- This allows you to easily integrate different payment operators into your app. 
  • Deep & Dynamic Links- In FlutterFlow, deep links, and dynamic links can be implemented to enhance user experience, support app-to-app navigation, and facilitate seamless transitions between web and app content. 
  • Version Control- This refers to the practice of managing changes to source code, design assets, and project files over time. It involves using version control systems (VCS) to track modifications, coordinate collaborative development, and maintain a history of changes made to a project. 
  • Commenting- commenting refers to the practice of adding descriptive text within the code to explain its purpose, functionality, or any important details. 
  • Subdomain Web Development- This allows you to have a subdomain for your website. 

Standard Plan

In this plan we have all the same features and additionally- 

  • Custom Domain Web Development- This allows you to create websites with custom web domains. 
  • Code Development- Through this feature, the developers can write code and create apps accordingly. 
  • APK Development- You can create APKs for your app by purchasing the standard plan of FlutterFlow. 

PRO Plan

This plan contains all the above features and additionally- 

  • API- You can connect unlimited endpoint APIs. 
  • Swagger/Open API- It is a set of specifications for defining and documenting RESTful APIs.
  • One-Click Localization– This refers to a feature that simplifies the process of adding internationalization (i18n) and localization support to Flutter apps with minimal effort. Localization involves adapting an app to different languages, regions, or cultures, allowing users from diverse backgrounds to use the app in their preferred language.
  • GitHub Integration- You can easily connect to code on GitHub with this feature. 
  • Automated Testing- Through this feature you can test your app automatically, which reduces the efforts of your QA. 
  • In-App Chat- This feature allows you to have an in-chat app functionality in your app. 
  • One-Click Apple And Google Store Development- This refers to a streamlined process for building and deploying Flutter apps to the Apple App Store (for iOS) and Google Play Store (for Android) with minimal effort. This feature aims to simplify the app publishing workflow and automate the steps required to prepare and submit apps.


It includes all the above features and additionally-

  • Shared Team Libraries- Through this feature you can have your team working across the same library for FlutterFlow app development. 
  • Managed Billing- This refers to a feature or service that facilitates the implementation and management of in-app billing for Flutter apps, particularly on Android devices. In-app billing allows developers to monetize their apps by selling digital goods, subscriptions, or additional features directly within the app.
  • Real-Time Collaboration- Real-time collaboration in FlutterFlow refers to a feature that enables multiple developers or users to work together simultaneously on the same FlutterFlow project.
  • Project Level Access Control- Allows you to give different project-level access to your developers. 
  • Audit Logs- Audit logs in FlutterFlow refer to a feature that tracks and records actions and events performed within the FlutterFlow platform.
  • Gitstyle Visual Branching- This refers to a visual representation or interface within the FlutterFlow platform. This mimics the concept of branching and version control commonly used in Git, a popular version control system.

FlutterFlow Reviews

Flutterflow review

FlutterFlow has 76 reviews on Capterra and has gained 4.4/5⭐. By this rating, we can clearly say that FlutterFlow is easy to use and scalable at the same time. 


Now, in the end, we hope that through this post you were able to gain knowledge on the pricing of FlutterFlow. However, if you are looking for a FlutterFlow development company you can checkout Appic Softwares

We have an experienced team of FlutterFlow developers that you can hire and let them manage your product development. So, what are you waiting for?

Contact us now!