Dive into the realm of mobile app development with our guide on creating a Flutter Property Listing App in 2024. Uncover step-by-step instructions and best practices to harness the power of Flutter, offering a seamless and engaging experience for users in the dynamic world of real estate technology.

Why Choose Flutter For Property Listing App Development?

Choosing Flutter for property listing app development offers several compelling advantages:

Cross-Platform Development:

  • Flutter enables developers to create a single codebase that works seamlessly on both iOS and Android platforms. This streamlines development, reduces costs and ensures consistent user experiences across devices.

Fast Development with Hot Reload:

  • Flutter’s hot reload feature allows developers to instantly view changes made to the code, facilitating faster development and efficient debugging. This accelerates the overall development process, crucial for timely property app releases.

Rich and Customizable UI:

  • Flutter provides a rich set of customizable widgets, allowing developers to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. This is particularly important for property listing apps, where a visually engaging presentation can enhance user experience.

Performance Optimization:

  • Flutter apps are known for their high performance due to the use of Dart language and the compilation of native machine code. This results in smooth animations and faster execution, enhancing the overall performance of property listing apps.

Access to Native Features:

  • Flutter offers seamless integration with native features and APIs, enabling developers to access device-specific functionalities. This is essential for property listing apps that may require features like GPS for location-based searches.

Growing Developer Community:

  • Flutter boasts a vibrant and quickly expanding developer community. This community support ensures access to a wealth of resources, plugins, and solutions, making it easier to address challenges and find support during the development process.

Cost-Effective Development:

  • With Flutter’s cross-platform capabilities and hot reload feature, developers can save time and resources during the development phase. This cost-effectiveness is particularly beneficial for startups or businesses with budget constraints.

Support for Third-Party Integrations:

  • Flutter supports seamless integration with third-party libraries and APIs, providing flexibility for incorporating additional features, such as real-time property data, payment gateways, or social media sharing.

Choosing Flutter for property listing app development, therefore, brings together efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and a robust framework that caters to the specific needs of real estate technology.

Must-Have Features In A Flutter Property Listing App

Creating a robust Flutter property listing app involves incorporating essential features to meet the needs of users and provide a seamless experience. Here are must-have features for a property listing app:

User Authentication:

  • Permit users to manage their profiles, log in, and create accounts. This feature is crucial for personalizing user experiences, saving preferences, and facilitating property inquiries.

Search and Filters:

  • Implement advanced search functionality with filters based on location, property type, price range, and other relevant criteria. This ensures users can easily find properties that match their preferences.

Property Listings:

  • Display comprehensive property listings with details such as property images, descriptions, specifications, and contact information. Use a visually appealing layout to showcase properties effectively.

Map Integration:

  • Integrate maps to provide users with a visual representation of property locations. This feature is particularly useful for users who prioritize proximity to specific locations.

Favorites and Saved Searches:

  • Allow users to save properties they are interested in and set up saved searches for specific criteria. This enhances user engagement and simplifies the property discovery process.

Real-Time Notifications:

  • Implement push notifications to keep users informed about new property listings, price changes, or responses to their inquiries. Real-time updates enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

Inquiry and Contact Forms:

  • Include forms or messaging features to enable users to inquire about properties directly from the app. This facilitates seamless communication between users and property owners or agents.

Virtual Tours and Multimedia:

  • Integrate virtual tours, images, and videos to provide users with a comprehensive view of the properties. Multimedia elements enhance the user experience and aid in decision-making.

Mortgage Calculator:

  • Offer a mortgage calculator within the app to help users estimate monthly payments based on property prices and interest rates. This feature adds value and supports users in their decision-making process.

User Reviews and Ratings:

  • Allow users to leave reviews and ratings for properties they have interacted with. This social proof can influence other users’ decisions and contribute to a trustworthy app environment.

Agent Profiles:

  • Provide profiles for property agents or owners, including contact information, expertise, and reviews. This helps build trust and facilitates direct communication between users and property stakeholders.

Offline Mode:

  • Implement offline capabilities to allow users to access saved information and listings even when they are not connected to the internet. This enhances the app’s usability in various situations.

Accessibility Features:

  • Ensure that the app is accessible to users with disabilities by incorporating features such as voice commands, readable text, and adaptable color schemes.

By incorporating these must-have features, a Flutter property listing app can offer a comprehensive and user-friendly experience, meeting the expectations of users in the dynamic real estate market.

How To Create A Flutter Property Listing App? 

Creating a Flutter property listing app involves several key steps. Here’s a simplified guide to help you get started:

1. Setup Flutter Development Environment:

Install Flutter and Dart on your machine. Use a code editor like Visual Studio Code or Android Studio for development.

2. Create a New Flutter Project:

Use the following command in the terminal to create a new Flutter project:


flutter create property_listing_app

3. Design the User Interface:

Design the app’s user interface using Flutter’s widget system. Create screens for property listings, property details, search, filters, user authentication, etc.

4. Implement Navigation:

Use Flutter’s navigation system to allow users to move between different screens seamlessly. Implement navigation routes to connect various parts of the app.

5. Integrate API for Property Data:

Connect your app to a backend server or API to fetch property data. Ensure that the API provides information such as property details, images, location, and other relevant data.

6. Display Property Listings:

Use Flutter widgets to display property listings based on the data retrieved from the API. Include features like image carousels, property details, and contact information.

7. Implement Search and Filters:

Create functionalities for users to search for properties based on criteria such as location, property type, price range, etc. Implement filters to refine search results.

8. Incorporate Map Integration:

Integrate maps to visually display property locations. Use Flutter plugins like google_maps_flutter to embed maps within the app.

9. User Authentication:

Implement user authentication features, allowing users to create accounts, log in, and manage their profiles. This is essential for saving favorites and interacting with property owners.

10. Implement Favorites and Saved Searches:

Allow users to save their favorite properties and set up saved searches. Implement storage mechanisms to store user preferences locally or on a server.

11. Real-Time Notifications:

Integrate push notifications to keep users informed about new property listings, updates, or responses to their inquiries. Use plugins like `firebase_messaging` for this functionality.

12. Inquiry and Contact Forms:

Include forms or messaging features to enable users to inquire about properties directly from the app. Implement backend functionality to handle and process user inquiries.

13. Mortgage Calculator:

Integrate a mortgage calculator feature within the app to help users estimate monthly payments based on property prices and interest rates.

14. Testing:

Check the app’s performance, usability, and functionality thoroughly. Use Flutter’s testing framework for unit and widget tests.

15. Deployment:

Once satisfied with the app’s performance, deploy it to app stores (Google Play Store, Apple App Store) or distribute it through other channels.

16. Maintenance and Updates:

Regularly maintain and update the app to fix bugs, enhance features, and ensure compatibility with the latest Flutter and platform versions.


  • Leverage Flutter packages from the pub.dev repository to expedite development (e.g., http for API calls, cached_network_image for image caching).
  • Consider responsive design principles for a consistent user experience across various devices.

This is a high-level overview, and the actual implementation may vary based on specific requirements and features you want to include in your property listing app.

Cost To Develop A Flutter Property Listing App 

The cost to develop a Flutter property listing app can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of features, design requirements, development time, and hourly rates of developers. Here’s a breakdown of potential cost factors:

  • Development Team:

    • UI/UX Designers: For designing an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
    • Flutter Developers: Skilled developers with experience in Flutter for app development.
    • Backend Developers: If you’re building a complex app with user authentication, saved searches, and other server-side functionalities.
  • Features and Complexity:

    • The number and complexity of features, such as property listings, filters, search, user authentication, and notification systems, will impact development costs.
  • Backend Infrastructure:

    • If your app requires a backend server to handle data storage, user authentication, and other server-side functionalities, the development and maintenance of the backend will contribute to the cost.
  • Third-Party Integrations:

    • Costs associated with integrating third-party services like maps, push notifications, or a mortgage calculator if they are not developed in-house.
  • Testing:

    • Quality assurance and testing processes are crucial and may incur additional costs. Both manual and automated testing are included in this.
  • Maintenance and Updates:

    • Ongoing maintenance and updates, including bug fixes, security updates, and feature enhancements.
  • Geographical Location of Development Team:

    • The hourly rates of development teams vary based on their geographical location. Rates are generally higher in North America and Europe compared to Asia or Eastern Europe.
  • Design and Branding:

    • If you need custom design and branding services, the cost will increase.
  • Legal and Compliance:

    • Consideration for legal aspects, such as licenses for third-party services, data privacy compliance, and other regulatory requirements.

It’s important to note that the development cost can range widely, from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the factors mentioned. A simple property listing app with basic features may cost less, while a feature-rich app with advanced functionalities will require a more significant investment.

To get an accurate estimate, it’s recommended to consult with development agencies, freelancers, or app development companies. They can assess your specific requirements and provide a detailed cost breakdown based on your project scope. 


Building a Flutter Property Listing App in 2024 involves a comprehensive process that encompasses project setup, design, development, testing, and deployment. By following our step-by-step guide, you can create a feature-rich and visually appealing app that meets the dynamic needs of users in the real estate market.

Moreover, if you are looking for a Real estate development company that can help you create a future-proof solution then you should check out Appic Softwares. We have an experienced team of Proptech developers who have created several real estate solutions like RoccaBox.

So, what are you waiting for?

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