Astrotalk is an emerging spiritual service-providing company that has gained around 80% of the total market share in the same segment. Moreover, it is said that Astrotalk might more the first spiritual unicorn of India in the coming couple of years. 

If you are here to get more statistical insights on Astrotalk then we should quickly get started:

What Is Astrotalk?

AstroTalk is a platform or program dedicated to discussions and insights related to astrology. It involves exploring the influence of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, on human affairs and natural events. Astrotalk includes conversations about horoscopes, zodiac signs, planetary movements, and their potential impact on individual personalities and life events.  

Astrotalk Key Statistics

  • The sale of consultation services is the primary source of  AstroTalk’s revenue in FY23 and 65% of the consultation was done via chat while the rest 35% with call.
  • Astrotalk has an average call rate of approximately INR 20/Min, and the call consultations usually last around 10 minutes

Astrotalk User Statistics 2024

  • Astrotalk’s total visits were 5.5M from January to November 2023. 
  • 65.39% is the Bounce Rate of Astrotalk.
  • On average, a person visits 3.19 pages on Astrotalk.

Astrotalk Monthly Statistics 

There were 9 lakh visitors from August to October 2023 on the Astrotalk.

Months Traffic (Million)
August 7.2M
September 6.4M
October 5.5M

Monthly visitors Astotalk

Astrotalk Financial Statistics

  • Astrotalk had a 41.7% more profit in 2023 as compared to 2022.
  • Not only profit, but their operation revenue also grew by 146.1% in 2023 in comparison to 2022. 
Factors 2022 (Cr) 2023 (Cr)
Operational Revenue 115 283
Total Expenses 108 269
Profit/Loss 8.5 6

 Astrotalk Financial Statistics

Astrotalk Revenue Statistics 2024

  • Astrotalk has grown its profitability during the fiscal year ending March 2023.
  • AstroTalk’s revenue is Rs 283 crore in FY23. And earlier it was Rs 115 crore in FY22.
FY22 FY23
Expense/Rupee of ops revenue ₹0.94 ₹0.95
ROCE 29% 32%
EBITDA Margin 8% 6%


What Is The Net Worth Of Puneet Gupta?

  • According to DNA India reports, Puneet earns around 30 Lakh per day from Astrotalk.

Market Share Of Astrotalk

  • Astrotalk’s market share is around 80% in the same Astrology segment. 
  • Moreover, Puneet Gupta in a recent interview stated that they are currently working to achieve INR 2000 Crore revenue in the next couple of years. 

Number Of Astrologers On Astrotalk

  • Astrotalk has a large number of astrologers with the tally being 13000+ across domains such as Vedic astrologers, Tarot readers, Numerologists, Vastu experts, and so on. Astrotalk lets you connect with the experts of Astrotalk on call and chat as well and get answers to all your problems.

Astrotalk Demographic Stats 2024

Geographical Demographics of Astrotalk

  • 44.84% of the total traffic on Astrotalk comes from India. 
Countries Traffic (%)
India 44.84%
United States 25.27%
United Kingdom 3.27%
Canada 3.23%
Others 21.07%

Astrotalk Demographic Stats 2024

Gender Distribution On Astrotalk

  • 53.99% of the users on Astrotalk are female and the male is 46.01% 

 Gender Distribution On Astrotalk

Age Distribution On Astrotalk

  • 25-34 (34.96%) visit Astrotalk with the least being 65+ (5.57%) 
Age Traffic (%)
18-24 20.35
25-34 34.97
35-44 17.7
45-54 12.94
55-64 8.47
65+ 5.57

Age Distribution On Astrotalk

Astrotalk Marketing Statistics 2024

  • The maximum amount of traffic on Astrotalk comes via Organic search (77.22%) and the least visitors come via display ads (0.01%).
Channel Traffic Acquired
Direct 21.72%
Referrals 0.25%
Organic Search 77.22%
Paid Search 0.33%
Socials 0.2%
Emails 0.26%
Display 0.01%

Astrotalk Marketing Statistics 2024

Social Media Traffic On Astrotalk

In the social media platform, Facebook acquires 49.95% of the traffic.

Social Media Channels Traffic Distribution
Facebook 49.95%
Youtube 27.06%
Instagram 19.59%
Whatsapp 2.72%
Pinterest 0.68%
Others 2.43%

Social Media Traffic On Astrotalk

Astrotalk Competitor

Astrosage vs Astrotalk

Categories Astrosage  Astrotalk
Country Traffic 69.72% 44.84%
Gender Distribution 39.88% 34.97%
Social Media Traffic 74.03% 77.22%
Total Visits 12M 5.5M


By looking at the above stat we can clearly say Astrotalk is on the rise with year-on-year growth of 2.4X since 2017, Astrotalk currently has low visitors as compared to Astrosage because it was launched in 2000 whereas, Astrotalk was launched in 2017.

Moreover, if you are looking for an Astrology app development company that can help you create an app similar to Astrotalk, then you should check out Appic Softwares

We have an experienced team of app developers that can assist you with your requirements. 

So, what are you looking for? 

Hire us now!

