With Salesforce, you can easily obtain a comprehensive insight into your consumers and potential prospects thanks to its extensive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. You can monitor your customer’s full journey from the start by using its user-friendly features. Conversely, Drupal is a feature-rich content management system (CMS) that prioritizes streamlining your content processes. It even offers you a great lot of versatility because of its Open-Source framework.

By configuring the Drupal Salesforce Integration, you can take advantage of Drupal’s user-friendly content management system to create tailored content that is based on the information your Salesforce CRM provides. As a result, by creating thoughtful content and having thoughtful discussions, you can engage with your consumers more effectively and build stronger relationships.

You will have a thorough understanding of how to set up your Drupal Salesforce Integration in just six simple steps by reading this article. It will also help you learn some essential characteristics of both Salesforce and Drupal, as well as provide you with a comprehensive understanding of both! Continue reading to learn more!

Requirements For Integration

  • A Salesforce Developer account.
  • Drupal Salesforce module.
  • A Drupal-based website.

What Is Drupal?

Drupal is an open-source content management system (CMS) that is driven by the community. It is used by millions of individuals and businesses worldwide to build and manage their websites. Unbeknownst to them, major government agencies and enterprises including the Red Cross, Harvard, Whole Foods, Whole Foods, Cisco, Twitter, and the Government of Australia use Drupal.

Distributed under the GNU General Public License, Drupal is free software. This indicates that in terms of cost, flexibility, freedom, security, and responsibility, it offers inherent advantages over proprietary software. For instance, anyone can extend and modify Drupal. This keeps “Vendor lock-in” from happening and enables users anywhere to keep an eye out for compliance and security flaws in Drupal’s core code and fix them right away.

Its user interface facilitates the creation and publication of information. The platform can handle an infinite variety of content types, including text and media, thanks to its fully customizable forms. It displays, fetches, and filters this content dynamically, all with user-friendly yet robust features.

There are also advanced in-place editing capabilities and user-friendly content creation tools accessible. Access to information and functionality is restricted by Drupal’s intricate user role classification and permissions mechanism.

Key Features Of Drupal

  • Community: Through the utilization of the passion and support of the Drupal community, Drupal’s Open-source model guarantees ongoing innovation and progress.
  • User Experience: In order to help everyone from website editors to content developers build engaging user experiences, Drupal has placed a strong emphasis on User Experience (UX) in recent editions.
  • Scalability: Drupal’s flexible API architecture enables quick content expansion throughout a global network of multisites.
  • Security: Composed of security experts from around the globe, the Drupal Security Team is committed to looking into and identifying any potential vulnerabilities in Drupal.
  • Accessibility: is a major issue for verticals like higher education, which are in charge of providing opportunities and information to learners from diverse backgrounds.

What Is Salesforce?

Businesses had to run CRM systems on their own servers before Salesforce. They were consequently forced to spend a large sum of money and effort creating their own CRM. That all changed, though, when Salesforce was introduced.

Salesforce provides CRM solutions that can be quickly set up and don’t require a profound understanding of technology for a range of teams and sectors, including sales, marketing, and a variety of other areas.

It increases sales and automates a significant portion of marketing efforts to assist firms in achieving a range of CRM-based customer-centric goals. Salesforce enables users to track and gather customer data and purchase trends. It also helps with the creation of sales forecast reports and offers email integration services. With the Salesforce Application, users may also create Customized Apps that are suited to the requirements of the business.

Key Features Of Salesforce

  • Easy Setup: Salesforce can be set up from scratch in a matter of weeks, in contrast to alternative CRMs that might require up to a year to set up and deploy.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Since Salesforce’s functionality and User Interface are easy to understand, no prior training is needed to begin using it.
  • Easy Customization: Companies can easily adapt them to meet their own requirements.
  • Dynamic Dashboards: Based on important metrics like market trends and customer behavior, they offer a thorough picture of how well your company is doing. It also simplifies the process of generating dashboards and real-time reporting.
  • Many Ads: Companies are even able to operate many Ad Campaigns on a single Salesforce platform. To learn more about these projects, they could even use real-time analysis.
  • Improved Collaboration: Real-time interaction between members of various teams is made possible by Salesforce’s collaboration features.

Step By Step Guide For Drupal Salesforce Integration

On the other hand, the Salesforce Suite is a collection of modules that are required for Drupal Salesforce Integration due to its multifaceted nature. You can use this complex tool for D7, D8, and D9. The module’s maintainers are still hard at work making enhancements and updates, which has led to the release of a new 5. x branch this year.

The easy steps to begin your Drupal Salesforce Integration are as follows:

Step 1: Download The Salesforce Module

On your Drupal website, first install the Salesforce Suite module. To accomplish this, run the composer-based code found below:

composer require drupal/salesforce

Salesforce mapping needs to be activated right now. Turn on “salesforce_push” to start a data stream from Drupal to Salesforce. Enable “salesforce_pull” in order to import Salesforce data into Drupal. These will be available to you when you choose which submodules to install.

Step 2: Logging Into Salesforce

Enter your Salesforce login information now. If you don’t currently have an account, you can easily create one by clicking this link: Salesforce Developer Account!

Step 3: Make A New Application Linked To Salesforce

In order to generate a new Salesforce Connected App, you can proceed as follows within your application:

Setup > Create > Apps

  • The next step is to develop your Oauth-based JWT-connected application. You must first extract the certificate and your key in order to accomplish this. After doing this, the OAuth settings need to be configured. To achieve that, take these steps:
  • Turn on the OAuth configuration by clicking on the “Enable OAuth Settings” option.
  • Currently, change the callback URL to https://salesforce/oauth callback/yourhostname>. Keep in mind that Salesforce does not support HTTP URLs, thus unless it utilizes localhost, your website needs to support HTTPS.
  • Give both “Full” and “API” access, as well as “Offline” access, based on what your app requires.
  • As you save the app, make a note of your Consumer Key and Secret Key.

Step 4: Set up Drupal JWT OAuth Provider 

  • Go to Admin > Config > Salesforce > Auth on your Drupal Admin Dashboard to start configuring OAuth Provider.

In order to complete the setup of your Drupal Salesforce Integration, you must now supply the Consumer Key and Secret. You can click Enter after adding these to the form.

Your data mappings are now ready, all you need to do is start streaming data between the two platforms. In the following stage, you may complete your Drupal Salesforce Integration by doing this:

Step 5: Create Mapping For Drupal Salesforce 

  • Admin > Structure > Salesforce > Mappings (https://your hostname>/admin/structure/salesforce/mappings) is where you create mappings. This will make it simple for you to connect your Drupal fields to Salesforce fields.

Your Drupal Salesforce Integration is complete in only 5 easy steps!

How Appic Softwares Can Help You With Drupal Integrations?

Appic Softwares has an experienced team of Drupal developers who can assist you with all your requirements. Our developers have helped several other clients across the globe with Drupal development. 

You can even hire dedicated Drupal developers from us and let them manage your integration. The developers can be hired on a weekly, monthly, or annual, basis and can help you manage your Drupal software.

So, what are you waiting for?

Contact us now!