The growing demand for quick and effective services is driving growth in the on-demand delivery sector. Applications such as Mrsool, providing a smooth platform for users to retrieve a wide range of services at their convenience, are leading the way in the revolution of product distribution. One of the most crucial things to think about if you want to investigate the on-demand delivery market and create an app like Mrsool is the development costs.

Creating a reliable, user-friendly, feature-rich on-demand delivery application necessitates carefully calculating the costs while taking several aspects into account. The price to develop an on-demand delivery software such as Mrsool can range from $30,000 to $300,000 or more, depending on various factors.

This article will look at the key elements that determine the overall cost of developing an on-demand delivery app, as well as the essential features, the development process, and the potential revenue streams. Let’s examine its market numbers first, though.

A Comprehensive Look at Mrsool App’s Growth

Recognizing the need for a dependable delivery service in the Saudi Arabian market, Ayman Al-Sanad and Naif Al-Saif founded Mrsool in 2015, and it quickly became the go-to on-demand delivery app. Mrsool, whose Arabic name means “to send,” is a platform that makes it simple for consumers to connect with nearby retailers and establishes itself as a trustworthy supplier of goods.

To satisfy the varied needs of its expanding clientele, Mrsool swiftly broadened the scope of its services beyond small item deliveries to groceries, electronics, and other goods. Due to its rapid expansion and distinctive on-demand offering, Mrsool has become a prominent delivery platform in Saudi Arabia and has spread to other Middle Eastern nations such as Bahrain, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates.

The dedication of Mrsool to providing everything—from food to necessities—sets it apart from competitors and makes it the most complete offering available. Mrsool guarantees a customer-centric experience with features like live chat with drivers, an ordering bot for smooth transactions, and the opportunity to evaluate and reorder from previous orders.

According to recent research by Similar Web, Mrsool shows a significant trend, estimating that it will have between two and five million users by 2024. The aforementioned prediction underscores Mrsool’s remarkable growth trajectory and its capacity to establish a noteworthy niche inside the intensely competitive on-demand delivery sector.

Mrsool’s success may be ascribed to its unique services, broad offers, and strategic expansion strategies, as seen by the predicted spike in income. This study not only shows that consumers are becoming more and more reliant on Mrsool, but it also establishes the platform as a leader in the field by highlighting its success and notoriety in the changing on-demand delivery services market. Businesses should follow Mrsool’s example and take advantage of this booming market by paying attention to the growing need for on-demand delivery in Saudi Arabia.

Factors Affecting Mrsool-Like App Development Cost

As previously disclosed, the total cost to create an on-demand software akin to Mrs. Ool can range from $30,000 to $300,000. The complexity of functionality, the amount of customization needed, and the requirement for cutting-edge technologies are some of the factors that affect the cost of developing an on-demand delivery app such as Mrsool. Precise cost estimation and project planning need careful consideration of these variables. Now let’s examine those:

Selection of Feature Set

The app’s extensive nature is attributed to its complexity and multitude of features, which include safe payment channels, real-time tracking, user reviews, promotions, and chat support. Additionally, these functions are thoughtfully integrated within an intuitive and user-friendly interface that guarantees smooth navigation and improves overall accessibility for users.

By adding a degree of sophistication, the usage of tailored recommendation algorithms increases user pleasure and engagement. The total development cost may be impacted by these sophisticated features and functionalities, which represent the money spent on providing a cutting-edge, user-focused on-demand delivery experience.

Selection of the Platform

The cost of developing an on-demand delivery app similar to Mrsool may increase if several platforms are taken into account. It is essential to take into account the target audience’s preferred devices while selecting the platform. Even if the user base for Android is more diverse, developing for iOS may need to follow stringent App Store guidelines.

Although cross-platform programming makes maintenance easier, ensuring consistent performance across a wide range of operating systems may require more effort. By aligning its objectives with the user base’s demographics, a thoughtful platform choice affects the app’s long-term scalability as well as its initial development costs.

Design Complexity

The first step toward user pleasure and engagement with a mobile application is a well-designed UI. The responsiveness, ease of use, and aesthetic appeal of the interface are the main factors that determine a good user experience. The complexity of the UI design has a big impact on how much it costs to build an on-demand delivery service overall.

It can require more time and resources to execute intricate designs with intricate visuals, animations, and transitions. The level of customization—which includes custom themes, tailored user experiences, and other distinctive interactive components—can also have an impact on the total cost of app development.

The Development Team’s location

The cost of developing a Mrsool-like app is mostly determined by the development team’s location. Different areas have different hourly rates for developers, which affects the total cost of the project. The cost dynamics are also influenced by the regional economic circumstances in which the development team operates, with certain areas having higher labor costs than others. Look at the table below to get a better idea of this.

This emphasizes the significance of taking a strategic approach when choosing a development team, as the choice must strike a balance between skill and cost-effectiveness to ensure the project is completed successfully. Giving careful thought to these variables guarantees a prudent investment in line with the particular requirements and objectives of your on-demand delivery app development project.

Connectivity to External APIs

If you want to combine your app with third-party services or APIs for features like social media, maps, or payment processing, the cost to construct an on-demand delivery software like Mrsool may go up.

The challenges of ensuring seamless data transmission, integrating with external services, and adapting to prospective changes from third-party vendors impact the development effort as a whole.

The Development Team’s Size

Employing more developers could speed up the process of creating mobile apps, but it will also increase the overall cost of development. The expertise and experience of the development team also affect how much it costs to create an app like Mrsool. Project managers, UI/UX designers, mobile app developers, quality assurance (QA) experts, database administrators, scrum masters, data analysts, and other professionals make up a comprehensive app development team.

This calculated risk investment expedites the entire development timeframe and guarantees the successful creation of a high-caliber app, enabling a quicker and more effective app launch. As the market for on-demand delivery services grows more competitive, striking a balance between competence and cost becomes essential to a fast and successful deployment.

Respect for the Laws

Creating an app that complies with rules or specifications could make the creation of an on-demand delivery app more expensive. Regulation adherence requires a meticulous process that may affect the final cost of app development. More resources are needed to implement features that follow industry or legal regulations, such as data protection or accessibility guidelines.

Developing a secure and compliant application becomes more expensive when navigating regulatory challenges, which prolongs the development process and calls for specialized knowledge. Therefore, a complete grasp of regulatory requirements is crucial for both successful implementation and accurate Mrsool-like app development cost estimation.

Features to Integrate during Mrsool-like App Development

Any on-demand delivery app development must incorporate several crucial elements into a few different panels to be successful: user, store, delivery executive, and admin. Through the development of transparency, efficiency, and optimal administration throughout the application performance, these customized panels guarantee a thorough and user-friendly experience.

Building an on-demand delivery software similar to Mrsool becomes more expensive when features of different complexity are added, but the service becomes more feature-rich and captivating. Let’s examine the main attributes of the Mrsool app:

Panel of Users

The Mrsool app’s customer-facing interface is made to be simple to use and intuitive. It gives users quick access to a variety of functions, improving their ordering process and guaranteeing a smooth app experience.

Enabling a customized experience and order history while guaranteeing safe access to the site, users can register or log in with their credentials.

  • Browse and Search: A user-friendly interface makes it simple for consumers to browse the services and products that are offered, enhancing the overall user experience by streamlining navigation and discovery.
  • Order Placement: Users can place orders easily thanks to a user-friendly interface that simplifies the procedure from product selection to checkout.
  • Real-time tracking: This feature gives customers transparency and peace of mind by enabling them to easily follow the whereabouts and status of their orders in real time.
  • Payment: Safe payment solutions that guarantee the whole security and privacy of users’ financial data while enabling quick and simple payments.
  • Ratings & Reviews: By enabling users to share their ordering experiences and consequently assist others in making well-informed selections regarding goods or services, users can foster a feeling of community and trust by offering feedback and ratings for completed orders.

Shop Panel

The store panel is designed to provide store managers with an extensive range of capabilities. Store managers can easily handle inventory, process orders, and obtain insightful data thanks to the app’s user-friendly layout, which also helps to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

  • Registration/Login: Stores can access a secure, customizable platform that helps them manage their services more effectively by creating accounts or logging in.
  • Product Management: Store managers can make dynamic, real-time product modifications to reflect promotions or inventory adjustments by adding, editing, or removing products.
  • Order Processing: With the help of this function, store managers can accept and process incoming orders instantly, guaranteeing that client requests are handled accurately and promptly to maintain a smooth operating workflow.
  • Inventory management gives retailers precise control over their inventory to avoid overselling and keep correct records by enabling them to change product availability and monitor stock levels.
  • Earnings and Reports: With this tool, stores may view sales information, and earnings, and create reports that provide a thorough understanding of the company’s financial performance, customer trends, and possible improvement areas.

Executive Panel for Delivery

The Mrsool app’s delivery executive panel is designed to give delivery staff effective tools. Delivery executives can easily handle orders, identify routes, and optimize their delivery operations for a simplified and productive experience with the help of user-friendly interfaces and features.

  • Registering or Logging in: Delivery staff members have the option to register or log in to the platform, creating a personalized profile that will facilitate faster communication and provide them with access to essential tools for managing orders efficiently.
  • Order Acceptance: By accepting or rejecting incoming requests, this tool helps delivery executives manage their workload.
  • Real-Time Navigation: This makes it possible for delivery executives to navigate in real-time to the pickup and delivery locations.
  • Earnings & Payouts: This feature enables delivery executives to customize payout processes for more accessible and adaptable financial options while providing them with a clear picture of their profits.

Admin Panel

The admin panel of the Mrsool app is a strong command center with lots of capabilities. The platform’s seamless and efficient functioning may be ensured by admins who can effectively oversee and manage the entire ecosystem, track deliveries, monitor user behavior, and obtain useful insights through comprehensive analytics.

  • Dashboard: A thorough tool for administrators to pinpoint areas in need of improvement, providing a summary of the platform’s performance and important indicators.
  • Admins can provide a safe and satisfying user experience by managing user accounts, confirming users’ identities, and providing support through user management.
  • Order management gives administrators real-time insights into order fulfillment by enabling them to track and manage orders, including modifications and tracking.
  • Payment management: By effectively managing payment procedures, enables administrators to manage transactions, refunds, and payment-related concerns while upholding financial integrity.
  • Discounts and Promotions: Admins may establish and manage discounts and promotions with this feature, which helps with marketing tactics to draw in new users and keep existing ones engaged while modifying promotional campaigns.
  • Analytics: By identifying significant patterns and trends, analytics enables administrators to create reports and examine user and system data for insights. This process promotes data-driven decision-making.

The top features of the Mrsool app ensure flawless operation, enabling store managers, admins, delivery executives, and users to engage in a simplified and user-centric experience, manage orders effectively, and traverse the platform with ease.

Unlocking Mrsool’s Competitive Edge: Advanced App Features

The sophisticated features of the Mrsool app make the platform more effective, unique, and easy to use. Now let’s examine those:

Support for In-App Chat

With the help of this function, users may communicate with customer service representatives in real-time right within the app. It makes immediate support possible and quickly resolves questions or issues. Furthermore, automated chatbots simplify routine exchanges and provide prompt, effective support without requiring customers to exit the service.

Integration of Augmented Reality (AR)

With the help of features like virtual try-ons for clothes and augmented reality previews for furnishings, users can now experience augmented reality within the app. Customers may see things in their own spaces before making a purchase, making for a more engaging and dynamic buying experience.

Particularized Suggestions

With the help of this function, the application may provide individualized product recommendations by utilizing sophisticated AI algorithms. The app offers customized recommendations based on user preferences and order history, improving the shopping experience and raising the possibility of consumer satisfaction and repeat business.

Multilingual Support

This feature ensures inclusivity by supporting several languages across the app.

Users can have a more enjoyable and engaging experience that is tailored to their linguistic needs by personalizing their language options.

Features of Environmental Sustainability

This feature assists users in making eco-friendly decisions such as selecting packaging that is low-carbon and tracking the carbon impact of their delivery. Customers who value sustainability will find it enticing as it is consistent with eco-friendly practices.

Crucial Steps for Making an App Similar to Mrsool

The process of developing the Mrsool app includes several crucial steps, starting with a comprehensive market analysis to understand customer requirements. After that, a phase of strategic planning is started to carefully lay out the features’ implementation. The next step is to give priority to working with an experienced on-demand app development firm to guarantee a smooth and effective development process.

Planning and Conceptualization

The development team establishes the objectives of the app, pinpoints the target user base, and outlines the key features and functionalities during the first planning stage. They carry out in-depth market research to evaluate competitors and learn about the requirements of users. The team meticulously plans the app’s functionality and structural structure, taking strategic factors, resource allocation, and probable obstacles into account.

Design of UI/UX

To improve user engagement, accurate UI and UX designs are developed during this phase. App wireframes are designed to assess the usability and navigation of the app to guarantee a smooth user experience.

Furthermore, emphasis is placed on designing visually appealing logos and icons, which are essential components in building a recognizable and appealing brand identity. Throughout the development process, the team strikes a balance between delivering a simple, user-friendly design and making sure it supports the main objective of the app.


Choosing the appropriate technology stack and developing the frontend and backend components are the tasks of the development phase. This stage involves the implementation of features including order processing, real-time tracking, payment integration, and user registration. Continuous testing is done throughout the development process to identify and address bugs and ensure the robustness, security, and dependability of the application.


To verify the app’s functioning, security, and usability, extensive testing is done. Functional testing makes sure that every feature works as intended, whereas usability testing assesses the entire user experience. Compatibility testing is carried out on a range of hardware and operating systems. To deliver a stable and secure application, security holes are repaired and quality control processes are adhered to.


To run the app, servers, and databases must be set up during the deployment step. Subsequently, the application is released on relevant stores, such as App Stores or Google Play Stores. To provide a flawless user experience during the initial release, potential issues are identified and fixed during the deployment process, which is constantly monitored.

After-launch support and Maintenance

After the launch, continuous app maintenance takes care of bug complaints, user comments, and any new issues. Updates are regularly released to bring in new features, boost efficiency, and fix any issues that are discovered. Apps are regularly enhanced and updated based on user input and interactions through careful monitoring of app analytics, which offers insights into user behavior.

When estimating the cost to develop an on-demand delivery software such as Mrsool, support services, and app maintenance come at an additional cost.

Revenue Model for an App Similar to Mrsool

Creating a revenue model for an app like Mrsool requires giving serious thought to a variety of monetization techniques designed to strike a balance between user value and profitability. When weighing the costs associated with developing an on-demand delivery software such as Mrsool, it is imperative to ensure that these revenue streams complement the overall user experience. This calculated method guarantees a long-term profitable model that helps users and the platform’s overall prosperity.

Delivery Fees

Add a delivery cost to each order placed by consumers. This charge could be set or adjusted based on factors like urgency, distance, or other considerations. A well-calibrated delivery charge system increases income and fosters customer satisfaction and loyalty, as demonstrated by Mrsool’s success.

Retailer Fee

Get a commission for each order that comes via your platform by partnering with local retailers. The strategic implementation of the merchant commission model, as leveraged by Mrsool as a revenue source, offers a win-win situation that propels the overall expansion and success of the on-demand delivery ecosystem.


Incorporate in-app sponsorships from relevant sponsors or other surrounding businesses. These businesses might be paid to promote their products or services to your user base.

Peak-Time Expenses

Set prices at peak hours when demand is at its maximum. Customers will be willing to pay more for expedited deliveries, and supply and demand will be more evenly balanced as a result.

Program for Referrals

Initiate a referral program that provides users and merchants who suggest new customers or businesses to the platform with discounts or other incentives.

Plans for Subscriptions

Offer membership programs to clients who want to benefit from extras like discounted or free delivery, priority service, or exclusive deals.

Highlighted Listings

Allow merchants to buy highlighted listings within the app, which highlight and advertise their products or services. Businesses can increase the visibility of their brands by using featured listings.


In the end, we hope that through this post you were able to know the cost of creating an app like Mrsool. However, if you are looking for an On-demand app development company that can assist you in creating an app then you should check out Appic Softwares.

A leading app development company that has expertise in creating on-demand solutions that are easy to scale and future-proof. So what are you waiting for?

Contact us now!