In today’s highly linked society, many people find the ordinary yet tedious process of managing shared spending to be a real pain. The need for a simple and effective solution is evident in any situation where multiple people must divide costs, such as when roommates divide rent and utilities, when friends share dinner costs, or when coworkers manage the budget for a team project. 

Apps like Splitwise revolutionize shared financial responsibility in this context. The global expense management software market, which includes bill-splitting apps, is expected to grow from $500.6 million in 2021 to $993.02 million by 2031, at a CAGR of 7.0%. Splitwise eliminates the possibility of disagreements by automating the process of keeping track of and dividing expenses. This promotes transparency and fairness. This article will take you through the ins and outs of Splitwise, explaining how it works in different situations and giving you all the information you need to create your own clone of the app. This article goes over all the necessary details for making an expense-sharing app, including the features and functions that users want, how to code it, and how much it will cost.

Overview Of Splitwise

Splitwise is a popular app designed to simplify the process of sharing expenses among groups. Whether it’s roommates splitting rent, friends sharing a dinner bill, or colleagues managing a team project budget, Splitwise ensures that everyone pays their fair share. Automating the tracking and splitting of expenses eliminates the hassle of manual calculations and reduces potential conflicts over money.

How Does An App Like Splitwise Work?

An app like Splitwise allows users to create groups, add expenses and split those expenses according to predefined rules. Here’s a closer look at how it works for different user scenarios:

For Corporates

Managing expenses in a corporate setting can be cumbersome, especially during team outings, business trips, or project-related expenditures. An app like Splitwise simplifies this by:

  1. Creating Expense Groups: Teams can create specific groups for each project or trip.
  2. Adding Expenses: Team members can add expenses as they occur, attaching receipts if necessary.
  3. Splitting Bills: Expenses can be split equally or unequally based on contribution or responsibility.
  4. Tracking Payments: The app tracks who owes whom and facilitates reimbursements, making the financial management process transparent and efficient.


Roommates often face challenges when it comes to splitting rent, utilities, groceries, and other shared expenses. An app like Splitwise helps by:

  1. Organizing Expenses: Roommates can create a group for their household and add monthly recurring expenses.
  2. Splitting Costs: Rent, utilities, and other shared costs can be divided among roommates based on pre-agreed ratios.
  3. Payment Reminders: The app sends reminders for due payments, ensuring that no one forgets to contribute their share.
  4. Settling Debts: It keeps a running total of who owes what, making it easy to settle debts at the end of the month.

Friends Or Colleagues

When friends or colleagues share expenses, whether for a trip, a night out, or a joint gift, keeping track of who paid for what can be tricky. A survey indicated that 60% of millennials and Gen Z users utilize bill-splitting apps regularly. An app like Splitwise streamlines this by:

  1. Creating Event-Based Groups: Users can create groups for specific events like trips, dinners, or parties.
  2. Recording Expenses: Every expense incurred can be added to the group, with details on who paid and how it should be split.
  3. Balancing Payments: The app calculates the balances, shows who needs to pay whom, and facilitates the settlement process.
  4. Maintaining History: It maintains a history of all expenses and settlements, which can be useful for future reference.

How To Develop A Splitwise Clone?

Creating a Splitwise clone involves several steps, from initial planning and design to development and testing. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you through the process:

1. Planning And Research

Before diving into development, thorough planning and research are crucial. Understand the core functionalities of Splitwise, study user requirements, and identify the features you want to include in your clone.

  1. Define Objectives: Clearly outline the goals of your app and the problems it aims to solve.
  2. Target Audience: Identify your target audience and their specific needs.
  3. Market Analysis: Analyze the market to understand the competition and identify gaps your app can fill.

2. Design

Design is a critical aspect of any app. It involves creating an intuitive user interface (UI) and ensuring a seamless user experience (UX).

  1. Wireframing: Create wireframes to map out the app’s structure and layout.
  2. Prototyping: Develop interactive prototypes to visualize the app’s flow and functionality.
  3. UI/UX Design: Design an attractive and user-friendly interface. Focus on ease of navigation and visual appeal.

3. Technology Stack

Choosing the right technology stack is essential for building a robust and scalable app. Here’s a suggested stack for a Splitwise clone:

  1. Front-end: Use frameworks like React Native or Flutter for cross-platform app development.
  2. Back-end: Node.js or Django can be used for server-side development.
  3. Database: Use databases like MongoDB or PostgreSQL to store user data and transaction records.
  4. Cloud Services: AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure for hosting and storage solutions.
  5. Payment Integration: Integrate payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or Razorpay for handling transactions.

4. Development

The development phase involves coding the app’s front-end and back-end, integrating APIs, and ensuring that all features work as intended.

  1. Front-end Development: Develop the user interface and implement the design using the chosen front-end framework.
  2. Back-end Development: Build the server-side logic, database schemas, and APIs to handle data storage and retrieval.
  3. Integration: Integrate third-party services such as payment gateways and cloud storage.
  4. Testing: Conduct thorough testing to identify and fix bugs, ensuring the app runs smoothly across different devices and platforms.

5. Testing

Testing is a critical phase that ensures the app’s reliability and performance. Different types of testing include:

  1. Unit Testing: Test individual components to ensure they work correctly.
  2. Integration Testing: Test the integration of different components to ensure they function together seamlessly.
  3. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Conduct testing with real users to gather feedback and make necessary improvements.
  4. Performance Testing: Ensure the app performs well under various conditions and can handle high loads.

6. Deployment

Once testing is complete and the app is polished, it’s time to deploy it to the app stores.

  1. Prepare for Launch: Ensure all app store guidelines are met and prepare marketing materials.
  2. Deployment: Deploy the app on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
  3. Monitoring: Continuously monitor the app for performance, user feedback, and any issues that need addressing.

Key Features And Functionalities

A Splitwise clone should include the following key features to ensure it meets user expectations:

1. User Registration And Authentication

Allow users to register and log in using email, social media accounts, or phone numbers. Implement robust authentication mechanisms to ensure data security.

2. Group Creation And Management

Enable users to create and manage groups for different expense-sharing scenarios. Each group should have a unique name, description, and member list.

3. Adding And Managing Expenses

Allow users to add expenses with details such as amount, description, date, and payer. Expenses should be categorized for easy tracking.

4. Splitting Bills

Provide options for splitting bills equally or unequally. Users should be able to specify custom splits based on individual contributions or other criteria.

5. Expense Tracking And History

Maintain a detailed history of all expenses and settlements. Users should be able to view past transactions and filter them by date or category.

6. Notifications And Reminders

Send notifications and reminders for pending payments, upcoming due dates, and group activities. Ensure notifications are timely and relevant.

7. Settling Debts

Facilitate the process of settling debts within the app. Users should be able to record payments made outside the app and update balances accordingly.

8. Reports And Analytics

Provide users with reports and analytics on their spending patterns. Visual representations like charts and graphs can help users understand their expenses better.

9. Multi-Currency Support

For international users, multi-currency support is essential. Ensure the app can handle conversions and display amounts in the preferred currency.

10. Data Security And Privacy

Implement strong security measures to protect user data. Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

How Much Does It Cost To Create A Splitwise Clone?

The cost of developing a Splitwise clone depends on various factors, including the complexity of features, technology stack, development team, and geographical location. Here’s a breakdown of potential costs:

1. Development Team

  1. Project Manager: $50 – $100 per hour
  2. UI/UX Designer: $40 – $80 per hour
  3. Front-end Developer: $40 – $100 per hour
  4. Back-end Developer: $50 – $120 per hour
  5. QA Tester: $30 – $70 per hour

2. Development Time

  1. Planning and Research: 2-4 weeks
  2. Design: 4-6 weeks
  3. Development: 12-20 weeks
  4. Testing: 4-6 weeks
  5. Deployment: 1-2 weeks

3. Estimated Total Cost

Based on the hourly rates and development time, a rough estimate for developing a Splitwise clone could range from $50,000 to $150,000. This estimate includes design, development, testing, and deployment. Additional costs may arise from marketing, app store fees, and ongoing maintenance.

4. Additional Costs

  1. Cloud Services: $100 – $1000 per month, depending on usage.
  2. Payment Gateway Fees: Typically 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.
  3. App Store Fees: $99 per year for Apple App Store, $25 one-time fee for Google Play Store.


Creating a Splitwise clone requires careful planning, a skilled development team, and a clear understanding of user needs. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can develop a robust and user-friendly expense-sharing app that meets the expectations of your target audience. While the initial investment may be significant, the potential benefits and user satisfaction make it a worthwhile endeavor.

Ready to develop your bill-splitting app and tap into the growing market for financial management tools? Partner with Appic Softwares, the best fintech development company, to bring your vision to life. With expertise in building scalable and user-friendly applications, Appic Softwares ensures your Splitwise clone meets all user needs and stands out in the market. Our development costs range from $10,000 to $80,000, depending on the complexity and features of your project.

Contact us today to start your journey towards creating a successful and innovative bill-splitting app!