Drupal is an open-source platform that is always changing, with new releases and upgrades occurring frequently.

New features, bug fixes, and security updates are usually included in Drupal releases, with the goal of improving the platform’s overall functionality and security. Older Drupal versions could thus eventually become obsolete and unsupported.

In the past, every major Drupal release entailed effectively re-inventing the platform. With several updates and fixes, Drupal 10 development is presented as a new paradigm.

Drupal 10 will therefore be built upon the current architecture. In actual use, the new version of the CMS should be much simpler to use. It will also continue to release minor updates every six months. However, this also highlights a set of inquiries that one should make of themselves before actually upgrading to a new Drupal version. Read this to get the answers to your When, What, How, and Why.

What Is Drupal Core?

Drupal core, which is described as Common Drupal-specific libraries and the bootstrap process, is the foundational element of Drupal. Drupal modules are used to describe all other functions, including the system module itself. As of right now, security updates for Drupal core are scheduled to happen on a different day each month than bug fixes and feature releases.

Only the security fixes made to the most current Drupal core release are included in security releases. Along with all the other modifications made to the branch thus far, the next bug fix/feature release will come with the latest security updates.

With this approach, site developers won’t have to worry about coordinating patches or accidentally breaking their websites by implementing other upstream changes that haven’t had enough testing; instead, they can upgrade as soon as a security hole is found.

How Often Is Drupal Upgraded?

Drupal is available in two supported major release series at all times. But as of right now, just three are available: Drupal 7, 9, and 10, with Drupal 10 having just been published in December of 2022. Updated versions of each of these are released every six months. The most current version in each series fixes issues that have come up since the last release, some of which may entail critical security patches. Consequently, whether you are using Drupal 7 or the latest supported version, you should always run the latest release in the series. 

  • Drupal has major updates every 2-4 years, while minor modifications are introduced every six months. Like Drupal.org notes, 
  • A window for the release of problem fixes, or patches, is the first Wednesday of the month.
  • Security release windows are held on the third Wednesday of each month.
  • For Drupal 8 and beyond, major (feature) releases are usually planned for the first or third Wednesday of each month, approximately every six months.

Drupal Update V/S Drupal Migration

Although they seem unrelated, update and migration can be closely related concepts. A code upgrade in Drupal is a change from one major version to another. Drupal 6 or Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, for example. An application has been upgraded if you reinstall it using a more recent version with a higher second, third, or fourth digit in the version number. For example, you replace the installed version of the program (8.8.x) with 8.9.x. Updates are free for any users who have paid for a license.

While “migration” refers to importing content from a non-Drupal source or an earlier version of Drupal, it does not mean upgrading. while a significant upgrade is made to the Drupal core, this is referred to as “Drupal Migration” while upgrading. For example, Drupal 8 and later iterations. Therefore, moving from Drupal 8 to any later version is referred to as migration. 

If and when necessary, “migration” can also be used to “upgrade” from earlier major versions of Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 (as well as migrate from other systems). 

If you are getting ready to switch to Drupal for your website, the first step in the migration process is updating using the migration user interface.

Things To Consider While Switching To A New Drupal Version

  • What date does the version come out?

Make sure you stay informed about all the features that the new version has to offer as well as the date the new version was released and when your existing version is going to expire. It will be easier for you to keep track of your migration or upgrade process if you know the precise release schedule.

  • What significance do the new features have?

Drupal 10 features

If the new features are important and addressing them in previous versions has been laborious or required complex contributed modules, it is appropriate to start with the latest and greatest version that already has this new capacity.

  • About how helpful is your budget?

For all the well-established causes, the budget might be affected. Custom code (or stop and port relevant donated modules) comes at a higher time and financial expense to write. Therefore, once again, if funds are tight, it might not be a smart idea to establish a website on a new version of Drupal.

  • By what date is it due?

Delays will also be imposed while other features are being completed. If any donated modules haven’t been ported yet but could solve an issue, we have to stop and help. Alternatively, it’s possible that no donated modules even remotely meet our needs, in which case specialized code will have to be written to solve the problem. It’s possible that latent defects in the code won’t show up until real-world sites start using the platform; in that case, it might take some time to correct them.


Since the most recent version of any Drupal update includes many small fixes, it is advisable to use it after a few more minor version releases. Once you’ve decided to continue with an upgraded version, you should begin the Drupal 10 conversion process as soon as possible because it can take many weeks or months to complete. 

Moreover, if you are looking for a Drupal development company that can help you with Drupal migration, then you should check out Appic Softwares. We have an experienced Drupal team that has previously carried out various migration services for clients across the globe. 

Additionally, you can even hire dedicated Drupal developers from us and let them work dedicately for you. So, what are you waiting for?

Contact us now!