Proptech solutions are apparently raising about $32 billion in investments and have completely revolutionized the real estate sector. While many real estate firms continue to observe and speculate, proptech appears to have emerged as a significant difference. Particularly for individuals who are somewhat new to the customer-centric mindset that proptech facilitates.

This post will provide an overview of property tech solutions that help various real estate players perform more efficiently, manage their time more effectively, and focus on profitable projects rather of mundane chores.

Proptech Solutions in Real Estate: Market Insights

One of the sectors of the global economy that is expanding the fastest is the real estate market. Global migration is ultimately caused by a number of factors, most notably the world’s population growth, geopolitical unrest, and changing climate conditions. According to PwC’s Real Estate 2020 Report, from 3.6 billion in 2010 to 6.3 billion in 2050, there will be a 75% rise in the world’s urban population.

In this sense, the next generation of individuals will require:

  • 50% greater power
  • 40% more water
  • 35 percent more food
  • and, naturally, residences

The next ten years will bring with it the issue of speedy searches and swift house sales. Thirteen of the planet’s 37 megacities will be located in emerging markets by 2025. These cities have the potential to become into major hubs of opportunity for developers and investors in the future.

The one “but” is environmental sustainability, which should come first when creating future construction plans. These real estate developments, made possible by technology, upend the centuries-old methods of creating, marketing, leasing, and investing in physical space and turn them into the primary components of market value. Proptech is the term for the phenomenon that heralds the arrival of real estate innovation.

A group of technologies known as “proptech” speed up the purchasing, selling, leasing, and managing of properties. Examples of proptech technological solutions include those that use big data, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 5G.

According to the chair of the 2022 Global Real Estate Council, big tech invests over $600 million per week in commercial real estate proptech (source). Meanwhile, Forbes reports that startups with creative proptech ideas stand a better chance of securing investment if they make use of AI and ML technology.

Here is a summary of the top 8 proptech startups.

Proptech innovation encompasses both transactional and managerial aspects of real estate business. Transactional chores are seen as the most demanding and time-consuming when purchasing or selling real estate, despite the fact that over 50% of proptech companies concentrate on sales and leasing.

These procedures therefore require the greatest automation. Proptech tools offer a comprehensive approach to covering every facet of the real estate lifecycle, facilitating strategic and managerial endeavors on both ends.

Proptech Ecosystem: Key Market Players

“Every major real estate player is looking at different proptech, either to serve and optimize their portfolios or to help their customers,” former head of real estate finance Annerie Vreugdenhil stated in an interview with Real Estate Capital Europe.

Real estate has many important stakeholders, much like any other industry: owners, developers, investors, brokers, tenants, property managers, and lenders. The majority are Gen Xers, with a median age of approximately 49. Their working methods have been disrupted by technology, which has led them to adopt property tech solutions and other forms of technology more deeply.

Real Estate market players

While it may have been more difficult to learn how to use internet platforms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, real estate agents soon realized there were many potential for their firm. Digitalization may cause discomfort for any player because the true issue is not understanding proptech technology per se, but rather understanding how proptech apps and solutions may affect the workplace. For example, the majority of AI-powered property tech solutions have the potential to completely transform the way real estate services are provided by utilizing augmented, virtual, and virtual reality (VR) and machine learning as components of intelligent prediction and replication of a physical experience for a client.


When blockchain technology is used to power real estate investment management systems, owners will benefit first. This technology is an excellent illustration of proptech solutions that help decentralize monopolies and remove intermediary links, or servers, which are conventional bottlenecks in the safe purchase and sale of real estate. Blockchain helps owners own their data, which increases transparency in the real estate purchasing process. In this manner, there are no middlemen involved and transactions are finished more quickly. Since the entire process is encrypted, nobody could possibly interfere and cause disruptions. The idea of combining blockchain technology with proptech is attractive to many firms since it can drastically cut down on the time and resources needed for daily operations.


Real estate now has the opportunity to extract vast amounts of information from machines thanks to the pace of digital efforts. Therefore, developers are swimming in shallow water when they rely solely on surface-level measurements and years of cumulative expertise. By utilizing pertinent data that illustrates the building’s development and usage afterward, developers can design more dependable, well-maintained, and energy-efficient structures. The construction process is significantly accelerated by a variety of robotics, AI, 3D printing, and construction software technologies. Early access to this data guarantees a larger return on investment down the road.


Investors should continue to place a high priority on gathering and evaluating data when using conventional analytical techniques. Years of market research and missing out on the best possibilities might be necessary for this.

With the use of investment management software, investors may monitor and assess real estate and investment risks and have a better understanding of their real estate holdings. They can gather information and documents using their functionality, then manage them centrally. This makes investments more transparent and gives investors the ability to adjust control to suit their needs.

With the use of data from investment management programs, investment portals, equity platforms, and even social media platforms, investors can boost a building’s profitability and forge more fruitful and focused connections with their intended market.

Brokers and Tenants

Traditionally, brokers have had to juggle a number of tasks at once, such as lead generation, several negotiations, email campaigns, etc. For this reason, 61% of real estate firms currently rely on automation from proptech solutions in their daily work, while 35% of them are considering incorporating it into their processes.

Brokers have significantly improved their operations and allegedly increased customer satisfaction with the implementation of automated property technology solutions for lead creation and administration. Tech-savvy brokers can streamline the following procedures:

  • lead generation
  • lead classification
  • email promotion
  • talks
  • market research
  • sales forecast

Brokers and tenants can feel each other’s pulses more deeply and with more awareness when they use digital solutions. Brokers may list properties more successfully with the use of bespoke CRM systems, virtual experience software, and other property tech solutions. Tenants can use these tools in the interim to facilitate document sharing, encourage tenant interactions, and control contract and renewal processes.

Property Managers

Buyers work hard every day to enhance their quality of life and live in energy-efficient buildings so they may cut costs on certain necessities. Conversely, property managers desire to spend less money and manage their assets more effectively. Regarding this, property management systems offer energy, guest, and access control, as well as open up new and exciting opportunities to lower utility expenses depending on a variety of factors like market pricing, weather, and other variables. AI is capable of gathering and storing data on the building’s voltage level and power usage with the aid of digital measuring tools, sensors, and controllers.


The least technologically advanced institutions are most likely the insurance and financial sectors. Because of this, lenders frequently have to rely on antiquated methods that don’t offer effective financial planning. The use of fintech software facilitates quicker loan approvals by requiring a brief evaluation of the borrower’s creditworthiness. Furthermore, the majority of property software examples offer lenders a range of options for more accurate property data calculations. Even though the field of real estate finance is still in its infancy, there are already successful instances of digital debt platforms that use automated workflow tools and sophisticated dashboards to enhance the lender experience.

Top Most Popular Examples of Proptech Solutions in Real Estate

  • platforms for listing properties;
  • platforms for fractional ownership and crowdfunding;
  • Broker-specific customer relationship management (CRM) systems;
  • Fintech real estate solutions
  • VR/AR real estate technology;
  • solutions for property management;
  • solutions for property development.

Examples of proptech solutions: Use cases

Property Search

Listing and Brokerage Solutions

Big data and AVM (Automated Valuation Models), which are highly accurate in estimating a property’s value, are the foundation of property listing systems such as Zillow. Almost every significant real estate company has a high level of trust in this platform, which has millions of adverts. With its help, sellers can formulate more astute offers that have a higher chance of being accepted.

Trulia is a well-known platform that offers quick property searches, rentals, and sales along with the ability to read actual resident reviews and gain insight into the neighborhood. Furthermore, the platform has the ability to compute loan property values and verify mortgage rates.

Brokers can use various brokerage tools such as iBroker to monitor the deal and listing process on their end. Rich cloud-based functionality, mobile friendliness, and extensive tools for invoicing, computations, listings inventory management, transaction tracking, and many more functions are all included in this proptech system. Furthermore, iBroker provides a suite of robust connections with DocuSign, transaction rooms, iFranchise, and additional platforms to optimize daily operations for brokers.

BrokerWOLF is a significant example of proptech software. It is back office and accounting software that enhances brokers’ processes by providing real-time reporting, transaction data accessibility, and automated commissions. Regardless of a broker’s score, this proptech solution is easy to use and designed with the real estate sector in mind.

Broker CRM and Marketing

In their daily activity, brokers and renters alike should adhere to the cyclical cycles of sales and marketing. capabilities like automatic report generation, listing, and cloud-based client data storage are just a few of the capabilities that proptech systems like Appic Softwares RE offer to make real estate agents’ everyday tasks easier. The platform’s robust commercial real estate capability is driven by Salesforce technology, allowing for easy customization to meet your company’s requirements.

Emails, websites, and social media are some of the best platforms for audience outreach. Real estate agents gradually incorporate social media and email techniques into their job by capitalizing on the affinity that individuals have for phones. To urge prospective buyers to view the home, for instance, they start email campaigns and newsletters. They even send out video tours via email. The proptech solution example, Outboundengine, gives real estate brokers access to strong email campaign marketing features as well as a lively online and social media presence. Agents use this technology, among other things, to advertise their events, increase traffic, and obtain insights and ratings from their contacts’ networks in a unified dashboard.

Viewing and Imagery

These days, even standing in line to buy t-shirts seems antiquated; meeting in person with a real estate agent does. As a result, 3D illustrations, video tours, and staging are well known. They may inspect and assess a property’s condition before to a physical visit, which saves time when scheduling appointments with a realtor or leasing agent. In order to improve marketing and sales communication for brands and enterprises, iStaging and Shapespark are 3D/AR/VR property tech solutions that enable customers to live out the experience when analyzing the property by setting up showrooms and establishing real estate projects. With its robust virtual home tour functionality, Zillow demonstrates its versatility once more and makes an excellent fit for this area.

Evaluation and Financial Management

Even a straightforward transaction or contract process in today’s world can lead to a protracted process of bureaucratic procedures and paperwork collection, even with digitization.

The way we manage digital assets in real estate is fundamentally changed by ChromaWay. They joined forces with its partner, the massive Swedish telecom company Telia, to use blockchain technology to swiftly and easily digitize real estate mortgages and sales contracts. The land registration procedure is rendered more safe by the blockchain’s capabilities, which eliminate the potential for errors through sophisticated verification mechanisms.

Walton Street, which purportedly invested and managed over $11.5 billion in loan possibilities, is a noteworthy example of a debt platform. A seamless transaction flow process, including origination, execution, underwriting, and deal closing, is introduced by the platform.

When it comes to equities investments, the risks are never low. As a result, a number of equity and crowdfunding platforms are available to link developers and investors and reduce the risk of losing money on real estate investments. Proptech solutions like CityVest and Crowdstreet offer substantial returns, but they are exclusive to qualified investors. However, with minimal investment, even non-accredited investors can create a robust portfolio of assets.

With a 500$ minimum commitment, Diversyfund offers competitive terms and caters to all sorts of investors. A mobile app’s accessible, easy-to-use features enable investors navigate the portfolio’s acquisition, management, and other stages while shielding it from stock market volatility. Fundrise and Groundfloor are the two platforms that have a minimum investment requirement.

Property Management

In addition to giving property managers control over upkeep, property tech solutions completely automate tasks like maintaining leases, collecting rent, and corresponding with tenants.

Here are a few instances of proptech concepts that are transforming property management:

  • IoT and smart home automation, also known as waste, water, and energy management systems and devices;
  • Proptech energy intelligence platforms and environmental sustainability solutions (ESG);
  • markets for co-living and co-renting real estate;
  • AI-driven proptech solutions (predictive analytics, virtual assistants, chatbots, etc.)

Smart home automation and the Internet of Things (IoT) combine to give property managers remote access to monitor and control a wide range of features, including lighting, appliances, security systems, and temperature.

With intelligent devices and systems, property owners may optimize resource use, boost sustainability, and streamline operations. Proptech solutions such as Gridium and DEXMA, for example, are vital because they gather and process energy data from various sources, including sensors, meters, and smart building systems.

There is a growing focus on improving tenant convenience and personalized experience as co-renting and co-living become more popular (Allihoop and Common are excellent examples of mid-term marketplaces offering community living). This necessitates the use of property management technology with sophisticated booking and communication features as well as the integration of the property management platforms with smart home automation.

Additionally, AI-powered proptech solutions automate the workflows of property operators by managing tenant requests around-the-clock, streamlining communication, improving maintenance scheduling, and offering insightful data for better decision-making. Examples of these solutions are chatbots (WotNot, Stan AI), virtual assistants (Lea), and predictive analytics (Buildium’s Analytics Hub).

As opposed to the conventional property management software that we are all accustomed to, leasing and asset management systems such as DoorLoop serve as multipurpose cloud-based proptech software with robust features for a range of property kinds and market participants. The platform allows online maintenance requests and has a number of interfaces with other proptech apps and marketplaces. In addition to automating the tedious tasks of bookkeeping and maintenance requests, the platform tackles common property management difficulties and presents cutting-edge fintech solutions for online payment and much more.

Examples of additional property management software include:

  • Tenant Turbo;
  • AppFolio
  • Buildium
  • Yardi Wind;
  • RentRedi
  • Actual Page
  • Door Jacket.

Asset Utilization

Coworking spaces, event spaces, and other offerings for retail and industrial use are abundant in the real estate market. Requests and reservations can be made online thanks to the digital rental method. In this sense, related solutions are part of real estate proptech innovation.

MinNow is a new term for food storage areas in restaurants, office buildings, and multifamily housing. Physical pickup pods that hold deliveries and specialized software that lets customers receive their goods without installing apps make up this proptech solution.

Private space solutions in the real estate sector are emerging as urban residents become more conscious of their health and quality of life. Sanctuary provides personal hangout areas that are adjusted to your ideal temperature, aroma, and musical selection. The Sanctuary App and online scheduling and booking options have made the rental process digital and stress-free.

A merchant and manufacturer cannot effectively monitor or analyze the operation of their locations if they lack accurate, dependable, and easily available data. For this reason, information about retail lease locations must be readily available in this industry. Property technology reimagines the leasing, selling, and renting of commercial and retail premises, reducing costs and time spent on each step of the process. Lease Eagle is a retail lease management tool that assists with lease date monitoring and offers occupancy statistics. Control and visibility over the rented space are provided by the solution.

Property Building

The development of construction technology signifies the industry’s shift towards a smart construction process. AI is used by planning and coordination applications like Structionsite to take 360-degree photos of construction and automatically arrange them by the floor plan’s date. On the other hand, BeamUp automates planning and design while delivering quick updates with artificial intelligence and digital twin technologies.

In order to help buyers make an informed decision, 3D planning solutions such as Homebyme provide a comprehensive virtual blueprint of the property prior to purchase or modification. In the meantime, a building site is far safer to work in thanks to a variety of instruments that include robotics, sensor networks, and drones.

Viewpoint is an excellent example of property software that manages people, projects, and procedures in one location. It is an all-in-one proptech solution that provides an advanced overview of the construction process. With all of the plans and drawings in one location, Viewpoint allows you to manage the whole project life cycle and adhere to BIM standards.

Custom Proptech Software Solutions Development  

The market is flooded with prepackaged proptech solutions. Leaders in the real estate industry, however, choose tailored instruments that offer the necessary flexibility and the capacity to invest exactly in what they require. With sixteen years of real estate industry experience, Appic Softwares develops unique proptech solution software for reputable real estate companies like Colliers and JLL. Selecting Appic Softwares yields the following benefits:

  • specialized real estate market expertise of a custom development partner with headquarters located in Dallas, USA 
  • With three offshore locations in Europe, we provide fair development costs and 24-hour delivery.   
  • As a product company, we provide multiple publishing solutions focused on real estate.  
  • profound comprehension of the unique characteristics of the industry Real estate is what we talk at Appic Softwares
  • adaptable models of engagement: devoted, offshore, blended, or on-demand teams
  • a group of experts with vast knowledge in SaaS development 
  • ideal architecture and technology stack  
  • Agile best practices’ advantages for quick and effective development 

Appic Softwares provides various engagement methods and extensive experience in developing proptech tools. Get in touch with us to add new features to your program and make improvements so you can quickly adjust to the always-shifting real estate industry.


What does PropTech stand for?

Technologies that speed up the purchasing, selling, renting, and property management procedures are referred to as proptech. Solutions leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, big data, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and the Internet of Things (IoT) are a few examples.

What is PropTech and examples?

PropTech, or the “real estate and technology intersection,” refers to digital solutions that improve, simplify, or introduce new ideas into the real estate sector. Proptech solutions encompass a range of products and services, such as co-living and co-renting portals, property management software, and online listing platforms.

What is the difference between fintech and proptech?

PropTech and Fintech are different in that PropTech focuses on technologies that make buying, selling, and investing in real estate easier, whereas FinTech deals with financial services like banking and payments and can be applied to PropTech for real estate investment and financing operations.

What are the problems in the PropTech industry?

The issues facing the PropTech sector include inadequate data security, lack of common data formats, integration challenges with legacy systems, resistance to change, and unwillingness to adopt technological improvements.