A massive open online course (MOOC) is a way to give educational tools online to anyone who wants to take them. There are no limits on who can join. Huge Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are available to students from all over the world, and they can pay to take them. Several well-known colleges, like Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, offer these online classes. They cover a wide range of topics and are designed for students at different levels. You can take a single course to learn a lot about a certain topic or a series of courses to learn everything there is to know about a certain area of study.

MOOCs are modern online courses that are mass (have a lot of people taking them at once), open (anyone can take them), and structured like a course (have video lessons and tests built in). A MOOC might not have as many rules, or it might be more like a college or university school. These classes might not always give college credits, but they could help you get a certification, improve your job chances, or even go to college. Most of the time, people use MOOCs to improve their education and job. While some public schools and college degree programs used to not offer MOOCs, because of the coronavirus spread, many now do.

Self-paced learning means watching recorded talks and webinars instead of going to live classes. You can also talk to your teachers and peers at different times through message boards. Assignments might be given once a week, and based on the MOOC, other students might use a set rubric to grade them. Auto-graded questions are another popular way to test students.

The idea behind MOOCs is that a whole college course could be taught online so that anyone in the world could take it. Universities with good reputations were to be “democratized” in this way. Anyone who wants to learn should be able to get a good education, not just a small group of college students in developed countries. This goes from Alabama to Zanzibar.

MOOCs give students and workers the chance to keep learning outside of a traditional university setting at a time when retraining and getting better at what you already know is common practice. This guide has a list of 10 well-known MOOC companies, sort by letter. You will find out more about how each site can be used for networking, education, and credentials. The manual also talks about how business and education can work together.

Table Of Contents

There are two main kinds of MOOCs.

  • 1. xMOOCs
  • 2. cMOOCs

MOOCs can be:

Due to the fact that anyone can join and follow the course at any time, different people will be at different points in time during the course. Some people may just be starting, while others may be halfway through, or even finished.

One in which everyone in the class is following the same parts or sections of the lesson at the same time.

Most people think there are two different kinds of MOOCs:

1. xMOOCs

xMOOCs, which stand for “extended massive open online courses,” The material for xMOOCs is usually provided by universities and other educational institutions that offer a lot of research-based content and background to online learning. Some people say that xMOOCs are not as good as the university courses they try to copy because there are no teacher-student ties and not many interactions between students. Sites that offer xMOOCs, such as edX, Coursera, and Udacity, have examples of them.

2. cMOOCs

cMOOCs, which stand for “connective massive open online courses,” are Massive Open Online Courses that share digital learning spaces and parts and are linked to each other in different ways. Supporters of MOOCs say that in a cMOOC, students learn these mental and technical skills on their own. The main idea behind cMOOCs comes from Ivan Illich’s 1971 book Deschooling Society. Illich says that schools are not enough to teach everyone and instead recommends self-directed learning through social webs. This idea is given a lot of weight in a linked MOOC. It’s a social platform where a group of people can share and build on each other’s information.

Large-scale open online courses (MOOCs) market size

In India, MOOCs have become more popular among workers and students over the past five years. This is especially true for people working in technology and engineering, where it can be hard to keep up with the fast-paced world of technology. The class central MOOC report for 2019 says that India put more than 33 million dollars into SWAYAM. The platform is now open, and there is no extra charge to take SWAYAM classes. India also wants to raise the number of people enrolled in higher education across the country to 30% by 2021. Coursera says that India has the second-highest percentage of users on its website, after the United States. India has 35 million users overall.

  • The market for massive open online courses is worth about US$ 9.13 billion right now, but it’s going to grow at a rate of 16.7% per year until it reaches US$ 31.3 billion by 2030.
  • Huge open online course (MOOC) sales made up 4% of the global e-learning market in 2021.
  • With a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14%, the market for massive open online classes grew a lot around the world from 2015 to 2021.
  • The massive open online course (MOOC) business has grown very quickly around the world because of the COVID-19 virus. As the world has become more digitalized over the past ten years, the MOOC business has grown.
  • The leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies met at the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan, on June 29 and 30, 2019.

An study by FMI shows that there is a 17-unit rise in the difference between the BPS values seen in the market for massive open online courses in H1 2022 and those predicted for H1 2022. Because more people are working from home because of the epidemic, there has been a rise in demand for online learning tools. The market for massively open online classes is growing because of this.

Mezzomedia says that in 2019, 44.6% of people in South Korea used social media like blogs and Naver and Daum cafes, and 43.66% used websites to learn online. In 2019, a mezzomedia study in South Korea found that 36.7% of people said they spent two to three hours a day learning online. All of this shows that people are more interested in learning other languages online when Korean is used more often at all levels. So, they chose MOOC as the platform because it has a lot of things that are easy to get to and do. Also, some of the best colleges and universities in the country, like Seoul National University, offer MOOC classes that can help students learn about business, politics, natural science, technology, the arts, and more.

What are MOOCs?

What are MOOCs?

As more and more things move online, it’s important to understand how online learning works. Because of the pandemic, students have had to take classes away from campus and learn more through online learning. A lot of educational classes help people and businesses that work from home. Videos, articles, and conversation boards are what keep online lectures going. The experience will be mostly the same as going to a regular school with textbooks, a syllabus, and tests. Watch how you use your time, work on group projects, and connect to the internet.

Students can go to MOOCs, which are internet classes, whenever they want. A lot of the time, these courses are just regular classes that are taught online. For example,

1. Video lessons that were filmed or recorded:

Studies show that video learning helps students in many ways, such as keeping them motivated and helping them learn more deeply. It can also improve their ability to lead conversations and spot problems. Video lessons are good for everyone in the classroom, and teachers can use them to set aside time and space for them. Being able to use and change videos that have already been made frees up time in the classroom for teachers to talk and connect with students in person.

It is much easier to understand and remember new things when you use both visual and auditory hints. An expert at Forrester Research named James McQuivey says that one minute of video is the same as almost 1.8 million words of writing. Because of this, when the video is shown in class, students are forced to use critical thinking when they see difficult information.

Video lessons can help close this training gap because they let teachers in both general and special education teach students at their own pace. Students can watch a video more than once to learn and remember things. Kids who are deaf can also read the video’s subtitles.

2. Sets of problems:

Online open courses (MOOCs) use social networking and easy-to-find online tools, and they are led by experts in the field. What MOOCs do best is take advantage of the fact that students can choose to participate based on their own learning goals, existing knowledge and skills, and shared hobbies.

3. Free tests and quizzes online:

MOOCs are based on classes that are already offered at schools and universities. There are no online tests like quizzes and exams in the MOOC. You can’t take the MOOC along with other classes or work. There are no set end dates for courses, so you can start whenever you want and go at your own pace. Free signup and the fact that a lot of MOOCs offer programs that lead to credentials. Talk to your classmates about what you think and feel. You can change the due dates to fit your plan.

4. Modules for interactive learning:

MOOCs are also appealing because users can go at their own pace and review the materials and topics without needing help or direction. They can do this at any time and from anywhere. At least 10 to 12 courses with 10 to 15-minute modules make up a MOOC’s training plan. It comes with a presentation page and a certificate of completion for each lesson.

5. Forums let students talk to each other:

Even though each has been looked at separately in a number of studies, there isn’t much research on either the discussion forums or the online reviews for massive open online classes (MOOCs). Based on the self-determination theory, this paper argues that the progress made in a MOOC has an effect on both the online reviews of that MOOC and the social interactions that happen in discussion forums. It comes from the most popular course on Coursera, the biggest MOOC website, called “Machine Learning,” and it shows how students rated MOOCs online and in the MOOC discussion forum between August 2016 and December 2019.

How to Find MOOCs

This kind of online class is called a MOOC, and it’s free for everyone to take. MOOCs, or massive open online classes, can have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of students signed up.

  • Massive because anyone can sign up, and the number of people who do so could hit hundreds of thousands.
  • Open means that there is no application process and anyone can sign up.
  • Since they are sold online, you can get them online.
  • Course because their job is to teach students about a certain subject.

Most MOOC providers are colleges, but some are also business groups. Well-known colleges and universities like Stanford, Harvard, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offer a lot of online classes. Also, companies like Microsoft and Accenture offer online classes that anyone can access. Before a student signs up for a MOOC, make sure that it fits with their academic and career goals.

Universities make MOOCs, but they don’t usually offer them themselves. Instead, they depend on schools that offer classes like

  • What is Coursera?
  • edX
  • Learn in the Future
  • How dare you

Because of this, students do sign up for MOOCs on those sites and others. It is possible for anyone to join some MOOCs. Some people start regularly, like once every few weeks or months. Some aren’t available very often, but once in a while they come back after a year. Some of them stop being given at some point. There are different types of MOOCs. Some let you move through them at your own pace, while others have a set schedule:

You might not be able to get to all of the course files right away. It comes out in pieces every week instead, which makes students take their time.

So that students don’t fall behind, tests could have due dates.

Even though they have set times, MOOCs are flexible because you can learn at any time of the day or night.

The Good Things About MOOCs:

Massive open online classes have many benefits, such as convenient, affordable, and bite-sized ways to learn. You might be making your own website and want to make it better by adding some dynamic features. So, instead of having planned reading tasks, the course material is made by students from all over the world talking and working together online. It’s kind of like building as you go, and it’s a great way to meet other kids.

These are the main benefits:

  • Try out what a full degree program is like.
  • There are no set end dates for courses, so you can start whenever you want and go at your own pace.
  • Free signup and the fact that a lot of MOOCs offer programs that lead to credentials.
  • Talk to your classmates about what you think and feel.
  • You can change the due dates to fit your plan.
  • You can get free sneak peeks of the training materials and the curriculum.
  • Experts in many areas teach interactive classes at well-known universities.
  • Be aware of how much time a lesson will take.
  • On a social networking site, you can learn from other people your age.
  • You can sign up for the course for free.
  • Some of the best professors at universities chose the course materials for MOOCs and suggest them.
  • You can learn other languages, which means that MOOCs help students prepare for entrance tests in many languages.

Yes, MOOCs are open to everyone who can’t go to regular classes because they don’t have the time or money, but regular classes are open to everyone. Sometimes, the class you want to take isn’t available at your college. In that case, you’ll need to go to a MOOC source to finish the class.

Choose an important way to do things. If you’re having trouble deciding what college degree to get, you can test yourself in a MOOC first. Because of this, you will get hands-on experience with the subject you want to study in college. You can use a MOOC to find out how interesting a subject is before you waste your time and money on that college course.

The Bad Things About MOOCs:

One of the biggest problems is that students don’t want to finish the study. And this is because they don’t want to do it because they haven’t made any payments. A lot of people drop out of a few Massive Open Online Courses that were looked at. There was a high dropout rate, so only 15% of people who signed up for these classes actually finished them. That number of dropouts was high because students took classes with others, so if one dropped out, so did the others. The fact that students could not get college credit made them less driven to finish, which is another reason why many did not.

  • Students who are blind or have low vision cannot be forced to take these classes.
  • If a student doesn’t understand something, the teacher can’t give them one-on-one help.
  • Students in these kinds of classes don’t have to focus as hard because they can just skim the books.
  • There is no animation in the training materials. Besides that, there is no opening. No matter how much the course was presented as being free, there were times when the required book readings that the course designer suggested cost money.
  • There is no minimum age to sign up for a class. You don’t have to be a certain age to enroll, so you can learn anything you want.

Signup and speeding up

Both the form and price of costs can vary a lot. A lot of MOOCs are free, but some online degree programs with a bunch of courses can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Most of the time, this depends on the school or program. For example, those who want to take classes but not for school credit can usually do so. But most of the time, traditional recruiting procedures are needed to get into online degree programs. MOOCs for certification may be self-paced or have a shorter schedule, with most classes taking only eight weeks to finish. classes for college credit and as part of online degrees, on the other hand, usually follow a standard semester plan.

Asynchronous courses are open and can be taken at your own pace. This is different from synchronous courses, which require you to be in the class at the exact time and follow the schedule.

Credentials and degrees based on MOOCs

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) first got the attention of major news outlets in 2011. They said they would make education more accessible to everyone and give high-quality credentials at a fraction of the cost of traditional degrees. For a study center like ours that looks into how well educational policies and practices work, MOOCs seemed too good to be true. For cheap education, the idea of giving a lot of people high-quality training sounds great. However, our study showed that it was possible to figure out how much the costs would be, but much harder to figure out how much the benefits would be.

The authors did a study to find out the pros and cons of students taking a set of open online courses that lead to a non-degree credential. This is because students can now get more substantial credentials and, in some cases, academic credits through MOOCs.

  • One of the many things we learned about these schools was how MOOCs helped them reach more people and make education easier for everyone.
  • helped them build and protect their business both in the United States and other countries.
  • Many teachers were inspired to rethink how they teach and try out new ideas. In some cases, this did lead to better learning for the students, which was recorded.
  • MOOCs can be used for both degree programs and certifications for ongoing education. 

These are the six main groups that MOOC certification classes usually fit into:

1. Free:

These classes are usually only for auditing, but they are completely free. As of now, students can still choose to buy an official certificate of success when the course is over.

2. Gift Certificates:

Certificates of success for a single course can cost anywhere from $20 to $300, but most are around $50 to $100.

3. A microcredential is:

Most micro-credential programs are made up of three to six classes. A well-known MOOC website called EdX says that the average cost of a micro certificate program is $946. They usually have a clear goal and a specific skill or competency.

4. For college credit:

These studies that are approved by universities are like online classes at universities that give degrees. Courses at this level can range in price from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars each.

5. A degree online:

The amount and level of difficulty of homework in online degree programs is about the same as in master’s or continuing education degree programs at universities. The application and admissions processes for online degree programs are often the same as those at regular schools. The cost of these programs ranges from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.

6. Training for businesses:

At the business level, MOOCs are used for training people. A fee for each person is often set up for this method of payment.

Now that students can get a more substantial credential—and in some cases, academic credit—by finishing a series of MOOCs, we should look again at whether and how these programs are helping students. Our theory was that students could do better in school if they spent more time learning a subject in depth and did projects and tests that were harder.

People who are interested in or already working with students might see the certification as proof that the student is self-motivated, persistent, and has mastered a large body of information and skills. In order to test these ideas, we designed a study to look into the pros and cons for students who take part in a MOOC series that ends with a non-degree credential.

MOOC Pros and Cons

By letting anyone sign up for the classes –

  • It’s possible that MOOCs are better for philosophy because they make higher education a public good.
  • MOOCs give students the chance to talk to each other freely and around the world.
  • the freedom to try out a lot of different ways to teach.
  • MOOCs collect information about how motivated students are, how they connect with others online, how well they work together, and how they usually learn.
  • Disruptions in higher education and high school that are good for teaching.
  • Could be helpful in an open classroom.

Some of the biggest perks are –

  • There is no dependence on place
  • Better access to higher education
  • How much higher schooling costs

Flexible plan for learning

  1. No dependence on physical location:

By not having to go on a daily trip, kids can work together better and save time. It’s also possible to be alone when you go to school online.

  1. Access to higher education has been improved:

Getting a good education in poor countries is not only convenient, but it can also improve people’s quality of life and help with efforts to promote sustainable development. This is because it makes a good learning environment that is easy to get to.

  1. How affordable higher education is:

Because they can be scaled up or down, these classes are cheaper than in-person courses with the same level of content.

  1. Flexible plan for learning:

A lot of classes let students learn at their own pace, which works with their busy work plans. Even if you can’t finish the course at your own pace like you can with online degree programs, daily and weekly pre-recorded lessons can give you more freedom.

Bad things about MOOCs

The biggest problems with MOOCs are –

They’re not a magic bullet for getting kids to learn.

They aren’t fully developed enough yet to offer complete peer assessment methods, stable business income models, high retention rates, good educational design, or a way to stop cheating and plagiarism.

  • A lot of people worry about technical problems with the sites that MOOCs are held on.
  • In tests, questions with more than one answer are common.
  • People who are signed up rarely or never get the chance to write a study paper.
  • The participants have a hard time getting along with the professor.
  • Due to the fact that MOOCs don’t always have good educational design, they often feel like stages.
  • The writers also stress how important it is to follow standard methods for making lessons.

Along with different pros, it also has some cons:

Being flexible can make it harder to run the course, since some students need the structure of in-person teaching.

A study from the University of Texas found that only 6.8% of MOOC participants finished the course. This is a much lower rate than for traditional classroom-based classes. Students might not be as motivated to sign up for a free online course as they would be for a paid in-person course.

  • Less people can get in touch with the teachers.
  • Digital literacy is the skill of knowing how to use the internet well.
  • It’s less possible that students and teachers will become friends.
  • It’s possible that kids who have trouble seeing or hearing won’t get help.
  • For courses, you need a strong internet connection, which could be a problem in developing countries and places with few resources.

Because there are so many identical courses in areas like computer science, it can be hard to choose the right one. This is called “paradox of choice.” For your next business need, you can hire a mobile app creator from us.

Well-known MOOCs

Because they have made it possible for so much educational and instructional material to be found online, MOOCs have become very popular. Online technology is now used in education, following the lead of sectors like eCommerce for shopping and YouTube for fun.

The biggest MOOC systems were all made at well-known American colleges between 2011 and 2012. Important leaders in the field include Professors Anant Agarwal from MIT (edX), Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng from Stanford (Coursera), and Sebastian Thrun from Stanford.

Structure of an example MOOC course

A lot of MOOC courses follow a basic structure. Modules are often used to break up courses, even if the lessons and development are the same as in-person classes. A module is made up of a lesson or a unit for a class. Each module usually has a mix of lectures, readings, problem sets, graphics and diagrams that you can work with, and a quiz or test at the end of the module. In a normal module, you might find the course outline, necessary readings, video lectures, a problem set, and a quiz that is graded automatically.

Of course, the length and depth of modules can change. Some classes may require more time each week and go over a lot of information quickly. Some people may learn better at their own pace and only need a few hours a week.

The History of MOOCs

For the University of Manitoba’s online course “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge” in 2008, Dave Cormier of the University of Prince Edward Island came up with the term. Two hundred and thirty-five paying college students and two hundred and thirty non-paying members of the public signed up for the course online. People could take part in a number of different venues, such as the Moodle learning management system, blog posts, the online world Second Life, and real-time online meetings. The content had RSS sources.

MIT OpenCourseWare, which came out in 2011, was the first major repository of MOOC materials made public by a school. EdX was created by MIT and Harvard in 2012 to help spread the word about MOOCs. That way, it sounds like the word “kook” instead of the name of the book. As of August 2013, the word “MOOC” was added to the Oxford Dictionaries Online.

For students who want to learn technical skills, online courses are becoming more and more popular as the need for tech work grows. MOOCs are becoming the new standard for education at all levels, from grade school to bachelor’s degree programs that can be done from home. This is because of the coronavirus pandemic.

What do MOOC companies do to make money?

MOOC platforms usually make money when people take the course and choose to buy the optional certificate in addition to the video material. Most of the time, this costs money. A common business model on the internet called “Freemium” pairs free material with a paid extra service. This model helps MOOC providers pay their bills. It is expected that the biggest site, Coursera, will make around ten million US dollars.

Some MOOC platforms also offer course series that can only be accessed by paying a fee (mostly for professional growth). The providers are still trying out different ways to run their businesses. Universities and other content creators often use MOOCs as a way to sell their products without clear financial goals in mind. Their online courses let them meet with people who want to become students from all over the world. A school or university might also talk about how well it knows something in a certain area.

Which MOOC sites are the best for taking online classes?

Which MOOC sites are the best for taking online classes?

Self-paced learning means watching recorded talks and webinars instead of going to live classes. Message boards let you talk to classmates and teachers when you’re not in the same room at the same time. Different students in the MOOC may use a set of criteria to grade weekly assignments. Auto-graded questions are another popular way to test students.

MOOCs give students and workers the chance to keep learning outside of a traditional university setting at a time when retraining and getting better at what you already know is common practice. This guide has a list of 10 well-known MOOC companies, sort by letter. You will find out more about how each site can be used for networking, education, and credentials. The manual also talks about how business and education can work together.

There are different places that

  • 1. Canvas Network:
  • 2. Cognitive Class:
  • 3. Coursera:
  • 4. edX:
  • 5. FutureLearn:
  • 6. Iversity:
  • 7. Kadenze:
  • 8. Khan Academy:
  • 9. Udacity:
  • 10. Udemy:

1. Canvas Network:

Canvas Network’s professional development classes are designed to meet the needs of teachers, school administrators, and other people who work in education. Some of the things that are talked about are how to lead and use assessment in student affairs, how to help women get into STEM fields, and how to handle research data for librarians. MOOCs are open to students who know English, Chinese, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Like other sites, Canvas Network’s online classes are mostly free and can be taken at your own pace. With open license options, teachers can share and reuse material as well as use third-party tools to meet their own needs. Because of this benefit, teachers can make and run their own MOOCs to help students learn in the classroom.

2. Cognitive Class:

The IBM Cognitive Class program, which used to be called Big Data University, offers free courses to both new and experienced IT workers in order to promote data literacy. Users are not rushed to finish their work and can do it whenever they want. There are a lot of different topics in these MOOCs, like using Python for data science, reactive design, digital analytics, and regression.

Students can also choose to learn in a more general way by signing up for a set of lectures that cover broad topics like programming in Scala and deep learning. Cognitive Class gives students more than just pre-recorded lessons. It also has a virtual lab where they can use what they have learned. Candidates can get verified digital badges instead of awards, which are forms of recognition that can be used across sectors and can be transferred.

3. Coursera:

What is Coursera?

Coursera was started in 2012 by two Stanford professors and is now one of the biggest providers of massive open online classes in the world. The platform works with 190 businesses and universities to provide totally online, self-paced learning that leads to digital credentials at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels. Coursera has a high user satisfaction rate because 87 percent of customers say it helped them get a job.

The catalog lists more than 3,900 classes and specializations in business, computer science, engineering and physical science, the arts and humanities, and foreign languages. Through the colleges it works with, Coursera also offers online degrees at reasonable prices. You can get a master of science in accounting from the University of Illinois or a global master of public health from Imperial College London.

4. edX:

edX is a different well-known MOOC platform that was made by Harvard and MIT working together. Students can choose from more than 2,500 classes offered by 140 colleges and universities. These courses cover a wide range of topics, such as data science and the humanities. You can also take computer science classes in Python, learn cybersecurity, front-end, and full-stack programming on the site.

Our open-source learning platform, which is used by edX, lets teachers and tech experts make MOOCs better by adding technology that fits the needs of each student. Students can get job certifications and college credits through the MicroMasters and MicroBachelors programs. On top of that, edX offers fully online graduate degrees, such as master’s degrees in supply chain management, nutritional studies, and marketing.

5. FutureLearn:

FutureLearn: Take a lot of open online classes

It was started by 12 universities in the UK in 2012, and some of them are King’s College London and the University of Leeds. Its mission is to offer huge open online courses. There are 418 short classes that students can take to learn new skills in areas like digital product management, ecology and animal science, and the future of globalization. A lot of well-known companies and colleges could also give them micro-credentials.

People can also get a bachelor’s degree in international business or a master’s degree in cybersecurity through FutureLearn’s cheap online academic programs. FutureLearn lessons are structured in a way that is different from other platforms. They are based on a story, and students are given weekly to-do lists to help them keep track of their work. One-on-one help for students is offered from a network of tutors.

6. Iversity:

Massive Open Online Courses at Iversity

Iversity is a company based in Berlin that works with many businesses, NGOs, and colleges to provide more than 60 courses in English, German, and French. With the help of web designers and UX writers, the platform meets the highest standards in its field, ensuring that it is easy to use and that students are actively involved.

Aside from its “Diversity for Business” goal, the group also offers training for businesses. Students can choose from traditional MOOCs or rushed “Espresso” classes on topics like climate change and health, data-driven marketing, and global labor standards. Applicants can also take expensive “Pro” intensive classes at Iversity. They can save money by bundling their “Pro” classes.

7. Kadenze:

Kadenze MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses)

With the help of 18 academic partners, such as Princeton University and the Rhode Island School of Design, Kadenze became a for-profit business in 2015. The focus of this MOOC provider is on creative technology, the acting and visual arts, and other subjects that have been left behind as STEM education has taken the lead.

Students like working on their assignments at their own pace and on their phones, and they like being able to use professional showcase tools to show off their skills. Users can go to separate classes on topics like making movies, managing projects for designers, and making sounds with Ableton. Even though Kadenze’s MOOCs are mostly free, students can pay to get access to in-depth studies and other premium materials. Kadenze also has programs that are specifically made to help students focus on a certain subject.

8. Khan Academy:

Massive Open Online Courses at Khan Academy

Khan Academy is based on the idea that everyone has the right to an education. One way the platform does this is by offering free online classes with instructional videos, practice questions, and a unique learning dashboard. Khan Academy is different from many other MOOC companies because it focuses on teaching pre-algebra, English as a second language, AP chemistry, and U.S. government and civics to students in grades K–12.

Furthermore, students can get study tools for standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, GRE, NCLEX-RN, and even the Praxis exams. Khan Academy also has tools for parents and teachers that help them give standards-aligned course materials and keep an eye on their kids’ progress. Ning tools let people meet with teachers and students all over the world.

9. Udacity:

Udacity is a for-profit MOOC platform that helps people get better jobs by offering online classes in technical and vocational areas. One of the six topics that are covered is data science. The other four are cloud computing, autonomous systems, and artificial intelligence. Students can also sign up for classes in programming and development in C++, Blockchain, and Android developer. People who already have jobs can also finish MOOCs that teach them how to handle products and do marketing analytics.

Udacity has a lot of employment services in addition to its many training options. These include personalized job counseling, help with building a CV, and tips on how to use LinkedIn most effectively. Through the Udacity Talent Program, users can make detailed profiles and send them to top companies like Google and Mercedes-Benz.

10. Udemy:

Massive open online courses on Udemy

There are more than 150,000 classes on Udemy in 65 languages, making it the biggest website for learning online. Many MOOCs cost money, but there are a lot of classes that are free. Users can pay for premium material to get services like direct messaging, Q&A, and certificates of completion. The topics fall into 11 main groups. Some examples are photography, exercise, and getting work done faster.

Also, students can take classes in banking and accounting to learn the basics of bitcoin and blockchain technology and to improve their skills in analyzing the foreign market. Udemy also has courses in personal growth that can help people deal with stress, feel better about themselves, and make connections that last.


A lot of people talked about whether traditional schools would go away because of the free online classes at the start of the MOOC craze. Profs had also spoken out against how they thought MOOCs would hurt the credibility of teachers from selective schools. Now that the excitement has died down. People see MOOCs as an extra piece of technology that can be used in modern education to teach a lot of students at once.

At first, the “Open” part of the MOOC names and material that didn’t need a license were emphasized. Then slowly but surely closed licenses and other courses that you could sign up for for a fee began to show up. A certificate was often given to students who finished the course and got good grades on all of their quizzes and projects. Those lessons are still open, which means that anyone can sign up and take them for free.

As MOOCs became more popular, more MOOC companies like Coursera, Udacity, and edX started to show up. Along with these growing providers, many colleges were also interested in MOOCs and joined the trend. Many of these colleges are ahead of their time and include top schools like Stanford, Harvard, and MIT. They keep providing good service and classes that everyone can take.

There is no doubt that the digital revolution will continue at universities. It will bring about many changes and new possibilities. MOOCs make it possible to reach the “long tail” of students in specific fields who live in different areas and can’t go to classes at a nearby college. The use of technology in the classroom and the growth of online learning are both clear signs that they will continue. It’s not clear what role colleges will play in the long run.

Because MOOCs are so flexible, you can use them to build on what you’ve learned in college or to learn completely new things. MOOCs can also help working people who want to learn specialized and technical skills that will help them in their jobs. Finally, these online classes are a great way to meet other students and business leaders from all over the world.

In the world of educational software, which is always changing, Appic Softwares is a great example of how to be creative and flexible as an iOS app developer company. With the rising trend around the world toward online and mixed learning, we know how important edtech is. In order to make useful edtech solutions, Appic Softwares has made a thorough plan. This is because more schools, teachers, and students are using digital tools. 

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