To avoid problems and ensure a smooth entry into the market, putting out a mobile app needs to be carefully planned. During the pre-launch process, you fix any problems that might come up and make sure your app works as well as possible.

Quality control is very important for this list. It means making sure that people who use your app have a great time. In the world of apps, where competition is high, it’s important to pay close attention to the little things that can make people dislike your app.

New app businesses need to do more than just the basics. People should be able to connect with your app, not just download it. There are about 299 billion app downloads every year around the world, so you need to stand out.

There are important steps you need to take to make sure your mobile app launch goes well. This checklist is your full guide. If you follow these steps, you’ll be ready to make your app stand out in a crowded app market.

We’ve put together a list of important steps for starting an app to save you time at the last minute. With this list, you can make sure your promotion goes well and your app stands out in the crowded app market.

How to Launch Your App Correctly: A Top 10 List

Checklist for Before Launch

1 Knowing your audience and looking at your competitors

Before you release your app, you need to know who your users are and who your rivals are. This is one of the most important rules on the best app launch guidelines for making good marketing plans.

  • Who do you want to use your app?
  • How do people decide which app to use?
  • What makes your app better than the others?

For your app’s marketing, you need to answer these questions. It makes sure that your brand is easy to understand and gets your message across in a few words.

In the world of making mobile apps, knowing your customers and your competitors is like having a secret weapon.

2. Getting your current community and influential people involved

Several platforms make it easy to connect with people in your niche, creating a group of people who share your interests. To find new chances, it’s important to keep an eye on the market and communities that are already there. There’s no need to add this to the end of the app’s list; it should be a top concern.

Take part in relevant conversations, look into advertising programs, and look for possible ways to work together on promotions. The influencer market is one more way to get into the scene and connect with important groups. It’s a good strategy because users tend to like and share material from influencers.

Make a list of influential people, keep in touch with them, and pitch your app to them as part of your pre-release plan. This makes it more likely that your app will be featured when it comes out, especially among other mobile app makers.

3. Keeping domain and social media handles safe

Making sure that the app’s address, like, matches its name and description is an important step on the list. Finishing the landing page and confirming social media handles are important things to do before a start to make sure everything goes smoothly.

Building a strong online presence is essential for any mobile app development business that wants to reach the right people. The age group is an important part of online marketing techniques because it helps target the right people.

4. Putting together a beta release

Before putting your app into test mode, make sure there is a feedback loop in place so that you can collect data and hear from users. This will improve the quality of the app and the way customers interact with it. Use the mobile app deployment checklist to plan the beta launch and keep in mind the important release points for a nearly final app version. This lets changes be made based on feedback from real users before the public launch.

A lot of writers now like to use the MVP (Minimal Viable Product) method, which means putting out an app with only the most important features to get it on the market quickly. This plan makes sure that you get into the market quickly and lets you make regular changes based on user feedback and pre-set plans since mobile app development is always changing.

5. Following the submission guidelines and setting success metrics

Before you release your app, make sure you carefully follow the rules for submitting apps to app stores like Apple and Google. If you don’t, your app might be rejected. Use the Google and Apple App Store Optimization (ASO) checklists to make sure your app meets all the requirements after reading the instructions. This step is very important if you want to learn “how to launch an app” correctly and avoid being turned down.

After following the guidelines, you should focus on the measures that make an app successful. Discover what makes an app popular, why some apps do well, and the unique qualities that make them successful. Before releasing the app, you should think about things like how to make money and how loyal your users are. This proactive method shows you how to measure and improve the chances of success for your app.

6. Putting together a press kit

Make sure your app gets the attention it needs by letting researchers, writers, and journalists use it. Make a Press Kit directory with all the necessary information, such as app descriptions, photos, logos, promotional videos, and social media links. 

This central resource makes it easier for people to quickly understand the most important parts of your app, which makes it easier for them to share and make decisions. By putting all of your information in one place, you make it easy for people who want to cover or promote your app to find important information without having to search the internet.

7. How to Write an Interesting Lock Page Description

Before the start, use online forums, landing page tests, and beta versions to get feedback. This part of the app launch plan is very important for making any changes and improvements that need to be made before the official release. You can make sure that your app is improved and optimized to get great results by asking for short comments. Any company that makes apps that want to release a finished and well-reviewed product should use this method.

8. Adding app software without any problems

After making changes to the app based on beta testers’ ideas, the next important step is to track and encourage its growth. In this case, the app needs to be connected to important market software. It’s important to take care of this before the app goes live because adding a new version later could lower the total rating. This strategic method is important for any mobile app development process because it makes sure that the growth and integration are handled well from the start.

Launch Checklist

1 Putting out apps on the Play Store

As the day to release your app gets closer, it’s important to go over the app store application checklist again and make sure your app is optimized correctly. Think of this as a last-minute change, and send in your app at least a week before it’s supposed to go live. 

The app store’s approval process takes time. This strategic method speeds up the process while still following the rules and launching on time. This careful planning is an important part of making a mobile app, and it makes sure that the app hits the market on time and without any problems.

2. Advising the audience and influential person 

You should be happy to tell everyone about your app once it gets the OK from Google and Apple stores. Send emails to your contact list, which includes people in your target group and influential people, to let them know that the app is now available. Get them excited about the app and encourage them to download and use it.

Use press lists to find influential people who might be able to spread the word about your app. Use the relationships you already have with these influential people that you started talking to during the app launch checklist process. Get in touch with them again, spark up the conversation, and encourage them to not only use the app but also tell their friends about it to get more people to see it. This kind of proactive contact will help your app get off to a great start in the market.

3. Designing a dashboard

It’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when you’re working on something specific. Take a moment to set aside a place to use a dashboard to keep track of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This dashboard shows the important data for the app’s success in a visual way, which encourages accountability and goal-setting.

This dashboard brings together important data like the total number of downloads, the app store rank, the number of downloads each month, the app’s all-time rating, and the date it was last updated. This collection gives a clear and complete picture of how the app works. Using this method is a good way to make sure that the smaller jobs are in line with the overall success of the app.

As a bonus, working with an experienced app design company can improve the app’s look and feel, which will help it do even better.

Checklist for After Launch

1 Engaging users and getting feedback

During beta testing, the feedback tool was very helpful for fixing big bugs in the app and giving customers a way to talk to the company. Customers will be happy if you keep an eye on the app early on, fix bugs quickly, and release changes. The first 30 seconds are very important, so quick updates can keep people interested. During the first week, you should look for possible regular users and try to keep them. Active, polite conversation makes the user experience better and builds a good relationship. A digital marketing services company can help you come up with good ways to keep users by communicating with them.

2. Reviews and ratings are good for business.

One very important thing on the app launch plan is to get customers to rate and review the app. Being honest is very important; let users know if the app might not live up to their hopes. Real reviews build trust, which raises the conversion rate. Don’t be afraid to ask loyal customers for reviews. Ratings are very important in app shops. For example, the Apple App Store needs at least five ratings to figure out the average. A genuine method builds credibility and visibility, which helps with conversion problems.

3. Watching the Store Rank

The app store launch plan stresses how important it is for an app to be ranked right from the start. This list is based on things like downloads, reviews, ratings, and retention. In a way similar to the “App Titanic” movie, a new app is very vulnerable to the effects of a single bad review or a slow day. During the first week, the app goes through changes before becoming stable. To get a high rank in the app store, you need to be able to handle these things well and use good Search Engine Marketing services.

4. Put out the first update 

As soon as the app is released, release the first update within a few weeks. This update should include user input and any changes that need to be made. Being responsive to customer comments builds loyalty and shows that you are committed to improving quality. Aim for updates once a month to make sure releases are bug-free, which will improve app reviews. Adding metrics to the dashboard for constant rank tracking is an important step in the mobile app deployment checklist that should be done regularly. This process makes sure that the quality of the app is maintained and that users are happy.

5. Setting priorities for customer needs and locking in a road map

Put customer feedback at the top of your launch plan for the app store. Find out how often users are having problems and how interested they are in certain benefits. This information helps make a plan for long-term product growth by showing how important it is to add features and fix bugs right away. Setting goals based on what customers want improves the user experience, brings in new users, and improves quality assurance. This makes sure that your app changes to meet user needs and industry standards.

6. Offer rewards for long-term use

Once your app is out there, keeping people is very important. Get people to interact with your site by giving them new material, personalized experiences, referrals, and extra gifts. Make sure your app has a unique selling point that makes it easy for people to share, which will make the download process easier. Prioritize push notification optimization to keep users from being unhappy and uninstalling your app. Include these steps in your mobile app release checklist to encourage organic growth and keep users interested.

7. Check how well the app works.

Mobile app makers need to keep testing and improving their apps. Before adding suggested features, poll customers to see how interested they are and make beta versions available to test how satisfied users are. Keep a close eye on app scores, reviews, updates, and retention rates to figure out what customers want and how to make the app work better. This is an important thing for a mobile app development business that wants to make apps that are user-centered and work well.

Before and after a mobile app launch, don’t do these things:

1. Not paying attention to marketing on social media

Social media marketing (SMM) can be a great way to make a brand more real and communicate quickly. When done right, SMM builds relationships with customers, shows off company identity, and connects with potential customers. If you ignore SMM, you might miss out on leads and lose interest.

2. Not giving users rewards for promotions

Use rewards and gifts to encourage users to behave in a certain way. Users like getting rewards for doing things or buying things in your app. This approach gets people to interact with your app or product by asking them to rate it and share their good experiences.

3. Doing Not What The Rules Say

Keep an eye on app metrics like daily and monthly users, average income per user, and so on. Monitoring the most-used features and responding to user complaints are important for ongoing improvement, which leads to steady user growth and a good app experience.

4. Not caring about customer service

After an app goes live, it’s important to have great customer service. Service is better with automated tools, but custom is still important. To build trust and loyalty, you should care about each customer, take the time to look into different ways to help, and respond quickly to customer complaints.

5. Not Taking Early Bug Fixes into Account

Setting a date for the release creates excitement before the start. Actively promote your app ahead of time to get people excited. Fix early bugs right away, and use the app description as a marketing tool to get people excited about the app.

It’s also important to pick the best mobile app creation platform to get the best performance and user experience.

6. Not Getting the Right Push Alerts 

It’s very important to find the right mix with push notifications. Users can get annoyed by too many, and users may lose interest if there aren’t enough. Focus on sending relevant and timely in-app and push messages to keep users interested without annoying them too much.

7. Not Putting Out Updates

Regular updates keep the app useful, show that the creator is committed, and make the experience better for users. The app stays interesting and reliable over time by fixing bugs, making it work better, and adding new features through updates.


Launching an app successfully takes more than technical know-how. It needs a strong offering, great technical skills, optimization, and smart marketing. Appic Softwares mobile app launch checklist breaks down the best ways to create, test, optimize for the app store, and market your app so it can do well in a crowded market. These tips are meant to help you make a product that stands out so that you can successfully enter the market.

Having trouble getting your idea going? We’re the best mobile app developer in the US, and our team is very skilled. We’d be happy to help you plan, create, and build your mobile app. Let’s make your app idea come to life by chatting with us for free.

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